Questions About the Lwa and Voodoo

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 503

Questions About the Lwa and Voodoo

Post#1 » Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:35 pm

I thought I would start a thread about general questions about the Lwa. This is not for specific information including how to serve them, their songs, or work magic with them. But merely a way to provide some basic understanding about their roles and where to start. When I say where to start I mean that you have already been serving your ancestors for more than a year and have some sort of spiritual foundation. For those seeking specific information you may PM and I will answer questions at my personal discretion.

I don't want this to turn into: "this site says this" or "I read a book and according to it you are wrong..." Understand I am a fully initiated houngan from a very long lineage of houngans. My house teaches in an oral fashion and our methods are our methods. I don't care how Mambo X or Houngan Y does things, that is their business. I am here to provide a FREE (and that word is a rare word in Vodoo) opportunity to ask questions and pick my brain. If don't know something I will tell you, no houngan knows everything there is to know about Voodoo as it is a wide and varied religion with many different cults that have varied practices.

If questions/comments get ridiculous I will not offer a thread like this again.

Houngan Michael

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