
The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Post#1 » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:05 pm

Guys - I'm hoping for a little clarification, if I may, from the more educated members here.

I've been working with Elubatel of late, in order to boost my business, and I note that both NAP and PAD use a call to Anaphaxeton during thir respective workings.

Aside from some brief mentions, here and there, I can't seem to find a great deal of information on this spirit, and was hoping somebody could illuminate me, hopefully including what his link with Elubatel is?

Many thanks :D


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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#2 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:23 am

Liberate Temet Ex Inferis

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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#3 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:10 am

Thanks for the link; I'd already come across that, and it really does make for fascinating reading for a Luddite, such as myself :lol:

I also found some discussion of the potential lineage of Anaphexton's name, which may be useful to record here:

These are the results of some queries I made during 2002 regarding the traditional Triangle of Evocation as found in the Lesser Key of Solomon the King.

Part of a post to an e-list regarding the words around the Triangle of Evocation:

The reason why I chose Greek rather than Hebrew to look to for translations was because of the 'ton' ending (indicating definitive neuter article 'the'). Tetragrammaton was among the names around the triangle of evocation diagram, and it literally means 'the four-lettered', and the other names seemed to follow suit by having the same endings/form.

It appears to me that these words were probably derived from Greek but that the person who wrote them down phonetically was not a fluent speaker. I had to assume that he spoke either German or Latin or both because of the way they were rendered (the 'eu' in Primeumaton made me think German - see below).

Here are the results of my research across modern, biblical, and ancient Greek lexicons:

Ana = by, through

Pheneros = manifest, to make clear (although modern usage seems to indicate 'obvious' or 'clear')

Phos = light
Words beginning with a 'phax' or 'phex' root seem to indicate light as well.

Possible interpretations of the words when assembled:

Anaphaxeton = through/by the light
Anapheneton = through/by the light

Later note: I had at least one person, supposedly knowledgeable in ancient Greek, put me down for "distorting the roots" of words, as he said. However, my opinion was that if the person or persons who originally wrote the words weren't Greek speakers or were merely fabricating words for magickal use, then it wouldn't matter whether the word roots were distorted in this case. I simply wanted to look at all possible angles, just in case something interesting or useful came up.

This is the original letter I sent to several University professors in Sydney, Australia. I played dumb to ensure a response (no point in scaring them off):

Greetings! I'm an American student in Sydney currently researching the origins and meanings of some potentially Greek terms from a Renaissance (or late medieval) document for an online article on the religious, philosophical, and esoteric movements of the late middle ages and early renaissance, and I was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on the topic.

The words in question come from an esoteric/magic/religious text on spirit evocation called the Goetia, or Lesser Key of Solomon the King (the first book of the Lemegeton, I believe). They were found on a diagram commonly known as a triangle of evocation, wherein 'spirits' were supposed to become manifested as a result of the magician's conjurations. They've been rendered into Latin letters and probably spelled phonetically by a person who didn't speak the language. They are:



I was thinking that if I could identify the origins and meanings of those terms, I might be able to track down the earlier sources for such practices. I haven't ruled out a possible Hebrew connection, but my first guess was that they were of Greek origin (Tetragrammaton was nearby on an inscription, and I recognized that as a Greek term often written in place of the Hebrew name for Jehovah). Any suggestions you might have on translations and origins of these words would be greatly appreciated.

Here are the most complete responses I received from that query:

"ANAPHAXETON: Perhaps derived from ANA-APHASSW (to feel/touch/reach upwards)?

ANAPHENETON: Perhaps should be ANAPHAINETON: something that has been lit up
(ANA-PHAINW). If so,
then it sounds like a Greek speaker said this word, and a non-Greek speaker
wrote it
1. Anapheneton could be derived from Anaphainome which means to become
'perceptive by vision'; to look impressive; to come out of obscurity

2. Anaphaxeton is perhaps derived from Anaphxetos which means:
something has not increased; it can not be increased.

Ana in Arabic means I am. Somehow the first word makes me think of the Sufis.
The meaning in Arabic then would be similar to Greek, but much more."

There's some interesting allusions to both 'striving' and to come from a perspective of 'already having achieved success, which cannot be bettered'.

So, I'm beginning to see some tenuous links, POSSIBLY explaining why Anaphexeton would be called during a working of Elubatel.

Any other thoughts, please folks? :bow


Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#4 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:12 am

The phrase "Anaphaxetone, which Aaron heard and spoke..." comes from the Exorcism of the Spirits of the Air in the Heptameron.

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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#5 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:47 pm

Thanks, Tai!

tai wrote:The phrase "Anaphaxetone, which Aaron heard and spoke..." comes from the Exorcism of the Spirits of the Air in the Heptameron.

The full quote runs:
Lesser Key of Solomon (The Second Conjuration) wrote:and by the name ANAPHAXETON which Aaron heard and spake and was made wise;

...So we now have the concept of 'striving for wisdom', whereby undeniable, ultimate success may be achieved.

Does this follow, for you educated guys, or am I grasping here?


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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#6 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:34 pm

Anaphexeton means 'Great God of all the Heavenly Hosts' according to some resources.
Hic nominabit Spiritus quos volet, cuiuscunq ordinis sunt.

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Magister Templi
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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#7 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:29 am

philodox wrote:Anaphexeton means 'Great God of all the Heavenly Hosts' according to some resources.

The greatest likelyhood is based in the fact there are two names:

This is a good approximation of its meaning.

Anephenaton (An-apheni-ton) - which in cognate would be connected to

Anephaxeton (An-aphechi-ton)

I did more work with finding out more about this after our last debate - and I worked with a spirit know to help me fill in blanks VERY well, and i approached him through Arbatel revisions and updates I made last year during my sabbatical from here. That spirit led me to a man, or rather led him right into my workplace - that very same day. We were talking about mobile technology, and I was showing him my phone. He saw an app on it, and mentioned he knows a lot of

His tradition retains this:

The root is the key, the story is the proof.

Pheni means "free, let go, release."

Phaxi is the past participle form of pheni.

Aaron - his tradition holds, prayed for God to let his people Go before the night Moses was seized with anger, and he prayed not just to Eloah, or El, but he prayed to God as Elohim Tzabaoth, which was literally, the Most High of All, of all the heavens.

The next day, as he was at work, his prayers were answered. He was beaten, and as he was being beaten, Aaron cried out this name - and Moses was seized with anger and killed the Egyptian who was beating him, not even knowing this was his brother he saved.

This breaks ALL kinds of things I know about biblical history, but it is more than suitable that the name of God Arron uses is connected to Unbound Existence, and the veil of that name in greek would be rooted to the word meaning "Let Go."

Afterwards, I got my "yup, that sounds legit" sense tingling, and so I think this guy - who was really cool, and teaches Biblical Greek and grew up from a family outside of Dutch Pennsylvania - is probably onto something. This is EXACTLY the kind of story that would pop up in early Qabala and Greek Magick.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#8 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:39 am

Thanks for your valuable contributions, guys; truly appreciated :bow

Is there any particular logical 'link' between Anaphaxeton and Elubiel, or is the use of this name simply to draw divine energy into the working?


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Magister Templi
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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#9 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:49 am

I can not tell you what Elubatel means, it is a name that is bound by tradition.

I can say however, it is the God of Jacob. Jacob is typically associated with the sphere of Tiphareth.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: Anaphaxeton

Post#10 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:04 am

Thanks, Raum; you have provided a suggestion for starting points, there.

I'll follow these roads, and see what I can learn from the journey...

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