Getting some things sorted out regarding Enochian workings

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.
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Getting some things sorted out regarding Enochian workings

Post#1 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:16 pm

vague heading i know, sorry for that

as with some others in this forum, i am also trying to do more substantial Enochian work now. I have wondered about the spirits of the tablet of union - is this recommended to contact them first? I have heard from another person practicing that the Servient Angels are the hardest to call up as opposed to those higher up the hierarchy.

So many different approaches whether GD or 'original' or modified - i am trying to do this without a whole room set aside for a temple, but just a space in my bedroom - i have had some vague success but am not sure and then failures - and from this i have several questions and hopefully

1. should one first ensure that they are in an altered state before beginning the calls? What a basic quesion- - would think yes, but then i read of success people have had who clearly did not sound like they had undertaken any kind of prior meditations to go into deeper states. This said, i followed the Goetia conjuration from teh Illustrated Goetia by Crowley/DuQUETTE once and that in itself seemed to change my state of receptivity
2. The holy table, i dont have a proper table but a large print of it - however does one need this - or is it better to have the tablets and a tablet of union -

I am a little frustrated as i have been attempting to contact HTMORDA and although since i have been doing this over the past 3-4 days, i have had several paralysis dream states (always my launching pad for astral travel) and also when going to bed and intense even unbearable pressure to leave my body through my head - which is okay i suppose as i was trying for HTMORDA to help me have been astral work - although really i just hope to improve my skrying ability.

Skrying - i am not sure if i have done this right when i have had some success in images/falling into that hypnogogic state - there was a cave - then i went in it became like corridors there was a room on the left, tiled, dirty - two women were in a tiled bath embracing each other. i knew they were to be avoided, i went right into a longer hall, wind blowing a little through white curtains. the hall is empty long and dark, a stage at the far end, i called Bataivah but then a somewhat mute large white demon - too hollywood/doom looking was towering to the left, i ignored it and projected a hexagram onto the stage wall, this lit up in different ways - i remember this much, but i still dont have anything to be sure whether it was a legitimate something or just mind nothings. In the past with Edlprna i saw a flaming rocky bridge over a void space , like inside the cylindrical space of an Hurricane Eye. The bridge in flames and seemed steep and impassable.

Can decent Enochian skrying work be done through just visualisation work and through just mental intonation? as i sometimes need to rely on this due to living in a shared townhouse with other housemates who are not inclined to the occult and the thought of them overhearing me is a distracting anxiety.

Jeder fuer sich und Gott gegen alle.

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