My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#1 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:41 am

Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you my planned first evocaction with Elubatel, and I`d love to hear your opinions.
I`m planning on the following:

-Lesser banishing on the pentagram
-Middle Pillar

Light a white candle, burn a couple Sandalwood sticks
Draw Elubatel`s sigil
While holding the sigil, say the incantation:

In all my undertakings henceforward,
I conjure and command Thee
Mighty ELUBATEL (ell you bait ell)
To protect me, bear me up, and carry me forward to the pinnacle of success. Thou shalt give me clarity of mind to confound my opposers; Thou shalt bend the Laws of the Cosmos to my and Thy will, bringing each and every one of my
desires to pass. I shall be enwrapped in Thy faultless powers, and tread ever higher to that glittering peak which I covet. Hear this and obey me:
Which Aaron heard and spoke.
Thou shalt guide me to success.
So mote it be"

Put an offering of cammomille tea with some honey on it, while saying my specifical intent, in which time frame, etc etc,
stating that when I get the job done there will be a good" reward "for him. (I will told him what it is as I already know )
I will sound a little bell to finish the ritual.

Do you guys think is it neccesary to do a banishing afterwards? Elubatel seems to be a positive force. Or if I don`t do it some trouble might arise afterwards?
Any insight will be appreciated. Thank you!!!

Frater Synadelfos
Posts: 121

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#2 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:07 am

Hi, this all sounds pretty good. Can I ask what's your thinking behind the offering? I think some spirits like offerings and others don't and I was wondering what prompted you to offer Elubatel the tea ad honey? I offer incense, so I give him and the Divine offerings too. Chamomile is an interesting choice, as this is an ingredient of Bardon's fluid condenser.

I very rarely banish, but I do finish off each of my rituals with a warding ritual like the Rose Cross ritual from the Golden Dawn, or the Shield of the Magi from Magic that Works.

Good luck with it all,


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Posts: 41

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#3 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:05 am

Hi, thanks for taking the time to read and reply my post. I`m quite new at magick, been reading a lot about it but with not that much practice :(. I`ve read other workings with Elubatel and they seem to state that he likes sweet fruits, sweet things in general and cammomille tea. Yes, I`m aware about what you say about Bardon, I`ve read IIH. Certainly a fascinating book, but...boy that`s a difficult program!!At least to me, but will keep on practicing.
Once everything is done and I get what I want (something related to my own job), I`ll offer him this sort of things I mentioned but during a whole week, plus a public "thank you" online. Hopes he likes it :)

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#4 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:33 pm

I just think that you should first do it the way its done in the book, that works just fine in my book. Geoff Gray-Cobb wrote the book to get away -i figure- from all the lbrp etc , just a straight forward thing, Offerings would be kool though.

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Posts: 41

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#5 » Fri May 27, 2011 9:28 pm

Well I did the ritual...offerings included ...the due date I asked for was June 30...nothing seems to move nor change (wasn`t this entitie`s specialties)...and things seems so stern... (I asked eLUBATEL to get me back to the section I worked before). My ex boss doesn`t seem to like the idea at all...what do you think....

Posts: 230

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#6 » Sat May 28, 2011 7:34 am

maybe it's weird you didn't have a circle (draw astral one) for me....and I don't really know if angels can appear so easily without any tool, like triangle, mirror or whatever...this is a thing I would also like to know in my own rituals...general one.

Let us know if it worked! :P

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Posts: 41

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#7 » Tue May 31, 2011 10:27 am

I didn`t expect a manifestation, just expected him to listen to my request and took my offering and the promise of more offerings if he granted my request. I mean, he could do the last and hear you without a manifestation, right???

Posts: 230

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#8 » Tue May 31, 2011 11:52 am

I think you're right, if he's manifested in the astral so you don't see him but he's still there. But then. how would you know if he really was there considering you couldn't look in the astral, maybe rely on weird feeling? and would you know if he doesn't agree or asks for something more, and you can't hear the only thing you can do is really wait to see if it succeeded I guess.

I did read somewhere on the forum that someone said it's best when you evoke them and tell them to come into your dreams.(lucid?) Maybe consider that. Also with astral projection you can do so much sick things, like make your own temple there, like THE temple, do the work... and I think they all manifest clearly. Maybe you can give them an assigment there?

Topic author
Posts: 41

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#9 » Tue May 31, 2011 9:02 pm sucks to have underveloped astral senses. I didn`t feel a "weird" feeeling while doing the ritual, just didn`t feel anything at all. (I mean, from him). I felt respect and reverence, and my offerings were based on other`s people accounts of what he likes. As his "job" is related to moving, and I asked him to get me back to my former office (I`m in another floor right now), no harm intented to anyone, but I got removed from there because a person (his secretary, who called herself "my friend") really badmouth me and my former boss relies on her, sadly. She did this with bad intentions. I didn`t asked Elubatel to punish her, just asked him that my former boss, saw he did a mistake and got my old job again. No more, no less. I didn`t think at the time of the ritual Elubatel wouldn`t agree, since he`s an angel, I`m not asking to torment her, and I did offerings to him, and as I said, his office was "to move" and moving back is what I need. Don`t see any changes, and I see my former boss very closed minded on the idea of giving my old job back. I gave Elubatel as a due date June 30 th, but still Nothig... (The ritual was two months ago).
Any insights????

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: My planned fist working with Elubatel.opinions please!!

Post#10 » Tue May 31, 2011 9:06 pm

Maybe he just said "no".

You said you've read up on him...then you'll know that some have not got what they asked for but then something better came along that they would have missed out on if they HAD got what they asked for.

Someone else was told he just didn't like them (or what they were asking for) and flat out said NO.

All that said: I think you misunderstand his office and have taken the word "move" at a literal and very limited and in this case, incorrect meaning. You're asking the wrong spirit for the wrong thing in my opinion. He is way bigger than what you're asking him to do.

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