Experiment with planetary chants and lunar transits

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Experiment with planetary chants and lunar transits

Post#1 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:13 am

Tl;dr: I decided to revive an old experiment with the Planetary Chants in the NAP, to see if they can trigger initiations, similar to other forms of Planetary Gatewalking. I don't think they did, but I learned a lot about planetary chants.

I was in two minds about posting this, as this experiment turned out a bit messy, but I thought someone might get something out of my experiences.

Background: in 2019 there was a thread about working with the Planetary chants in the NAP in their traditional Chaldean sequence as an initiation, which I participated in. This was just before the forum got hacked around New Year. I only got back into my account earlier this year. I think the thread got lost during the hack. Most of my findings were detailed in the thread, so I only had memories to go on.

The intent of the thread (as I remember) was to trigger initiations into planetary forces using the planetary chants in NAP. I remembered that directing these planetary forces to create internal change, or to initiate me, didn't seem to work. Instead, I only experienced the planetary forces when I directed them towards an external, tangible goal. I cut it short at Mercury (I think).

In 2020, I consulted an astrologer who recommended that I track my lunar transits. This means tracking the position and signs the Moon is travelling through, and noticing what happens to me in each Sign (I use planetwatcher.com for this), which I've done for over six months.

Back to the NAP, I returned to the Planetary Initiation experiment earlier this year. Initially, I planned to ascend and descend the Planets in the traditional Chaldean order. I have already done this in the past, having worked through R.O's Seven Spheres.

With the NAP, I took a different approach. For each Planet, I selected a tangible, worldly goal for the planetary forces to latch onto. Since the accomplishment of the external goal doesn't matter, I can just shoot for the biggest, most ridiculous example of something from GGC's list for each of the planets. The real intent was to experience the effect of each planetary force, and to see if I can trigger initiations like in other systems of planetary magic.

In the end, it didn't work that way, and I cut it short at Jupiter for reasons detailed below. I got over-enthusiastic and wrote a 10-page document of my experiences, cross-referencing my natal chart, before cutting it down to the findings below:

What I thought would be a series of initiations turned out to be a data gathering exercise for each chant. I learned how each planetary force works in my life, and how I could utilize them magically. It was like a magical diagnostic. Each planet has shown me where I am blocked, both magically and in my life. This is useful information for future enchantments.

I also learned timing. Noting the position of the Moon on a daily basis made me aware of my own personal times when I'm at a disadvantage in enchanting for external change. I thought of those grimoires where they list planetary hours or days as “Useless hour” or “Do nothing.” etc. And for me, this seems to be when the Moon is in Aries.

A good example of the timing issue is when I was working with Mars. I got dramatic results with Mars immediately. But as soon as the Moon entered Aries, the positive side of working with Mars stopped. So I dropped Mars and started working with Jupiter during the final decan of Aries. I got nothing until the Moon entered Taurus, when suddenly I got results.

I'm not saying Moon in Aries is a universally bad time for magic - I just think that I found my personal time when it's probably best to drop enchantment and do inner work like meditation, dream work, etc.

Finally, I proved my earlier idea wrong about using planetary chants to enchant for self-transformation. I succeeded in self-change when working with Mars. The mistake I made in 2019 was that my intention was too vague. I was enchanting for initiation into each planetary sphere. It needed to be personal and specific, with real desire behind it.

As for results with the individual planets, some were more dramatic than others:

Moon: I enchanted for a specific type of woman as a partner. I ended up meeting this woman who was exactly as I visualised during the ritual, making flirtatious eye contact with me in my local area. Interestingly, the top she wore was coloured puce (attracting colour of the Moon).

I also met lunatics on my daily commute: a crazy man shouting at no one in particular. A woman who tried to dive into traffic right in front of me. Another woman, on the same street, crying against a lamppost. All happening during my regular “short journeys”. (side note: the two unfortunate women showed up when the Moon was in Capricorn).

Mercury: I enchanted to write a great stage play. Didn't happen, but conversation seemed to flow online and opportunities came my way via social media.

Venus: Enchanted for love with a specific type of woman again. Became very enthusiastic about creative projects I had sidelined. Social gatherings became easier and more fun, even at work. Didn't meet any women though.

Sun: Enchanted for a successful career. Became very focused, experienced increased mental clarity.

Mars: Enchanted for vitality in the form of sexual virility. The intention was “Women are drawn to my virile, manly nature.”

Performed the first ritual on a Tuesday morning before heading to the gym. I got some serious female attention in town that morning. I got attention in the gym too - one woman actually started following me around. That morning was amazing.

This continued for the rest of the week until the Moon went into Aries, and it just stopped. I still consider it a strong result.

Jupiter: I chose “growth”. Initially, my intention was “My income grows to £50K per year.”

But during the first ritual, I changed it at the last second to “My income grows to £50K per year, and I am surrounded by a harem of women.” I don't know why, I was just in a flippant mood.

When the Moon entered Taurus, my Bumble profile suddenly blew up. And by “blew up,” I mean 6 likes, after a year of nothing. Interesting thing is, half of these women were very successful and wealthy, and looking to settle down.

If I did end up settling with these women, and we combined our finances, my income would definitely get to the £50K mark or more.

But I dragged my heels responding, and they unmatched me or deleted their accounts after a couple of days, probably wondering what possessed them. Lesson learned – the blessings of Jupiter evaporate quickly. Don't hesitate to take them.

Admittedly, I haven't gone on to Saturn yet, mainly because I cannot think of a practical use for Saturn right now.

I didn't find the planetary chants to be effective in initiation. I think they are meant for practical purposes. I'm now more interested in taking what I have learned and applying it more intelligently with serious goals that I am actively working towards.

Having been through this, I have some good ideas of how to apply the planetary chants. But this post is long enough already, so I might post these ideas some other time if anyone is interested.

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Re: Experiment with planetary chants and lunar transits

Post#2 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:03 pm

Thanks for sharing your results.

The hindrance in Aries is interesting to me, as that would sound like a maladaptive current within your chart being made manifest during that time. Have you checked your Natal chart to determine where and how Aries appears & what its disposition is towards you on the whole? That'd be the second thing I'd look to here, as that's now a consistent source of hindrance and frustration for you that you've seen made manifest along the way.

You may find that working with the spirits of Aries, taming them, and then returning to your planetary ventures could prove to be powerful & useful.

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Re: Experiment with planetary chants and lunar transits

Post#3 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:31 pm

Wanderer wrote:Have you checked your Natal chart to determine where and how Aries appears & what its disposition is towards you on the whole?

Well, according to the astrologer, in my chart Mars is retrograde in Aries in the 9th House, and Aries describes my worldview. That's all I know. I don't think Mars needs remediation as it's the most powerful and constructive planet in my chart.

There's also the fact that Chiron is in Aries right now, and there seems to be a build-up of tension as the Moon approaches Chiron that releases after it passes. I don't know if you're aware, but Chiron is known as the "wounded healer", and highlights unconscious issues in the individual. This is why I'm looking into more contemplative, self-healing forms of magic during that time.

I'm not sure how to tame the spirits of Aries, but I'll certainly look into it. Thanks for the advice.

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Re: Experiment with planetary chants and lunar transits

Post#4 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:11 pm

Note: I have intentionally cut up your post to address like things at the same time. Please forgive any confusion that might cause here

Pengersw1ck wrote:There's also the fact that Chiron is in Aries right now, and there seems to be a build-up of tension as the Moon approaches Chiron that releases after it passes. I don't know if you're aware, but Chiron is known as the "wounded healer", and highlights unconscious issues in the individual. This is why I'm looking into more contemplative, self-healing forms of magic during that time.

Cheers for the reminder. ;) - I'd also look at Pluto, as that generally is the planetary representation of the crap you've not dealt with. When the planet's in retrograde as it is now (and will remain until Oct. 6), we tend to see more and more really frustrating manifestations made present as a reflection of those wounds coming to the surface. It makes for an ample time for change.

Pengersw1ck wrote:Well, according to the astrologer, in my chart Mars is retrograde in Aries in the 9th House, and Aries describes my worldview. That's all I know. I don't think Mars needs remediation as it's the most powerful and constructive planet in my chart.

Pengersw1ck wrote:I'm not sure how to tame the spirits of Aries, but I'll certainly look into it. Thanks for the advice.

I'd recommend looking into the spirits of Aries & connecting with them, as with that planet being retrograded in your chart, even if Mars' disposition is positive, Aries' influence "warps" it slightly (or more than slightly). As you connect with the spirits of Aries in this way, you can work actively towards removing that "warp", thereby smoothing the road for yourself in the future.

Think of it as doing a kind of spiritual charity to soften negative influences & you'll have the right of it. Likewise, I'd also recommend looking at your Lilith to determine where it falls within your chart and what houses it afflicts, since that too can make for some weird occurrences in your life. ;)

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Re: Experiment with planetary chants and lunar transits

Post#5 » Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:47 pm

Wanderer wrote:I'd also look at Pluto, as that generally is the planetary representation of the crap you've not dealt with. When the planet's in retrograde as it is now (and will remain until Oct. 6), we tend to see more and more really frustrating manifestations made present as a reflection of those wounds coming to the surface. It makes for an ample time for change.

Okay, I will bear that in mind, although having looked into Pluto it seems as though a lot of astrologers can't seem to agree about what it means. I'm no astrologer, but there seems to be a lot of debate over what Pluto even means in a chart. All I know is that in my chart, it is in the same House as Saturn and they seem to be linked.

Wanderer wrote: Likewise, I'd also recommend looking at your Lilith to determine where it falls within your chart and what houses it afflicts, since that too can make for some weird occurrences in your life. ;)

Well this is interesting. I had no idea that Lillith had any place in astrology until I Googled it. I used a couple of calculators and found out that my "Black Moon Lillith" is in Capricorn. My experience with the two suicidal women in the OP happened when the Moon was in Capricorn. Also, the Moon was in Capricorn when you pointed Lillith out to me ;)

Unfortunately, all the material I've found about Black Moon Lillith is crap - a lot of stuff about how Lillith in my chart shows the ways in which I am "transgressing the patriarchy", etc, etc. And the advice on remediation is so vague that it's useless. Personally, I think it might just be a good time for shadow work. Maybe even working directly with Lillith, but only if other routes fail or if I'm really inspired.

For a thread on the NAP, it's turned out to be pretty heavy on astrology. I get the feeling that this might be putting other people off from responding, or even reading. I have been working with NAP since the OP, I just need to get my thoughts together and write something up.

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Re: Experiment with planetary chants and lunar transits

Post#6 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:24 pm

Pengersw1ck wrote:Okay, I will bear that in mind, although having looked into Pluto it seems as though a lot of astrologers can't seem to agree about what it means. I'm no astrologer, but there seems to be a lot of debate over what Pluto even means in a chart. All I know is that in my chart, it is in the same House as Saturn and they seem to be linked.

Entirely reasonable! For context, I approach Pluto not as an astrologer but as a magickian, using planetary magick to connect with the entities within that sphere. My experiences in doing so have been profound, as Pluto tends to bring suppressed energies to the surface, almost regardless of their moral or ethical quality. It has consistently been the turn-and-face-it planet in my own works, and this has held true both for myself and for the clients I've worked in that sphere for.

Pengersw1ck wrote:Well this is interesting. I had no idea that Lillith had any place in astrology until I Googled it. I used a couple of calculators and found out that my "Black Moon Lillith" is in Capricorn. My experience with the two suicidal women in the OP happened when the Moon was in Capricorn. Also, the Moon was in Capricorn when you pointed Lillith out to me ;)

Ha! Funny that. That's good to be aware of. ;)

Pengersw1ck wrote:Unfortunately, all the material I've found about Black Moon Lillith is crap - a lot of stuff about how Lillith in my chart shows the ways in which I am "transgressing the patriarchy", etc, etc. And the advice on remediation is so vague that it's useless. Personally, I think it might just be a good time for shadow work. Maybe even working directly with Lillith, but only if other routes fail or if I'm really inspired.

For a thread on the NAP, it's turned out to be pretty heavy on astrology. I get the feeling that this might be putting other people off from responding, or even reading. I have been working with NAP since the OP, I just need to get my thoughts together and write something up.

Taking a step away from the moralizing and weird judgements people place on Lilith-as-Goddess, note that I am here viewing the astrological Lilith as being a separate entity/affliction unto itself. In my experience, this force is a darkening of the chart that occurs in connection with a specific constellation's energy. Its an affliction and a "poison", yet not something that cannot be faced, worked with or remediated. Instead, it requires additional attention and very often benefits from direct one-to-one communications with the Decanate of a given constellation's structure.

As you become aware of this detriment within your chart/existence, you can essentially engage in your own ritual therapy to solve some really strange issues in direct correlation to however many houses and astrological aspects that sign afflicts. I've got some fun stories about that one, having done a great deal of work around this for clients.

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