Fiery dragon during an astral projection

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1219

Fiery dragon during an astral projection

Post#1 » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:34 pm

Hello everyone,

I've had this strange experience during one astral projection and I still can't figure out its meaning. This post is adressed to both APers and others who could have a better understanding of animal magical representation than I have.

I found myself in the galaxy during this astral projection. Couldn't tell how I ended up there but this is where I was. Could see the stars and the planets like you would expect when being in space. No sound, everything was silent.

Suddenly looking in front of me I see this golden fiery dragon appearing. A bit like in the picture except that I could see him in front of me (and not sideways) and his full body. He was there in front of me and started to shine brighter with all the golden flames brighting and he deployed his wide wings. All this while staring at me.

I didn't have a feel of danger and by no mean I felt this dragon was hostile. I was just blown away by the show and couldn't stop watching in silence.

Then after a while he disappeared.

When I woke up I wondered the meaning of this astral experience. At first I thought that maybe this dragon represented my true self. Then I thought about Michael. Then I dropped both those ideas and told myself that truly I didn't know what this dragon did represent and why I would see it.

I know that this might be a bit short for you people to have a clue, but I'm like throwing a bottle in the sea in the case someone would have an idea about what this meant.

Otherwise no big deal, thank you for reading :)


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