Trying to heal my adverse reaction to low pressure zones.

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Trying to heal my adverse reaction to low pressure zones.

Post#1 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:56 pm

For as long as I can remember I have been knocked on my ass by weather changes. Largest issue is when a low pressure zone comes in with rain, fog, wind etc, but I can also react when the weather turns nice. Worth it to note that I only suffer during the transition period from one weather type to another, a week of rain is fine exept the first and last day.

I get debilitating migraines with vomiting etc(weather is my most frequent migraine trigger), inflammation and strong pain in joints, especially shoulders and neck, and a heavy depressed feeling and low energy.

This affects my life waaay to much, I once calculated that I will spend 13 years of my life in bed vomiting if I live to 90 based on the frequency of my episodes. Too much.

I have migrain medications that sometimes help, but do not reduce the joint and energy problems.

Now I am on a quest to defeat this problem. I will go at it from several angles, will order Galangal and other supplements against inflamation and joint pains, change diet to combat migraines and so on.

But the spiritual angle..

I have noted that certain wind directions affect my mood, notably triggering migraine, but also, a strong westerly wind makes me hot tempered and irritable, we are talking powder keg.. .

So, I will try working with the Winds and see if there is some spiritual cause. I will also do balancing and integration work with the elements, especially water and air.

I am writing this mostly to hear if anybody else have similiar problems or perhaps some UPG that I might test out. Not spellbegging, just looking for pointers from the knowledgable folk here.

For all I know there's some old greek/latin/hebrew manuscript germane to my situation as the effects of weather and the winds on humans was considered common knowledge in Antiquity.

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