Question regarding a chant

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Question regarding a chant

Post#1 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:59 pm

So I've been a lurker here for a long time and I've also used NAP for quite some years having a pretty good success. I was able to get people to stop bothering, used the success chant for work and the excite love to get my girlfriend (now ex).

Had some problems with my girlfriend and she ended up breaking up with me, I decided to use NAP to get her back but I think I am a bit confused about which chant should I use. I have been using the rekindle one for 4 days and nothing happened yet but I was thinking if I should go for excite love or the success one?


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Magister Templi
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Re: Question regarding a chant

Post#2 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:10 am

tedpa41 wrote:So I've been a lurker here for a long time and I've also used NAP for quite some years having a pretty good success. I was able to get people to stop bothering, used the success chant for work and the excite love to get my girlfriend (now ex).

Had some problems with my girlfriend and she ended up breaking up with me, I decided to use NAP to get her back but I think I am a bit confused about which chant should I use. I have been using the rekindle one for 4 days and nothing happened yet but I was thinking if I should go for excite love or the success one?


Someone else is bound to step in and give you some assistance but we do not accept spellbegging. I am not going to give you any magical advice at this stage.

What I am going to post may seem harsh. I am sure that you feel you are deeply in love. I actually do not like upset people.

This is only my opinion and you know what opinions are like :D

Back off and leave the friggin magic alone. Man up! look at the situation in total and look at her contribution to the split (very easy). Now look at yours (which can be hard a we all like to project the fault onto others).

try and engineer a half hour meeting and discuss the matter with your faults first and then hers. Do everything with dignity because some people can sense desperation . see if the situation cannot be fixed.

If all else fails look around you there are plenty of great or even better women around out there. You would not be the first man to get dumped and some even fall upwards and land better partners. I do like women. I would rather sit around and talk with women than sit in a freaking sports bar!! But I have never seen a solid gold pussy and I am not even curious! :rofl

Best wishes lil bro
The vulgar is at everyone's command. Eirenaeus Philalethes - The marrow of Alchemy

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Re: Question regarding a chant

Post#3 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:40 am

Please don't take what Pablo said as harsh. I know it's not what you want to hear, but he is 100% correct and is giving you the best advice that any big brother would give.

There is a reason your girlfriend is an "ex." It's because the relationship wasn't meeting her needs. If you take a HUGE step back, you will probably find it wasn't meeting your needs either. Sure, you screwed like rabbits, you got to hang out, she smelled nice, and she inflated your ego. That's not what you need to maintain a healthy relationship. How are your communication skills? What are your needs in a relationship and have you clearly defined them? Have you asked your latest chickie snack what her needs were and share yours? Do you know what a healthy relationship is? Do you know how to keep one going? When you fight with your girlfriend, can you fight fair, or do you eviscerate her?

Personally, when a woman becomes an "ex," my motto becomes, "On to the next victim." Depending on the level of emotional maturity and life skill advancement between you two, you might be inviting major problems back into your life. Sometimes is just better to burn the bridge and move on.

So, because you asked, four days isn't a whole lot of time for a NAP ritual. It can take up to 30 days. Might take longer than that. If she is what you REALLY want, I would suggest getting you lover back, then exciting love. The issues of why you broke up will still be there and you're going to have to work fast and hard to start fixing them.

Or, as a big brother, I say use this time to work on you. Go to your local library and read some of those embarassing books on relationships, communication, Dale Carnegies How To Win Friends And Influence People, etc. Sit down and make a list of all the qualities you want in a woman. Make a list of all the qualities that you will NOT put up with. Then make a list of your qualities. Are you the type of dude that your dream woman will be attracted to? I will start you off with basic hygiene. Women love basic hygiene. Keep going from there. Do the healing invocation. Ask to be healed of all your past relationship traumas. Then, invoke Dynamis and become a badass. Dynamis will help you hone your social and communication skills. After all this, do the chant to attract love. Take the top five qualities that you are looking for and can't live without (hint: large boobs, does anal, or swallows shouldn't be in there, unless it's an absolute deal breaker). Tell the spirits about your top five list and then get out of the house and go to places where you would meet your dream chick. Help the spirits help you.

That's the best advice I can give you. Either way, this is your chance to experiment. Make the best of it. Keep an open mind and your eyes open. Success leaves clues...
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

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Re: Question regarding a chant

Post#4 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:43 pm

I know you guys are right, I've been in quite a good amount of relationships and I just thought this was the one hence my -possibly- desperation to get this girl back. It's been a week and a few days since we broke up and for the most part it has been hard. Haven't contacted her yet since then. Since NAP has worked for me befores I went ahead and decided to use it again so yeah, there's that.

I really want for this to work, I know what and why the break up happened so next week I'll probably contact her by text not in person

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Re: Question regarding a chant

Post#5 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:13 pm

I wish you luck. If it doesn't work, please keep the advice Pablo and I posted here, in mind.

Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 595

Re: Question regarding a chant

Post#6 » Fri May 25, 2018 7:44 pm

Pablo wrote:
tedpa41 wrote:So I've been a lurker here for a long time and I've also used NAP for quite some years having a pretty good success. I was able to get people to stop bothering, used the success chant for work and the excite love to get my girlfriend (now ex).

Had some problems with my girlfriend and she ended up breaking up with me, I decided to use NAP to get her back but I think I am a bit confused about which chant should I use. I have been using the rekindle one for 4 days and nothing happened yet but I was thinking if I should go for excite love or the success one?


If all else fails look around you there are plenty of great or even better women around out there. You would not be the first man to get dumped and some even fall upwards and land better partners. I do like women. I would rather sit around and talk with women than sit in a freaking sports bar!! But I have never seen a solid gold pussy and I am not even curious! :rofl

:goodpost Spot on point!

Geezuzss Kryest, if I had a nickel for every time I said something similar, Pablo, I could buy my own 747 and fly us all to Cancun for the weekend. I really do NOT understand this obsession where heteros and gays have with "I must have X back in my life!" Really?? So what happens if X is dead?!?! Hmmm? What then? You just give up on life? You need become mature about relationships. Maturity will show you that there's millions of people who are out there and many who would enjoy your company; any number of them would sleep with you and out of those a goodly number would most likely become your permanent S/O - so long as they knew you're not sniveling over someone else who dumped you. Right? You need to have maturity and self esteem for a relationship. Without those two things, you can't get yourself out of first gear and most likely she figured it out and just got rid of you fast.

Suggestion: if you're good at New Avatar Power, then make use of it! Now! (if you haven't already) Just write up what you liked about HER: personality wise, appearance, intelligence, emotions, then go for the background - family & social standing, career, friends & family members (remember what's her's is yours!), and so on. You want everything but a name or a face to put to it. THEN summon the appropriate NAP spirits and then read to them your desired woman. Instruct the spirits to find a few woman who FIT all of these desired attributes and put them in your path and to ensure they are interested in YOU - preferably one at a time. ;) Then it's up to you to date them until you and SHE come to the realization you're meant for one another. Done.

Now seriously, WHY is that so difficult for you or anyone to do? That's how I've met every S/O I've ever had as an adult after I became a practitioner. I let the spirits help me find someone that's ideal for what I want and who can deal with my BS (gods help her). ;)
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