Elubatel - invocation

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Elubatel - invocation

Post#1 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:31 am

Hello folks,

This is my first post in this forum. More than a year, I have had this persistent nudge to learn and connect with angels. Stumbled upon Damon Brand GoM books and used them for a while. Nitika gave a break through in finances showing hidden sources of money via forex that I can leverage.

Apart from that, I have had this long desire to experience plant medicines and wanted a break through in life style and enough wealth to travel the world. After skimming through the forum for a while now, I understand Elubatel is considered an angel of omnipotence and intuitively feel he can help me. (have already come across this in DB's wealth magick). NAP also contains a invoking for success with this angel. But noticed a lot of people cautioning against depression and life altering.

Please advise if there are ways to invoke this Angel and work with it for overall life changes rather than restricting to Wealth like how Damon has formulated or exclusively invoking like NAP for Success.

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Re: Elubatel - invocation

Post#2 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:56 am

elephantboga wrote:Hello folks,

This is my first post in this forum. More than a year, I have had this persistent nudge to learn and connect with angels. Stumbled upon Damon Brand GoM books and used them for a while. Nitika gave a break through in finances showing hidden sources of money via forex that I can leverage.

Apart from that, I have had this long desire to experience plant medicines and wanted a break through in life style and enough wealth to travel the world. After skimming through the forum for a while now, I understand Elubatel is considered an angel of omnipotence and intuitively feel he can help me. (have already come across this in DB's wealth magick). NAP also contains a invoking for success with this angel. But noticed a lot of people cautioning against depression and life altering.

Please advise if there are ways to invoke this Angel and work with it for overall life changes rather than restricting to Wealth like how Damon has formulated or exclusively invoking like NAP for Success.


Please introduce yourself in the introductions section. We take a pretty strict line on spellbegging her so try and come up with your own rituals and theories and I am sure you will receive some supportive feedback.

Kind regards

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Re: Elubatel - invocation

Post#3 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:43 pm

Hi Pablo,

I am not spell begging here. Rather asking for ways where people have found a working that connects with Elubatel. Lets not delineate to it to some baser action right away. Because some approach or resources where practical magicians share their invocation methods may resonate deeply than others. I am entirely new to ceremonial magic.

Already been browsing and searching through reading this forum on how different people have experienced this powerful angel.


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Re: Elubatel - invocation

Post#4 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:34 pm

Hi El,

Please drop by the "Introduction" board and tell us about yourself. We are a curious bunch and love to read about the newest members. As far as Elubatel goes, what have you tried with him? What specifically are you hoping to get out of working with him? Have you done any divination work to inquire about contacting Elubatel? What sources are you using to research him?
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

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Re: Elubatel - invocation

Post#5 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:44 am

WolfAmongSheep wrote:Hi El,

Please drop by the "Introduction" board and tell us about yourself. We are a curious bunch and love to read about the newest members. As far as Elubatel goes, what have you tried with him? What specifically are you hoping to get out of working with him? Have you done any divination work to inquire about contacting Elubatel? What sources are you using to research him?

Hi Wolf,

Dropped a message in intro section. I knew Elubatel by the writing of Damon Brand. After coming across this forum and reading about NAP, I see that many people have had their lives rearranged in a forceful way to a better alignment with their higher will.

I specifically need help to restructure my life towards the work of exploring consciousness in all forms.

What kind of divination work do you refer? Tarot? or Scrying kind? I suddenly got this burst of inspiration to improve my mental faculties of imagination via Benjamin Rowe. As I told, I feel strong currents of energy that moves me to do certain work and focus on them. Some are temporary/fleeting others are sustaining , a broad stroke. I cant make out at this stage whats in hold to work with Angels via Sigils, invocation or ceremonial magick. I am from South India so ceremonial magick and magicians are distant and remote where its a land of bhakti and yogic style meditation. But I am drawn to western esoteric tradition though I dont have any friends or connections in this circle. (but a lot of desire and hope that someday IT will BE)

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Re: Elubatel - invocation

Post#6 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:10 pm

elephantboga wrote:
Hi Wolf,

Dropped a message in intro section. I knew Elubatel by the writing of Damon Brand. After coming across this forum and reading about NAP, I see that many people have had their lives rearranged in a forceful way to a better alignment with their higher will.

I specifically need help to restructure my life towards the work of exploring consciousness in all forms.

Best person to talk to about that is Summerland. I don't think you get a choice of how your life is restructured. It just gets restructured.

What kind of divination work do you refer? Tarot? or Scrying kind?

Tarot, pendulum, chicken entrails, tea leaves, etc. It might not be the right time for you to be working with Elubatel.

I suddenly got this burst of inspiration to improve my mental faculties of imagination via Benjamin Rowe. As I told, I feel strong currents of energy that moves me to do certain work and focus on them. Some are temporary/fleeting others are sustaining , a broad stroke. I cant make out at this stage whats in hold to work with Angels via Sigils, invocation or ceremonial magick. I am from South India so ceremonial magick and magicians are distant and remote where its a land of bhakti and yogic style meditation. But I am drawn to western esoteric tradition though I dont have any friends or connections in this circle. (but a lot of desire and hope that someday IT will BE)

If I were you, I would stick with the three angels in Brands Wealth Magick book, as he says it helps to balance things out. You don't have to use it for wealth magick, just change the ritual. Even then, if you read Brands FAQs about it, he says to expect changes and some discomfort. This is definitely going to be one of those cases of YMMV.
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

Posts: 455

Re: Elubatel - invocation

Post#7 » Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:09 am

Changes and discomfort might happen if you were trying to change your wealth level via non magical means, fwiw. I feel a lot of people aren't prepared for the amount of change involved in getting what they want, or they think nothing will change. And that a lot of the change and discomfort that happens via magic is often change and discomfort that can't otherwise be avoided anyway, if you actually want what you say you want.

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