Signs But No Results

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Signs But No Results

Post#1 » Tue May 30, 2017 4:30 am

Sometimes when i do NAP i see signs of what i asked for but the result is not manifested.For example i used the general purpose invocation and i asked for 100 euros.After an hour i saw a gym with a big sign on it ''100 euros for six months''.
Then the number 100 apeared several times during the day and after two days i found on the street fifty cents and after an hour another fifty.This equals 100 but not the 100 euros i wanted.

The other time i asked from nitika 50 euros,and i found a lighter which was covered with a fake fifty euro dollar bill.Then again the number 50 was all over the place for two days but the only thing i received was some coins and nothing more.

Has it happened to anyone else here?
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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#2 » Tue May 30, 2017 9:57 am

Tell us exactly what you are doing, when you're doing NAP. Also, have you read the entire book? How many times?
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#3 » Tue May 30, 2017 12:32 pm

How often are you doing these rites, exactly, and what methodology are you using?

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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#4 » Tue May 30, 2017 2:12 pm

I do it the usual way but i skip the relaxation ritual.I was doing it in the past but i realize that it's not helpful for me.I've tried various trance methods and other states before the ritual,but again wasn't working the way i wanted..The key wasn't there.

I use the first line of the relaxation ritual and then go straight to Arzel.After the energy shift i wait a little to stabilize the current and then i proceed with the chants.

Seems like the subconsious mind did get my message and it's looking for what i want to achieve,but i'm not sure if he 'll bring it into manifestation.
An ounce of experience is worth a pound of theory.

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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#5 » Tue May 30, 2017 2:44 pm

Sounds like this lack of a relaxation ritual means that the mindset appropriate to the work isn't present. If so, that'd explain your lack of success with this.

NAP strikes me as an instance wherein one retreats into themselves as a means of attaining the stance appropriate towards conjuring these entities. Without that internal abode & the ability to access it, your work's operating at half-power.

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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#6 » Tue May 30, 2017 2:55 pm

I've used the relaxation ritual,and even more deeply trance states but the result was the same.I've donne Nitika chant on the go while i was walking outside in the public without being relaxed and it worked.That's why i doubt about the relaxation ritual.Something else is missing
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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#7 » Tue May 30, 2017 3:38 pm

I'd suggest that, given the sympathies you've received in terms of results, the spirits may be nudging you to be more clear with how you form your request, e.g. In regards to structure, as well your specific desire(s).

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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#8 » Tue May 30, 2017 6:19 pm

Not a bad suggestion, Taleir.

Deeper states of relaxation (IE, being in 'the Zone') are definitely instrumental, but wordplay and the use of proper suggestions do, too, have a great deal of importance. If you're asking solely for paltry sums, rather than the opportunities to make more cash, you're missing out and employing a spirit of some importance in a less effective way.

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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#9 » Wed May 31, 2017 1:22 am

dron wrote:I do it the usual way but i skip the relaxation ritual.I was doing it in the past but i realize that it's not helpful for me.I've tried various trance methods and other states before the ritual,but again wasn't working the way i wanted..The key wasn't there.

I use the first line of the relaxation ritual and then go straight to Arzel.After the energy shift i wait a little to stabilize the current and then i proceed with the chants.

Seems like the subconsious mind did get my message and it's looking for what i want to achieve,but i'm not sure if he 'll bring it into manifestation.

What is the usual way that you use NAP? Please give us the specifics. Do you use anything outside of the system (incense, candles, picture of the pope, oils, etc)? Have you worked on your pendulum abilities and asked for more clarity as to what is going wrong? What is the way that you want the relaxation before the ritual to work? As asked, how long are you doing the chants? How are you wording your requests (are you asking Nitika for $2 million in $100 denominations)? Are you lusting after the results?

One thing that I can see wrong is: "but i'm not sure if he 'll bring it into manifestation." Brother Moloch did a post about this on his blog. If you do a google search you can read it in it's entirety, but basically when it comes to NAP, you need to believe like a four year old at Christmas time that Santa is bringing you your gifts. You don't care about the how's or the whys, you just KNOW that when you wake up on Christmas day, there will be stuff under the tree with your name on it. You need that kind of mindset, without lusting for the results.
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

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Re: Signs But No Results

Post#10 » Wed May 31, 2017 4:45 am

WolfAmongSheep wrote:
dron wrote:I do it the usual way but i skip the relaxation ritual.I was doing it in the past but i realize that it's not helpful for me.I've tried various trance methods and other states before the ritual,but again wasn't working the way i wanted..The key wasn't there.

I use the first line of the relaxation ritual and then go straight to Arzel.After the energy shift i wait a little to stabilize the current and then i proceed with the chants.

Seems like the subconsious mind did get my message and it's looking for what i want to achieve,but i'm not sure if he 'll bring it into manifestation.

What is the usual way that you use NAP? Please give us the specifics. Do you use anything outside of the system (incense, candles, picture of the pope, oils, etc)? Have you worked on your pendulum abilities and asked for more clarity as to what is going wrong? What is the way that you want the relaxation before the ritual to work? As asked, how long are you doing the chants? How are you wording your requests (are you asking Nitika for $2 million in $100 denominations)? Are you lusting after the results?

One thing that I can see wrong is: "but i'm not sure if he 'll bring it into manifestation." Brother Moloch did a post about this on his blog. If you do a google search you can read it in it's entirety, but basically when it comes to NAP, you need to believe like a four year old at Christmas time that Santa is bringing you your gifts. You don't care about the how's or the whys, you just KNOW that when you wake up on Christmas day, there will be stuff under the tree with your name on it. You need that kind of mindset, without lusting for the results.

The usual way for me is to call on Arzel and then do the chant.If the book sugests to do the Centrall Pillar or something else,then i'll do it.No candles and stuff like that.Just what the book says.As for the relaxation ritual i'm sure it's there for a reason and that reason it's not to relax your nerves or your body.If that's the case then everyone could make NAP work by having a sleeping pill and then reecite the conjurations with total success.

I'm not sure what you mean by ''how long are you doing the chants''
I'm not sure about how to word the requests because sometimes the words i'm saying are taking place in the activation process after the chant.For example i do the nitika chant,i feel the activation of the words i'm saying and then i say'' i want you to go forth
and bring me gold worth of 50 euros ''or'' bring me a sum of 50 euros etc.

The point is that these words are also activating something inside me and i have the feeling that sometimes the wording requests after the invocation can change the frequency of the chant.
I agree about the mindset state you wrote about but as everyone knows, it's not so easy to let go of lusting.I've seen results within a few hours so i aim to bring my desires into manifestation in no nore than three days and that's why i ask for small sums.I want it to work fast.

What's the point to have an extra 50$ if you can't get it on the time you need it?
An ounce of experience is worth a pound of theory.

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