Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#21 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:17 pm

Interesting stuff. I recently started with NAP myself, but my own history with magick prior to this has led me to fear "being put through a wall". I was already put through the wall without calling on Elubatel to give the extra shove! I wanted to return to school and change careers, and setting that intention meant that my life basically fell apart, I lost my job, and I developed a chronic illness that FORCED me to move back home (the path of least resistance for returning to school) and change careers (and resolved once I had!). It was exactly the kind of thing people are describing with Elubatel.

Since then, I've been kind of terrified of setting large scale intentions magickal ly - I suppose I must get over this (as things turned out okay, sorta). My way of doing things now - I've called it "micromagick" forever - is to project manage my magickal work; I break goals up into more manageable segments or chunks. But there may be some truth to... If you have a really large scale goal (the kind you'd do success magick for), you may have to let go of the "how". When I magicked to return to school, I had no idea how this was going to happen; it seemed impossible... But everything lined up, over the next year, to make it happen. In some cases, the misfortune (such as losing my job) paved the way (I was able to qualify for a state program where I collected food stamps and received unemployment benefits while taking college classes). I wonder if some of the "losses" many of us are experiencing doing success magick or working with Elubatel, are like this.

My recent work with Elubatel makes me think (and I felt he was directly communicating this) that meeting him halfway is my (and perhaps others') best tactic. I have been working with him to get employment, but I'm also doing every mundane thing possible as well. I am getting this feeling that the NAP entities work like this.

(I used to do magick to just get things to come to me effortlessly, and it worked. But it also turned me into an awful, spoiled person with no actual life skills.)
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Magister Templi
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Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#22 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:35 pm

Thanks for your comments NoxLumina.
Really micro-magick is a very good approach. Working on steps to a goal.
Ok, I forgot it sometimes too... ouch!!! :D

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#23 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:03 pm

I think the biggest and most important thing I have learned from working with Elubatel is being able to see things. See...recognize the opportunities....not hesitating...not wondering, "is this it?" "am I making it up?" What I mean is...a while ago when I did my first Elubatel evocation I didn't have any expectations. Nothing much was known, couldn't find any one sharing experiences really. Not many anyway, not in detail.

My "wall(s)" were inconveniences because the path that appeared I did not recognize. So when I did not take what I could not see...it would shift and other things would fall apart until soon there was only one reasonable choice. When I went there, it all smoothed out and in hindsight I could see my error.

You do not fight the wave. You don't second guess it, you don't read into it. You learn how to recognize what it's doing (what you asked it to do) and see that it's placing you in a position.

Something I found out through this experience that makes more sense out of my entire life and magical work is that the entire universe is set up so you can succeed. But we are our own worst enemy. We look, we search, but we...do not always see. It takes a certain flexibility of thought that......I thought I had, and perhaps to a certain degree I did but nothing compared to what I learned through such a strong current as Elubatel the way I manifested it through my work. (and continue to do so)

Once I broke through that "wall" 6-10 months or so and was able to see everything for what it was, see what I missed and recognize things differently, my ride has been just as adventurous but much less chaotic. I'm in a nice mellow area where vast improvements have established a 6 month pattern. In general my life gets measurably better every 6 months. There has been no backwards momentum.

Elubatel is not for the weak but can make you stronger for sure. :)
Live lightly.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#24 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:52 pm

MagiAwen wrote:I think the biggest and most important thing I have learned from working with Elubatel is being able to see things. See...recognize the opportunities....not hesitating...not wondering, "is this it?" "am I making it up?" What I mean is...a while ago when I did my first Elubatel evocation I didn't have any expectations. Nothing much was known, couldn't find any one sharing experiences really. Not many anyway, not in detail.

My "wall(s)" were inconveniences because the path that appeared I did not recognize. So when I did not take what I could not see...it would shift and other things would fall apart until soon there was only one reasonable choice. When I went there, it all smoothed out and in hindsight I could see my error.

You do not fight the wave. You don't second guess it, you don't read into it. You learn how to recognize what it's doing (what you asked it to do) and see that it's placing you in a position.

Something I found out through this experience that makes more sense out of my entire life and magical work is that the entire universe is set up so you can succeed. But we are our own worst enemy. We look, we search, but we...do not always see. It takes a certain flexibility of thought that......I thought I had, and perhaps to a certain degree I did but nothing compared to what I learned through such a strong current as Elubatel the way I manifested it through my work. (and continue to do so)

Once I broke through that "wall" 6-10 months or so and was able to see everything for what it was, see what I missed and recognize things differently, my ride has been just as adventurous but much less chaotic. I'm in a nice mellow area where vast improvements have established a 6 month pattern. In general my life gets measurably better every 6 months. There has been no backwards momentum.

Elubatel is not for the weak but can make you stronger for sure. :)

MagiAwen.......Im still learning how to calm the seas with him, It gets better but still a lesson in the end......
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Magister Templi
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Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#25 » Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:29 am

MagiAwen wrote:Elubatel is not for the weak but can make you stronger for sure. :)

Good comment MagiAwen!

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Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#26 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:38 pm

MagiAwen wrote:My "wall(s)" were inconveniences because the path that appeared I did not recognize. So when I did not take what I could not see...it would shift and other things would fall apart until soon there was only one reasonable choice. When I went there, it all smoothed out and in hindsight I could see my error.

This is like the Elubatel algorithm.
Doing is learning what you need to do

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Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#27 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:25 pm

jeff grayhair wrote:When working with Elubatel through NAP one can expect dramatic changes.
My question is:Can one stop the train while it is rolling?Is it an instant dramatic change or does it taper off in clock time?My life has been a train wreck since calling on Elubatel .I just wanna know "OK Already I Get It! Is It Done Yet"?
Please let me know.

I never noticed that effect, personally. But then again, I don't usually call on something dramatic unless I want, and am ready for, something dramatic to happen.

Since I feel myself to be generally fairly capable physically and mentally, I seldom importune powerful entities for anything specific. If I want something from them, it's almost always information that will help me decide how to proceed with something I want to do or to see happen.

    Make someone notice me or something I did? I can do that myself.
    Stop some self-destructive habit? I can do that myself.
    Help me make more money at my job? I can do that myself.
    Get someone to stop bothering me? (Et cetera)

One reason the NAP entities are so popular is that they are overall relatively benign and unspectacular in their actions but of course it really depends on why you called Elu. in the first place.

A friend who is a mechanic typically has people bring machines that have been close to destroyed to him to fix. Often a customer will blanch at the size of the hammer he will take off his bench to knock the dents out of bent metal. "You're going to hit it with THAT?!" a customer will gasp.

My friend will gaze at the customer for a moment and then hit the bench with the hammer as hard as he can. In the ensuing shocked silence, he will say, "That's what bent it like that in the first place." You saw some big dents, you took the big hammer off the bench. If the hammer was too big: Live and learn.

But to answer your question: There's really no way to "call off" an evocation once it has started to work. If it was me, I would be like, "Oh wow! Everything's all fucked up and the situation has totally changed! I guess my magic must be working! YAY!"

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4617

Re: Elubatel=Instant or Tapered Off?

Post#28 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:33 pm

Thanks for your experience Doppelganger.
But for each people things can be very different. What is easy to me can be very painful to another.
And about stop the process, as any other spirit I think it's possible to do, mut be respectfull, give thanks, etc. for sure.
In the case of Elubatel, it took some time to really feel it was lowering, just imagine a train in fast velocity, need some time.
And for sure, if some strong events have happened, usually one must follow from that point.

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