The Perfect Storm

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Minor
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Re: The Perfect Storm

Post#21 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:59 am

summerland wrote:As far as the room mate from Hades. I summoned The mighty Elubatel and Arzel, Nitika, Dynamis, Gadiel. The night after she moved most of her stuff out and is sleeping somewhere else. Ahhhh.....The peace and quite. No word...Nothing other than a message to the other room mate she made move out, that she would be back to get the rest of her stuff. Third day no slumped over with depression when i summoned Elubatel (and its been a long time since i summoned him) No hit you in the face with this....and see what youre going to do with

Just peaceful and quite so far...She tried with the slander and been blocked on Craigslist. And everything she stole well..... It will bite her because she want be able to afford this place shes buying. The first late payment and shes out on her ass...(dumb bitch.... you should see this contract she signed) :whistle Although i dont understand her little spell or whatever with the pennies so scarey :toss One i tossed in her walnuts...

U made one big chant for all of them and u used the power names of all In the same chant ,or u did it separately?

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: The Perfect Storm

Post#22 » Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:31 am

nox.....I did each one separately.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: The Perfect Storm

Post#23 » Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:26 pm

Here we go....My yearly evaluation from Elubatel.....And how much of what i have not done to further my success. Lost one job because of bs drama (dont want to go into it) Then my other job i was almost fired because i accidently ran a bicyclist off the road. He came from no where. Got a speeding ticket 54 in a 25 yep......busted the other night. Then the other boss (which i no longer work for) was drunk and we got into an argument so i left only for her to call the cops on me where i was with friends at another bar, Yep...walked right up to me at my table with friends said my first and last name and asked if we know where i am (Of coarse i played dumb as hell and never answered and they said no)

Yep....all in one week.... Oh my Elubatel! Is there a message here? I wish i could see the big picture of what im doing wrong. I work 7 days a week never a day off. I bust my ass off to pay a 280 speeding ticket and 29 dollars so i dont have to do community service. Wow.....what a fucking week!

So obviously my report was not good again. Still stuck in the boonies (but at least the ex moved from across the street) Seems i cant do anything right! So show me the right way (without the law involved) subtle PLEASE! ....Orange is not my favorite color.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: The Perfect Storm

Post#24 » Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:06 am

Wow.. you are having it really tough summerland. Did you talk to Elubatel as to why and what's the point in all the drama?
If you went through all that but don't have a clue as to why, then it stops being a lesson and it turns into torture. He should at least give you some clue.

I would specifically ask him the list of things that happen as you stated here, then proceed to ask " Are you responsible for all these events that happened? Are there other spirits involved?

Just my 2 cents.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2336

Post#25 » Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:25 pm

Angels can be real pricks. I don't play nice with them. I've written a good deal about it on SA. Maybe you should consider politely breaking up with him and moving on. To me, it looks like he doesn't like you. Stick with your ancestors and maybe try your hand with nature spirits. I've noticed that there is a rivalry or blood feud between angels and nature spirits. I've never uncovered why, but those that resonate with nature spirits clash with angels even before they know they do. It's the garuda vs the nagas in a way.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392


Post#26 » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:08 pm

WhiteRaven wrote:Angels can be real pricks. I don't play nice with them. I've written a good deal about it on SA. Maybe you should consider politely breaking up with him and moving on. To me, it looks like he doesn't like you. Stick with your ancestors and maybe try your hand with nature spirits. I've noticed that there is a rivalry or blood feud between angels and nature spirits. I've never uncovered why, but those that resonate with nature spirits clash with angels even before they know they do. It's the garuda vs the nagas in a way.

WhiteRaven.....I cant........I envoked Elubatel (over a year ago)....My job is not finished yet....Until i accomplish what i asked for...You just dont say "Ok Elubatel im done now" It has to play out. Why do you think I keep telling those that are new here to be careful of Elubatel? I dont have to envoke him thats already been done.....Hes waiting to see what im going to do to change all of this. Maybe there is a warning here...I dont know but when things dont rum smoothly he lets me know that i need to change what im doing wrong (badly) Even though it is as bad as it may seem he always pulls through to let some good in. The cop knew i was drunk and let me go with a speeding ticket....Is that not Magick? Hell yea! Anyone else would have been buried under the jail.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: The Perfect Storm

Post#27 » Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:04 am

You need to evoke and cooperate with some other angels, if you like them. Keep on with Elubatel, but try something else. We are preparing at this moment for One year evocations of Shem angels. Join us.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2336

Post#28 » Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:29 pm

When someone or an intelligence is not exactly behaving in a way that we feel comfortable with but we need it, it's best to call in additional aid to keep a healthy balance. Some beings are just naturally harsh and need a gentler touch involved to smooth their work out for our peace of mind.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392


Post#29 » Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:22 pm

WhiteRaven wrote:When someone or an intelligence is not exactly behaving in a way that we feel comfortable with but we need it, it's best to call in additional aid to keep a healthy balance. Some beings are just naturally harsh and need a gentler touch involved to smooth their work out for our peace of mind.

Yep....Your right! As bad as the area i learned to hate (which where i live now) I learned to love...Ahh,,,,,The peace and quite of No more Drama! I can leave from there and not deal with their bullshit! And landed a job right down the road where i dont have to fork out 300 dollars a month on gas going to work...Yes living here is a breath of fresh air. No cops....No drunk boss!....Just peace!

So now my plans changed 360 degrees im staying where i am. With the cows,corn and tractors.....So peaceful
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: The Perfect Storm

Post#30 » Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:24 pm

talerman wrote:You need to evoke and cooperate with some other angels, if you like them. Keep on with Elubatel, but try something else. We are preparing at this moment for One year evocations of Shem angels. Join us.

Im in!
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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