Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1618

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#401 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:37 pm

headwall wrote: This is good stuff, what it sounds like you're saying is I need to strip away all the unnecessary things my mind thinks I want and get down to what is really meaningful to me behind the wants and broadcast that to the appropriate forces in the universe to assist me in a way that is not in supplication, but in just pure will to have it. Is that right?

Pretty much. To simplify: Clear out all your trash (known and unknown), understand your true will. This allows you to broadcast that will without all the trash dragging along behind.

headwall wrote: Very good stuff. "Help me to find meaningful work that I enjoy at a wage I am very happy with."

How does that sound?

Close but again you are adding too much. The universe does not need all the adjectives and extras. Trust me. "Bring me work I enjoy at a wage that fits my needs."

Once more: work you enjoy is going to be all of these things: fun, interesting, meaningful, pleasurable, exciting, etc.
What is "a wage you are very happy with?" is it different than a wage you are happy with? What happens if, instead, the universe finds you a wage that you are ECSTATIC about? What do you think it will do? An ecstatic wage is not what you asked for...just a very happy one.

Think about it.

I understand that "a wage that fits my needs" sounds more businesslike and less exciting. you know all of your immediate needs? How about in 8 weeks? Do you know what your needs are going to be then? The energy in the universe, we assume, does.

Shoot. I personally woud be "very happy with" five hundred bucks a week net. It would cover my current expenses. And even if it wasn't pleasurable work, I'd have what I have in bills paid every month, food to eat, beer to drink. It would also probably be less stressful work. I'd probably have more time to study magic and do other things as well. Well...I'd have the TIME to...probably not much left over to buy any supplies or go on any trips.

But I would seriously be very happy to have my bills paid and not want for anything. I'm an easy keeper.

On the other hand...."fits my needs" My needs are MORE than just my bills. They are MORE than just money each month in investments and a retirement plan/savings. They are more than just getting to and from work. I NEED challenge, I NEED change, I NEED trips, I NEED to see my people around the world. I NEED time. I NEED to be able to financially support a family member.

People have it jacked around in their mind. People don't NEED money...they NEED to be able to do the things they desire. Put in the correct place, money can allow those things.
Live lightly.

Posts: 9

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#402 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:44 pm

SlimShady wrote:Hello headwall,

First and foremost, i've been using NAP for only 3 months, but i'm experiencing a lot of life changing results, i'm getting what i want and learning strong and valuables lessons about the subject of my operation. Indeed i'm still amazed about how these spirits are really wise and powerfull, even in some difficult cases (like mine was).

That being said, i have to point that this system indeed revolves around your connection with Arzel, at least while you don't have build a strong bound with these spirits, yet it may take a while untill you start to feel his presence, for me it takes around 20 minutes. I attribute all my success with NAP to this nice insight that raum215 shared with us:

raum215 wrote:I personally do not move on if Arzel is not present.
This is a classic idea of magic, and most of these are stripped away from N.A.P. but I adhere to them, and often regret it when I do not.

I have seen it take as long as thirty minutes for response from a calling. But usually not more than 15.
Call and wait. I get much more results from a little bit of patience.

This is very useful, I have been simply going through to Point A and just assuming Arzel is there, calling to him 3 times as has been recommended, I will be more patient as you and raum215 suggest! What is a good indication he has arrived?

Source: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=8862

Personally i think it made a huge difference in my practice, maybe you will achieve better results developing a more strong relationship with Arzel, you can always seek him for help, guidance and insights about the NAP and even for some similar systems... Give it a try!

About the MP, i know what you are talking about, in fact, when i started the MP i spent months trying to figure out why i didn't feel anything doing the MP (Golden Dawn version), them i discovered that i wasn't breathing correctly because i was focusing too much on the G-d names and missed the whole point about the ritual.

Thanks, this gives a good direction to move in to improve my use of the MP and NAP.

One last thing, since you really need to fix your financial issues and it's something very important in your life at this momement, keep in mind that you cannot lust for results no matter what, if you find yourself with struggling on this part, please read this article, it will fit quite well with some advices here: ... k-results/

Btw, MagiAwen and Zadok gave you some pure gold insights!

Great article thanks! This is a topic I've always been concerned about. After my rituals I have been saying outloud "This ritual is now complete, I let go of all need and lust for results so it shall be realized for me in the material world" and do a big belly laugh and try to forget about it, but inevitably I will sometimes dwell on it. Gotta remember to put my mind on getting on to something else.

I posted my issues on a whim just hoping maybe for some basic advice, I didn't anticipate such an excellent series of lessons, thanks to everyone! :wub

Posts: 9

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#403 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:56 pm

MagiAwen wrote:Close but again you are adding too much. The universe does not need all the adjectives and extras. Trust me. "Bring me work I enjoy at a wage that fits my needs."

Once more: work you enjoy is going to be all of these things: fun, interesting, meaningful, pleasurable, exciting, etc.
What is "a wage you are very happy with?" is it different than a wage you are happy with? What happens if, instead, the universe finds you a wage that you are ECSTATIC about? What do you think it will do? An ecstatic wage is not what you asked for...just a very happy one.

Think about it.

I understand that "a wage that fits my needs" sounds more businesslike and less exciting. you know all of your immediate needs? How about in 8 weeks? Do you know what your needs are going to be then? The energy in the universe, we assume, does.

Shoot. I personally woud be "very happy with" five hundred bucks a week net. It would cover my current expenses. And even if it wasn't pleasurable work, I'd have what I have in bills paid every month, food to eat, beer to drink. It would also probably be less stressful work. I'd probably have more time to study magic and do other things as well. Well...I'd have the TIME to...probably not much left over to buy any supplies or go on any trips.

But I would seriously be very happy to have my bills paid and not want for anything. I'm an easy keeper.

On the other hand...."fits my needs" My needs are MORE than just my bills. They are MORE than just money each month in investments and a retirement plan/savings. They are more than just getting to and from work. I NEED challenge, I NEED change, I NEED trips, I NEED to see my people around the world. I NEED time. I NEED to be able to financially support a family member.

People have it jacked around in their mind. People don't NEED money...they NEED to be able to do the things they desire. Put in the correct place, money can allow those things.

Thanks again Magiawan, I will do as you suggest! I was attempting to create a statement in my own words that felt good along the lines of what you were saying, but it's clear I really don't need to have to do that. I just need to give the universe and spirits I'm working with proper and concise instructions. I will also get clear for myself what my specific needs are as you have so that the statement has greater meaning for me when I say it.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4560

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#404 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:59 pm

You have just received a masterclass in wording that may be of great benefit if you ever wish to look at Chaos magic and sigilisation in the future.

@ MagiAwen :goodpost :goodpost
The vulgar is at everyone's command. Eirenaeus Philalethes - The marrow of Alchemy

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1411

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#405 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:50 pm

Truly awesome post!
When my wings get tired I grab my broom.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1618

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#406 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:57 pm

Pablo wrote:@headwall
You have just received a masterclass in wording that may be of great benefit if you ever wish to look at Chaos magic and sigilisation in the future.

Pabs, it works for more than that. But yes, for chaos, sigilization, NAP, MG and customized evocation ritual especially ;)
Live lightly.

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Posts: 72

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#407 » Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:39 am


Just another positive from NAP. This time asshole-repellent.

I had this situation with someone that over last days was really pissing me off. The situation was escalating over one year, and since I knew it would end up in a war I did create sympathetic object - witches ladder (captured voice of that person, kept it safe for proper time). Normally I am far from hurting anyone, just because I do not like them or they do not like me, so I do not do work against someone very often. I rather tend to work towards good relations etc.

This time it was different - I was really annoyed and tired with the behavior of my target. I did divination (Tarot) to find out what kind of work I should go with: Goetia - negative, Nap - full positive. I've also checked the outcome - looked good.

I did Astral Bomb and Astral Shrapnel (a bit modified). Before that middle pillar (but no banishing) + the protection ritual (where you invoke two spirits to stand beside you). A short prayer to Archangel Michael to remove all the negative and opposing influences, standard petition to Elubatel to bring mi success and both rituals. I used magic triangle as the focal point, added sympathetic object + spirit names + name of the target in the middle and proceeded with the work. All work done at night (Astral Shrapnel) around 1 am.

First news in the morning 6 am - target got really sick (over 5 hrs!) - headache, severe sinus pain - unable to get out of the bed. Even the text message was really messy. Yesterday target was in perfect health, flourishing, with so many things to be done today - full calendar. What a shame... the hand of justice has a tight grip... :twisted:

So I really like this book - it never failed me after proper divination...

Best regards,


UPDATE: Target gone at least for the rest of the week - sudden health issues got worst...

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#408 » Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:14 am

long story short, my sister was looking for a job so she half jokingly
asked me to do some sorcery for her. i opened up my trusty NAP
grimoire, made a few calls, and voila, one week of job searching
and she got a job; 2 offers from respectable companies and all
she had to do was choose which one.

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Posts: 2

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#409 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:06 am

I recently had some success with Ielahiah and a potentially serious legal problem. There were some bumps, but in the end everything ended up working out favorably. So, thank you Ielahiah.

This also ended up being an interesting exercise in avoiding lust over results. For me, remaining detached from any particular outcome is... difficult, to say the least, when the whole situation is, in fact, really, really important. My usual method of assuming an attitude of "... meh. whatever happens happens" felt flat out irresponsible in this case.

After a lot of thought, stressing and worrying, the compromise I ended up at was telling myself, "Self, I've done the best I can on both mundane and magickal fronts, and I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen next, and I'm scared, and no matter what happens I will handle it, one way or another." I can't really describe the internal shift that happened after admitting that, but things went much more smoothly afterwards. Though I suspect a lot of it had to do with acknowledging what I was feeling instead of burning boatloads of energy trying to not feel.

tl;dr Thanks Ielahiah for saving my ass, the interesting lessons, and the gray hairs. Won't let it happen again, that's for sure.

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Posts: 21

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#410 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:06 am

This is a public Thanks to Arzel & Nitika

I've been calling on Nitika the genius of wealth to help boosting my sales and yes Nitika did help, the amount of sales i made yesterday was amazing specially in winter time.

Thank you Nitika :bow
Thank you Nitika :bow
Thank you Nitika :bow

Thank you Arzel :bow

:Thank You

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