Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Posts: 204

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#391 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:08 am

Also look at what MagiAwen asked for. She asked for what she wanted. She wanted to be shown a job with substance etc.

Now look at yours. You are following and affirmation type goal setting technique.
But ask your self this. If you were going to a job broker for help getting a job and said "I have a fabulous job that pays the right amount of money for me", he would say "what the hell are you here for then"

Your mind knows it's untrue and then you go telling Nitika or whoever that you already have what you want. See the conflict?

Instead tell the spirit what you want them to do.

"Go forth and bring me" or show me, or help me to........

Basically you are not trying to convince your subconscious, the Universe or the Spirit that you have your shit together in the hope that it will manifest a la The Secret or other affirmation type technique. You are giving the Spirit and instruction, and telling then what you want to happen.

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Master of Corvids
Posts: 64

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#392 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:52 am

I tend to agree with Zadok here. Affirmations like yours are all well and good but I wouldn't use them as part of a petition to the spirit.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#393 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:39 am

Yes Headwall, you are on your way to "getting it" Zadok brings up good points as to what I am talking about too.

Remember I am not selling something here. I realize books and people's experiences conflict as well. People are all different. For a lot of simple people...people without internal conflict, without experience, with some wide eyed awe still for the world can probably do alright with looking in the mirror and telling themselves they are awesome. It doesn't work for everyone.

I'll preface this with: It is my opinion that: A magician is truly a magician when their influence on their world is one that conducts the action and the energy that is an entity carries it out. You are a conduit for your true desires. Often our brains mess this up in translation, there's a lot that goes on in the noggin that we are not aware of. One does not beg or hope or wish or kiss the feet of spirits. Oh you can...and some people find success that way. But again, we are all different. Our spirits, experiences and understandings are all different. I've never been one to worship anything. It's not necessary and feels wrong to me.

headwall wrote:This is pretty good, thanks, I do get what you're intending. I have always been unsure as to how much detail I need to give the universe, I have heard differing opinions on that. What you're saying is I should be less wordy and give the universe greater flexibility to fill in the blanks with something that would make me happy, as long as I am clear in my mind with what I want.

Yeah the detail needs to be in your deeper understanding of yourself. Thus, "Know Thyself". Words are symbols, all of us interpret symbols in different ways. Some associations with symbols we aren't even aware of. It can be a bit sticky to be too concerned with phrasing, as well as it can be to be not too concerned with it. There is where practice and experimentation comes in.

headwall wrote:Yep, I realize this. It can be tough to view myself as abundant and prosperous when everything around me is screaming the opposite, but not impossible.

Ask yourself this.... what would happen if you admitted to the universe that you WEREN'T abundant and prosperous? What would happen if you "screamed out" my life is shit and I need help? Obviously trying to trick your mind isn't working to enhance anything. Have you ever thought of doing a healing ritual where you cleanse yourself and purge yourself of all of this negative stuff instead of just trying to cover it up until it goes away?

I don't mean sit there and tell yourself you are a loser or give in to the idea that everything is shit and will always be that way, don't wallow in it. I mean admitting it, purging it, yelling and screaming it...getting it OUT of your body and spirit by RELEASING it. Pull all those hurt feelings, failures and black goo what nots out of your body. Then fill it with...not intentions...but just pure, clean, fresh stuff. Don't give it a task other than to fill your body with positive (good) energy, to heal those spots seen and unseen within you so that you can stop hanging onto the desperation your spirit has unfortunately fallen into hanging onto.

Being thankful and appreciative for what you have and that is just fine...but do not use that to hold onto all the things you find bad or negative...actually release those things...have them taken away...use a meditation or a ritual or an angel or some other spirit or whatever you wish...but stop holding onto it. Free yourself from it.

headwall wrote:"I am hired for a job that excites me at a wage which is really good"

Work I enjoy at a wage that fits my needs.

(jobs or titles don't give us fulfillment, the work does)

headwall wrote:"I have a career I am passionate about at a salary I am very happy with"

Work I enjoy at a wage that fits my needs.

headwall wrote:These I can have clearly defined in my mind but leaves things open as you describe, am I getting it right? :D
Thank you!!

You are really close man. Really close.

Intentions are awesome, but ultimately it's a word of non action. Think about the difference between these two statements:

"I intend to take out the trash in the morning"
"I will take the trash out in the morning"

Your will is the way.

Purge, release, refresh, conjure a spirit and have it carry out your will....not your intentions. And by your will be done. ;)
Live lightly.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#394 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:24 am

Oh and Headwall...just to keep your hopes up...I've been working with NAP spirits for a while in conjunction with the other things I do, they work very well...and if you get in the "right" place personally working with them a lot of cool things will happen for you.

I mentioned before how I directed for the right kind of work. That was towards the end of July. At that time I was in a crazy living situation with a person that kept trying to kill himself (room mate, not a romantic interest or anything), two other people that also were being weird, possessive, making things up....a LOT of drama. I also had just been in a car accident and lost what saved up cash in hand I had....all this after 12 weeks of enjoying not having to work...I could have made it 12 more weeks without having to work...but...hey...stuff happens. My truck also started acting up and was in the shop more than out of it.

I started that job in August. It was easier at the time for me to conjure there with all the crap at the house, so I would stop the elevator early in the morning and do my next tasks. The room mate that kept trying to end it all got his stuff together in two weeks...that is...he was more than broke (negative balance in his checking account), seriously depressed, unwilling/unwanting to find a job, no car and now more bills because I kept having to call the paramedics. Two weeks man...he has a car, bank account up to not much but not negative and just landed an 80,000 a year job yesterday. I actually am not responsible for all of his stuff. I magiced for him only for him to come out of apathy and depression and help himself. Which sparked a conversation, which ended up in my copying some pages from the Mystic Grimoire and he did some rituals....someone who has never cast magic before to my knowledge.

(lol I'm starting to sound like the accounts in the NAP books.....there's a reason for that ;))

Today I am moving into an apartment by myself and I'm buying a new car. Not financing it. Buying it. So, obviously, not all of that came from just the great wage at the new job.

Keep the faith man...

I also got me a good man...and I didn't even ask for that one. ;)
Live lightly.

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Master of Corvids
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#395 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:39 am

MagiAwen wrote:Which sparked a conversation, which ended up in my copying some pages from the Mystic Grimoire and he did some rituals....someone who has never cast magic before to my knowledge.

Very interesting. If you don't mind my asking. How come you gave him rituals from the Mystic Grimoire and not NAP? I would have thought the the Mystic Grimoire rituals too complicated for beginner, with the specific time requirements and accoutrements it requires.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#396 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:48 am

Master of Corvids wrote:
MagiAwen wrote:Which sparked a conversation, which ended up in my copying some pages from the Mystic Grimoire and he did some rituals....someone who has never cast magic before to my knowledge.

Very interesting. If you don't mind my asking. How come you gave him rituals from the Mystic Grimoire and not NAP? I would have thought the the Mystic Grimoire rituals too complicated for beginner, with the specific time requirements and accoutrements it requires.

The root of myself is a natural hermetic magician...and by natural I mean that I intuit most of the time in just about everything, it has been going on like this for so long I just "do" things so...a lot of my work and even more, my advice or how I handle things or people seems to come from "nowhere".

I don't really have any good explanation for you on this. He brought up ghosts and feeling like there was some other "thing" affecting him....yeah okay. The book was on the coffee table...I handed it to him and said, read this tomorrow and let me know what you think.

The next day he had picked some stuff out and I copied the things he needed from the talisman kit for him and the pages....and while everyone was gone over a weekend, he proceeded to do 5 succession all the same night. lol I don't even know which ones he did.

All I do since then I haven't had to save him from himself, he's happy and things are falling into place for him. AND...I didn't have to do it and I don't have to worry about him now. It's a lot of stress wondering if you are going to come home to a dead body.
Live lightly.

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Master of Corvids
Posts: 64

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#397 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:54 am

MagiAwen wrote: he proceeded to do 5 succession all the same night.

Good Grief :o
Ah well, main thing is that it works. It's quite an inspiring story though. I can see why you say it's at the risk of sounding like one of the book's testimonials.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#398 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:02 am

This is the dynamic that always fascinates me:

Situation A: A magician doing rituals that can't seem to find success in it.

Situation B: Someone ignorant of all that is magical, doing rituals and finding success in it.

Situation C: A magician doing rituals that can't seem to find failure in it.

I think there are common denominators that explains all of this....but most don't want to accept it.
Live lightly.

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Posts: 80

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#399 » Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:00 pm

headwall wrote:
SlimShady wrote:
headwall wrote:I'm having the opposite of a success story. I have been unable to find a job for the past 6 months despite having a college degree and many years of experience, just barely scraping by with unemployment. I've been the Money and General Purpose chants to try to find a job or make some money somehow while also using the Middle Pillar. But what has happened is my landlord has raised my rent $625 per month, my roommate keeps coming up short with rent when it's due, my checking account has been hit with $400 from fraud, and today my water has been shut off because my roommate hasn't paid the water bill I need to pay $250 to turn it back on, if I don't do it today, it's another $150 in liens. I am so screwed right now it's not even funny. Any advice?

Hello headwall,

Let me ask you some questions:

A) How much experience do you have with the NAP grimmoire?
B) Do you feel the presence of Arzel when you do the Point A ritual?
C) What do you feel when you do the MP ritual?

Also i would suggest that you move your post to a new topic, you will get more visibility and responses!

Hi SlimShady! I've been using NAP off and on for the last 5 years, I have had success with Nikita, once found a $100 bill on the ground and occasionally had an increase in job interviews using it after using the money chant, I also experienced a brief astral projection using the General Purpose chant for that exact purpose, but that's about it.

I don't feel anything at Point A or during the Middle Pillar, despite having done the NAP ritual and MP many many times, I just experience it in my imagination but feel nothing in my body. I try to pretend I do but I really don't.

Hello headwall,

First and foremost, i've been using NAP for only 3 months, but i'm experiencing a lot of life changing results, i'm getting what i want and learning strong and valuables lessons about the subject of my operation. Indeed i'm still amazed about how these spirits are really wise and powerfull, even in some difficult cases (like mine was).

That being said, i have to point that this system indeed revolves around your connection with Arzel, at least while you don't have build a strong bound with these spirits, yet it may take a while untill you start to feel his presence, for me it takes around 20 minutes. I attribute all my success with NAP to this nice insight that raum215 shared with us:

raum215 wrote:I personally do not move on if Arzel is not present.
This is a classic idea of magic, and most of these are stripped away from N.A.P. but I adhere to them, and often regret it when I do not.

I have seen it take as long as thirty minutes for response from a calling. But usually not more than 15.
Call and wait. I get much more results from a little bit of patience.

Source: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=8862

Personally i think it made a huge difference in my practice, maybe you will achieve better results developing a more strong relationship with Arzel, you can always seek him for help, guidance and insights about the NAP and even for some similar systems... Give it a try!

About the MP, i know what you are talking about, in fact, when i started the MP i spent months trying to figure out why i didn't feel anything doing the MP (Golden Dawn version), them i discovered that i wasn't breathing correctly because i was focusing too much on the G-d names and missed the whole point about the ritual.

One last thing, since you really need to fix your financial issues and it's something very important in your life at this momement, keep in mind that you cannot lust for results no matter what, if you find yourself with struggling on this part, please read this article, it will fit quite well with some advices here: ... k-results/

Btw, MagiAwen and Zadok gave you some pure gold insights!

Posts: 9

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#400 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:17 pm

Zadok wrote:Instead tell the spirit what you want them to do.

"Go forth and bring me" or show me, or help me to........

Basically you are not trying to convince your subconscious, the Universe or the Spirit that you have your shit together in the hope that it will manifest a la The Secret or other affirmation type technique. You are giving the Spirit and instruction, and telling then what you want to happen.

Yeah lol, my studies of such books have taught me to state things as though they are already true. I write them out that way for the purpose of the Middle Pillar portion, and typically make it a bit more of request statement during the chants such as "It is my desire that I..", but it still follows that line of thinking. You're right I shouldn't follow that kind of advice for the purpose of NAP. Thanks Zadok!

MagiAwen wrote:I'll preface this with: It is my opinion that: A magician is truly a magician when their influence on their world is one that conducts the action and the energy that is an entity carries it out. You are a conduit for your true desires. Often our brains mess this up in translation, there's a lot that goes on in the noggin that we are not aware of. One does not beg or hope or wish or kiss the feet of spirits. Oh you can...and some people find success that way. But again, we are all different. Our spirits, experiences and understandings are all different. I've never been one to worship anything. It's not necessary and feels wrong to me.

This is good stuff, what it sounds like you're saying is I need to strip away all the unnecessary things my mind thinks I want and get down to what is really meaningful to me behind the wants and broadcast that to the appropriate forces in the universe to assist me in a way that is not in supplication, but in just pure will to have it. Is that right?

I don't mean sit there and tell yourself you are a loser or give in to the idea that everything is shit and will always be that way, don't wallow in it. I mean admitting it, purging it, yelling and screaming it...getting it OUT of your body and spirit by RELEASING it. Pull all those hurt feelings, failures and black goo what nots out of your body. Then fill it with...not intentions...but just pure, clean, fresh stuff. Don't give it a task other than to fill your body with positive (good) energy, to heal those spots seen and unseen within you so that you can stop hanging onto the desperation your spirit has unfortunately fallen into hanging onto.

Yes I have been working on this, been doing huna rites that deal with clearing harmful beliefs and assumptions and filling what used to be there with light in a way that's very similar to how you just described, which I really like.

Work I enjoy at a wage that fits my needs.

(jobs or titles don't give us fulfillment, the work does)

Very good stuff. "Help me to find meaningful work that I enjoy at a wage I am very happy with."

How does that sound?

You are really close man. Really close.

Intentions are awesome, but ultimately it's a word of non action. Think about the difference between these two statements:

"I intend to take out the trash in the morning"
"I will take the trash out in the morning"

Your will is the way.

Purge, release, refresh, conjure a spirit and have it carry out your will....not your intentions. And by your will be done. ;)

This all makes a ton of sense, "I will" indicates greater movement and action, "I intend to", not so much, feels lethargic.

Thanks so much for your kindness and effort in showing me the right way!! :Thank You :goodpost

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