The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Posts: 6

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#361 » Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:27 pm

Gilbertopb wrote:LOL!
Flies and cicadas are really diferent. :lol:
That for sure was interesting.

And a bunch of cicadas at once? Appears they come to show something you. IMHO, cicadas act also like messengers. You commented about the guy comming, and your feelings about.
Cicadas, despiste the loud, have a relaxing sound too. Well, at least some few. If you are in the woods, or some place where a cicada is, the sound will make you brain relax after a while.
But a buch of cicadas give me an idea of "wake up and change your point of view". Like a note to see what you are looking for and what you really have. Right tools, but what reasons? Just a personal thought.

Normally I wouldn't see this as a sign of something since cicadas are extremely common to be found and also when they make their sound they tend to stop "singing" all at once on the same tree usually. I guess it as a sign because few minutes before that the thing with the guy happened and after the other guy and after that.
Normally I feel relaxed too by their sound but that particular night I recall problems in concentrating so pretty much every sound after seemed extremely annoying :/ Anyway, I don't know if it's a sign. I'm inexperienced so I'm just guessing. The thing is just that, that moment I was very upset, stated something very clear, I was pissed so my mind was intensively focused on what I was thinking and apparently it happened! The guys made a 180 degree on the moment and within a minute the cicadas stopped all together at once. Do you think it's connected with NAP? This girl means the world to me. I lost her not because she lost interest in me but because I hurt her badly and now she's in a state of mind that she, more or less, hates me. My purpose is to get her back and propose to marry me. I was curious about trying magick since long ago but I wanted to try it for something which it'd really mean the world to me to be done. I thought about asking for something more humble and more easy to be manifested (like a small amount of money -just to check if it really works) but I found it greedy from my side to do so. I just thought of it as more honest to straight ask just for what I need. :/

Posts: 6

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#362 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:13 am

Another add in the NAP journal. A rather intensive night!!!

6th day of performing NAP. The schedule was banishing, Point A. A little meditation, imagining the light and trying to move it in and out like in the fountain while trying to imagine the light in puce as the book says it’s the color of moon to attract what you want in the central pillar ritual. Bornless One ritual x3, meditation on the fountain and the color again, after invocation to Pagiel (to rekindle mates interest) x3, then tried to do the central pillar ritual (I had some success in visualizing the colored light but not much) :/ .Nothing to mention of trustworthy signs except a little freedom which I took to invoke once more Pagiel (this time in Greek) stating my purpose and my need in my own words pretty clearly. I don’t know the spells yet by heart so this was the only time that I closed my eyes and did a full invocation with my eyes closed. While stating my purpose, visualizing it and repeating the power words for Pagiel I felt at some point crazily intense in my body while praying. It was a feeling like a muscle around my pelvis region was very intense though I wasn’t putting any conscious force on any muscle. It was like no muscle was intense though the feeling of tension was there, strong and specific to the area. It was something very similar to the power waves I had felt but like 100 times more powerful and focused around the pelvic region. It ended up in a kind of physical delirium of really being almost completely loose (a feeling like falling apart in pieces) and semi-shaking. During this, my mind was clear, calm, and continued the prayer like nothing changed. Anyway, I was performing all the spells in English and almost with the exact wording of the book. I wanted to offer after some incense but apparently I had nothing in the house and it was too late to look for in the market so I took some olive leafs. I don’t know if it was a good choice but in the Orthodox church priests use it and in the Greek mythology for us it’s a symbol of success, virtue an honor to the peacemaker or the one who brings good for the people around him. So I thought that the worst could be it wouldn’t work at all… Anyway, I finished the ritual with the central pillar and I didn’t burn the incense since I couldn’t at that time. I promised though to do it as soon as I see the chance. For this I would use a simple metal box with glass walls which allegedly was made for candles. I would use for it a new candle (Nec influence) and decided that I would let it burn all with the olive leafs as a thanks to the spirits I invoked.
40 minutes later I found the chance to burn the candle but at a different place. I addressed it to their favor as a thanks for listening to me (though I was not convinced they heard me) and set it on. The olive leafs were almost all burned except some little pieces which fell in the melted candle. Then I prayed once again very intensively, focused and having my statement clear in my head to Pagiel in Greek. I felt a very gentle blow of the wind at the end of my spine. Like a gentle caress. The place I was is in general windy but for some reason I guessed it as a sign and asked the Spirits in general if it was a sign. In the next 5 minutes I felt again the same caress two times lasting some seconds… The weird is that that place has strong winds and this was a very little, very gentle, and very specific ally on the end of my spine.
After I took the candle without putting it off and took it back to the place where the ritual was performed. I put it aside to burn alone and started getting my mind off those things when the flame in the candle got unexpectedly strong. Apparently some of the pieces of olive leaf left in the candle came to the surface and set the whole liquid part of the candle on fire! I was watching it not scared but calm and concerned. I’m not sure if this was a doing of a spirit or if it was just random but I thought I should address to the thing as if it was caused by a spirit demanding to calm down since the rules in the human environment are different. I asked it to calmly communicate with me in peace. Not helping at all! The fire got stronger and stronger. Logically at some point the glass walls of the glass broke in pieces. Then I decided it was too much and put out the fire. Thick black smoke started coming out of it… I mean unreasonably black, unreasonably thick and unreasonably A LOT of smoke came out!!! This got me a little scared so I did a banishing after. This was my night in magick.

My question now is: Did I really experienced magick?? Did I successfully did magick? Did the spirits heard me??? Does anyone have any similar experiences?
Thanks again for tolerating my essay!!!

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#363 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:28 am

when burning incense...i burn frankincense and myrrh resin in a tea light burner. try that. It might work better.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#364 » Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:12 am

I received my copy of NAP in the mail during the weekend and spent this past Sunday and Monday reading the text. I'll be honest, I really didn't expect anything from the book at all, but by the end of it I was somehow convinced that it could work. I've begun with the basic relaxation ritual and the money ritual. From then I felt a calm come over me, like "everything is going to be fine." Now, to be fair, I'm not hurting in the least, but there's a tiny bit of debt I'd like to get rid of by the end of the year (about 1k) so a windfall would be wonderful.

I was unable to do the ritual again last night due to company but I will definitely be repeating it again this evening. No matter what, the relaxation ritual alone is worth the price of the book. I've never fallen into such a relaxed state so quickly. I'm really looking forward to working with this material.
Deliriously and Deliberately Mortal

Lilith Lionheart
Posts: 121

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#365 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:57 am


I'm really excited. Amazon just told me that my copy is on the way!!!
I got very curious after reading your experiences here. I hope to help my husband to regain his memory (he doesn't suffer from amnesia but had two very tough years and his ability to memorise things is essential for his work which was the reason we left everything and moved into a new town...).
I hope that within a few months everything will turn out fine. I keep you informed whether you want or not :D

A sanctuary for exchanging thoughts about and experiences with magick and witchcraft.

Posts: 2

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#366 » Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:27 am

Is it ok to use the pdf version of the book? i downloaded it yesterday and tried it a while ago starting with relaxing and the nap ritual followed by the incantation for money. i was really nervous cuz it's my first time doing this. i was really shaking and sweating. i even forgot to pause for 3 seconds for the three periods (. . .) i even forgot what time i started the ritual but after point A i really felt somewhat relaxed. and for the incantation for money i guess i was not really focused cuz all i can see when my eyes are closed are like pitch black waves in different depth of color black and it's like blocking like a page from a website. i'm not even sure if i finished the ritual in 15 mins and i'm not sure if it worked cuz ive got a lot of things on my mind during that time. i think i have to fully read the book to understand it so. could some of you guys give me some pointers on this? this is the very first time that i have done this in my entire life. also is it ok to use the uncrossing ritual any time just by saying it or do i have to undergo a ritual first before doing the uncrossing ritual? thanks

sorry for my bad english

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#367 » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:14 am

Hey raizen_budz, as for using just the pdf or getting the book: opinions differ. I don't think anyone who picked up the book felt they didn't benefit with it over just the pdf, but that's not to say the pdf can't be effectively worked with alone. While I was looking for a copy of the book I felt I should make a good-faith gesture and I bought two books of his that were still in print. Eventually I bought NAP via an on-line seller, after exhausting the used book stores in my region.

As for using the uncrossing in isolation, and other issues you raise, it depends-- maybe entirely-- on your experience and your skill. That your mind is cluttered with distractions is common; and part of this learning curve is just setting that stuff aside and getting our mind right. I think you'll find that parts of the book work more easily for you than others, and which parts are which will probably differ for you than for me. Just work it honestly and do try to track everything you can and be clear as to what is a "result" and what isn't, and where that differences is more about you here in the physical world or more about about the work you're doing with the book-- that's a distinction I find useful anyway, though everyone might not agree and I defer to their experience in that case. Also, everything in the book seems to have clear and researchable connections to other things or other versions (Central or Middle Pillar, being a clear example). It may take time to make those connections in a useful and meaningful way for yourself, but for me I found that's useful and has helped make parts of the book that didn't seem to be "working" for me work.

Posts: 2

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#368 » Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:43 pm

Thanks lefty. I think i just have to try again and wait if it's going to work for me. Also the time that i have pick to start the ritual does not suit my new schedule cuz ive got errands tomorrow and a busy weekend. Guess, i have to start over again next week.

Lilith Lionheart
Posts: 121

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#369 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:42 pm

I received the book today finally. At the very first time of touching it something felt different.
Sorry for my bad English but it's not my native language :D and I'm so excited!
I hope that after this weekend I'll be able to fix some things.
A sanctuary for exchanging thoughts about and experiences with magick and witchcraft.

Posts: 3

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#370 » Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:34 pm

I am still new to this and I have not yet back read the more earlier posts. The stories in the book are quite impressive (getting a new car, getting a better paying job, winning some lottery, getting a new house, becoming rich), has any of you achieved any results near those in the book?

Also can you please help me with the pronunciation of
HAY -From first part, does it sound like "Hey" or "Hi?

Invocation for Money
DYE- do you pronounce this as "Je" as in the first sylable of the Jesuit?
KIGH - sounds like "big" or "high" ?
NIGH - sounds like "big" or "high" ?


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