useing planetary rituals to honor the roman gods

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.

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useing planetary rituals to honor the roman gods

Post#1 » Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:13 am

hay i was wandering if anyone could help me out with this question ive been practicing the formal rites of high magick like the lbrp brh and the rosy cross rituals for like ah year and wanted to begin incorpperating the hexagram rituals into my spirtual work... ive just began to practice the the plantary hexagram rituals. last week ive performed the hexagram rite of jupiter to create a talisman to help me get a job and the results were quick...i was wandering if anyone has used these rites to connect with and build a relationship with the roman gods associated with the planets... i plan on building a relatiionshhip with the god jupiter..useing the hexagram rite of jupiter....and also to help me build a stonger relationship with my patron goddess diana as she is associated with the moon so i plan on perfoming the ritual of luna calling on diana giving her my prayers offerings love and thanks im just wandering because i really havent read anything about approching the old ones in this manner when i work with my gods i cast ah traditional wiccan circle and invite the gods into my space and give honor to them or just work at there alters....i thought useing the hexagram rituals would be a better way in to connect with there energys...any thoughts on this would be great thanks and blessed be ^-^

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