Singing your rituals

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Singing your rituals

Post#1 » Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:54 am

Yesterday I got a crazy idea to sing my rituals!
I highly recommend doing it. I did my entire ceremony in a singing voice, and exaggerated all the god names. By the time it was over, I was physically exhausted (tired & sweating [stomping furiously every time I did a sign of Horus]) & it felt like only minutes had passed, when really it took just under an hour. I don't recall my mind drifting a single time, which was a first.

After my opening ceremony, lbrp, lbrh, middle piller, bornless, I invoked earth in all 4 quarters with the grp and summoned some gnomes under ADNI->Uriel->Phorlakh->Kerub->Ghob, & closing; all the while singing! I felt a very strong presence when I did this.
I politely asked the gnomes to make sure my trip to Tijuana to get my J-1 Visa is trouble free and quick.

When it was over, I called the border and made sure they were authorized to even give me a J1 visa. They said absolutely not and told me I had to go to a port of entry in the US embassy of Canada (from where I came). At this point, I am already in LA. I said skrew that, I'm going anyways.

When I arrived at the mexican border, I parked my car and asked for help from one of the guys who worked there. He was very polite and we started chatting. Turns out he was the deputy director of immigration for that port of entry. He let me park among the staff (very convenient) and walked me to the department where I would get my forms handled. There was two lines. One for some other kind of immigration status, the other for J1 visas. The line I needed was completely empty. I walked right on in, and sure enough they gave me my Visa without any trouble. I walked back, and thanked the deputy director who helped me in his office for helping me through the process and left.

On my way back to the US border, a bus driver hit me from behind. No serious damage, some paint chip at most. No dents.
Not sure what to think of this, lol.

And that was that.
All in all, I'd say today was a success. I think I've made some serious progress in my magick since I've begun. And singing my rituals have given me a whole new channel for my directing energy.

I also learned I have a pretty awesome singing voice =p

Try it! Right now!

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