Two weeks of Planetary Magick

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.
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Two weeks of Planetary Magick

Post#1 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:15 am

Hello my friends, how are you doing? I hope is everything ok!

I would like to share with you my experiments with planetary magick. What I've tested was an adaptation from a Chaldean ritual and I've made my own version of it to fit my schedule and routine. I took the idea from very skilled magician from my country.

The idea is simple. Let's say you have a goal, for example, to attract someone into your life. You will reorder your order for each of the 7 planets, asking for their characteristic blessings on the planet's day and hour, from the Moon to Saturn, taking two weeks.

On the first day, we will gonna start with the Moon asking for her blessing (you can ask for a particular aspect of the Moon to act upon the petition, you or the individual you want to attract) all the procedure you already know.

On Tuesday we do nothing.

So are gonna work with this particular schedule:

Moon - 1st week
Mercury - 1st week
Venus - 1st week
Sun - 1st week
Mars - 2nd week
Jupiter - 2nd week
Saturn - 2nd week

Note that the two weeks of petitions followed a Chaldean order in reverse. Starting with the Moon to Saturn, skipping 1 day between requests.

Since I have a very tight schedule due to my job and college, I couldn't prepare a proper altar with candles, sigils, incense, offerings, and everything that makes the work more respectable.

Now, what I've done: Since the planetary hours always starts during my lunchtime, I used the time I had to start with a particular prayer from GV (i use this one like a diary prayer and before any magickal work), then I go to pray for the angel who rules the day using his sigils, that I already have crafted. After the angel prayer, I start the orphic hymns for the respective planet while using one of the planetary sigils I believe would be best for the situation.
Finishing this part, I make my petition in a clear voice and then go back to my duties.

Quite simple, isn't it?

Now let's go to the interesting part. My results:

Moon - On my way back home, in the middle of the night, a homeless guy came out of nowhere asking for some food. Talked a little bit with him and bought him some goods. Then I felt an unusual presence, looked at the sky, and saw a BIG AND BRIGHT full moon and that feeling that something was watching/observing me. Then the guy disappeared out of nowhere.

Mercury - Nothing unusual during the day, but while I was sleeping, I was visited by some spirits who lead me to face some of my past traumas from childhood and teenage years.

Venus - OH BOY! I was like a magnet. A lot of beautiful women asking me out and making proposals to me. Out of nowhere. There were so many of them that I was like "Ok, where are the cameras? This is some kind of test?"

Sun - Had one of the best days in the office. It was a long time since I felt this way there. It was a day full of laughs and energy.

Mars - Some weird dreams and A LOT of magickal knowledge and advice coming from different places and sources. I ven received a advice to instead of use grimoire/planetary spirits to attract a girl, i should use just a lust spell that would be better.

Jupiter - Got an unexpected raise! And had a spirit visiting me in the middle of the day asking me to urgently do a particular prayer involving the individual one I wished to attract since the beginning.

Saturn - Had a slap on my face from Saturn itself saying something like that: "Dude" Forget this girl! Really. Look at this fine selection we brought you! And you still want that particular one??? Don't be stupid ni**a! You're receiving a lot of red flags that she is not good for you in any way, and if you still push your luck you will get hurt so bad that probably will be impossible to recover from the trauma".

Not with this exact words, but something like that.

It's interesting how everything happened and i will wait until the end of the month for a better analysis of all the consequences, but as far as i can say, the results where very positive. It's like i see many of you saying along the years: "Ask for the spirits to teach you. You wont regret it."

Would be great if someone could share some similar experiences or even test what i've done which a different approach, but in better conditions and with a better set up.

I will update this thread if something new and interesting happens.

Take care :)
Last edited by Aeon on Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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