I generally don’t like to work with the celestial aspects of Hekate whether they be her possible solar origins, or her later lunar correspondence. In my practice she is primarily a liminal goddess of mostly chthonic nature. However, recently I've been having visions and thoughts of a possible association to the planets Mercury & Venus.
While these are not popular correspondences there are; however, definitely some interesting elements to consider. Both Mercury & Venus take on the role of morning and evening stars. In effect, they are liminal planets heralding and bridging the transitions between day and night.
Secondly, among her various epithets are ‘follower’ and ‘preceder.’ These are generally understood to reference Hekate's mythological role in leading Persephone to Hades and later following her out. However, this too can also apply to the planets Mercury & Venus who either precede the Sun, as morning stars, or follow the Sun as evening stars. This following and preceding can also be interpreted in regards to positions of the morning and evening stars to the new Moon.
Lastly, another one of her epithets is Phospherus (‘light bearer’) a clear reference to the goddess’ iconic symbol of the torches. And here again there is a link to the aforementioned planets since phosphorus is also the name given to the morning and even star (whether Venus or Mercury).
Hekate is often depicted and worshipped alongside Hermes (Mercury). In fact, in PGM III. 45 she is fully syncretized with Hermes as Hermekate. Following this vein, it would be logical to assume that a celestial manifestation of Hermes and Hekate would be the planets Mercury & Venus.
I would be most interested in anyone’s thoughts who works with or has worked with Hekate.