I've heard a few stories from other practitioners who I've spoken to over the past year - one cast a spell from his old family book of spells that had been passed down through his family through generations to make the 'popular girl' in school become obsessed with him. It worked so well that she went from passing him occasionally in the hallways to falling in love with him practically overnight - they were married within three months then a year later they had their first child. Then a few years later he couldn't bear the thought that she only loved him because of the spell he had cast and so he reversed it to see if she would still love him - again she changed overnight, became repulsed by him and almost went clinically insane. Lawyers had to get involved and everything.
I've heard another tale from someone who did a spell for somebody else with the instruction to specifically 'make his ex obsessed with him' and soon after, she came straight back and would not leave him alone, she'd be constantly checking up on him to make sure he wasn't with any other women, kept talking about marriage and children and secretly started making holes in condoms and stopped taking her birth control pills because she wanted to have his baby, which is something he did not want and he ended up begging the guy who did the spell to make her go away!
And another, a woman who said she would do anything to get her boyfriend to be less distant and more loving towards her did a spell far too strong to suit the purpose she was trying to achieve which involved something to do with charming a locket and burying it in their back garden. Her lover then became almost psychotically jealous every time she went anywhere without him, she couldn't see her friends or go anywhere other than her place of work unless he was with her and at first she put up with it because she loved him but then he started physically abusing her for the slightest thing, if she'd look at men in magazines or if she was 10 minutes late home from work etc. By the time she got the courage to try to reverse the spell, they were then living in a different house and their old house (where the locket had been buried) was by then a kind of man-made lake, the locket was buried underground beneath several tens of feet of water. She had to seek help from all sorts of spiritual workers and practitioners to try to get rid of him but the spell was to forever bind him to her in this life and all future lives, and as far as I know he's still hassling the hell out of her.
I enjoy reading these kinds of stories and also like to try to pinpoint the exact moment the caster went wrong in the spell, does anyone else have any stories like this?
Or, even more unusual, does anyone have any experiences or know any true stories of love magick that has worked how it was intended to and they all actually did live 'happily ever after'?