NAP ritual A analysis.

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#11 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:40 pm

Without getting bogged down in details, let me mention one substantial question.

The Arzel in NAP “stands in the East” and functions as a gatekeeper to the NAP system, similar to Scirlin in the Grimorium Verum. That’s all we know.

So far I have associated Arzel with the Sun, specifically the dawning Sun, with regards to the phrase “I know now my New Avatar Power is flooding to the surface,” due to the angel’s location in the East.

Now whether the Arzel in NAP corresponds to Dee’s Arzl who stands in the eastern quadrant of the Watchtower Vision or the Arzel of Psalms 80:10 is up for debate.

If it is the same Arzel in Psalms 80:10, that means the angel corresponds to the Moon, not the Sun.

Moreover Arzel’s correspondence with the Yesod of Briah, as opposed to the Yesods of Assiah or Yetzirah, would indicate an extremely high office and carries implications in how the entity is understood. It suggests the “cedar of God” (“goodly cedar” or “mighty cedar” in other translations) is an archetype for the Tree of Life itself.

My question is whether this is an accurate description of the “gatekeeper” of the NAP system or a case of force-fitting NAP to Qabala.

By "Yesod of Briah" I presume you're referring to the Four Worlds that have four overlapping Trees of Life.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#12 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:18 pm

THIS is one of the real benefits of Evocation. it is not to enslave speirits. it is to exerience things that not just give you networks of spirits to use, but that transform YOU by making you realize more of what you are capable of, by YOUR OWN POWER. Thus the real connection to the work is self-actuation through Knowledge, Will, Courage, and Silence.


Arzel is also in the Clavicula Salomonis performing a somewhat similar role as a gateway angel so to speak.

"O you glorious and benevolent angels, Urzla, Zlar, Larzod, Arzal (Arzel) who are four angels of the East...."

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#13 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:42 pm

The Clavicula Salomonis is referring to Dee’s Arzl, which, according to Raum, is not the same Arzel he is referring to.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#14 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:45 pm

tai wrote:The Clavicula Salomonis is referring to Dee’s Arzl, which, according to Raum, is not the same Arzel he is referring to.

Clavicula Salomonis was compiled 100 years after Dee so it's possible I guess? I honestly don't know.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#15 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:51 pm

What would really help is listing a source that states there is an angel whose name means “cedar of God” and has all those attributes that Raum listed. So far no source has been provided and yet some forum members have made seals based on such alleged entity.

Really curious to hear results on those seals....

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#16 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:20 pm

tai wrote:What would really help is listing a source that states there is an angel whose name means “cedar of God” and has all those attributes that Raum listed. So far no source has been provided and yet some forum members have made seals based on such alleged entity.

Really curious to hear results on those seals....

The name of the angel is in the Psalm. The part that literally translates to that part of the line in question.

The ceders are also mentioned in a metaphoric sense and are NOT the emphasis of the line...they are only mentioned as way of showing how the vine transplanted from captivity has grown to over shadow them as well as the mountains.

Honestly...IMO, these beings were around long before the psalm was written, before Judaism, Christianity etc ...this is just a context or framework from which to plug into the spirit. Its by no means the only way as any of the Shamanic guys on here will attest.
Is it not possible you are both referring to the same entity represented in different texts?
Remember in Agrippa he suggested the angel names were not proper names, but offices so to speak. My "seal" for want of a better word was more or less made as tribute and I use it on the alter with the burner over it and a smaller one with the candle.

I'm just putting it out there. I honestly don't know....but Arzel is kind of easy to contact without the seal or anything.
AVE:...Above every Crosse, standeth four letters.
...They are thus to be read.
In the upper left angle thou hast rzla: pronounce urzla: by this name the first Angel appeareth. zla: go then to the first r, and pronounce it zlar. That was the first letter of the first Angel, is the last letter of the second: as of the first r, was the first letter of the name, as rzla, that r is now the last letter of of thre name of the second Angel, beginning at z, as zla, and so back again to the r.
DEE: So that the third beginneth at L, whose last letter is the first of the second name, and is called Larz, and so of the last: as arzl, to be pronounced arzel.

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Magister Templi
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Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#17 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:40 pm

Where is your source. I have not found this. I see it is supposed to be found in the Clavicula Salomonis, but I do not find it.

As for arzl in Enochian, this is not the being in clavicula salomonis.

The upper subangle of the eastern tablet is not the same at all. This starts with the first five letters of the tablet, but I will reproduce the whole subangle to make it clear, as every book fails to give correct instruction, abnd has provokedf all matter of idiocy in the name of "Enochian Magic." I will not address the use and deriving of cacodaemons.

r Z i l a
c Z o n s
T o i T t
S i g a s
f m o n d

The bolded cross is bound to the cross of compelling to appearance and commanding to action, it is not applied here.

The name rZla pronounced "Urz-la" is the first name of that subangle.

These same letters pull forth three others names by permuting them.

These four names and their pronunciations are thus:

r Z l a (Urz-la)
Z l a r (Zal-ar)
l a r Z (la-rz)
a r Z l (ar-zel)

Each of these names is relevant to each of the names pulled from the squares below the arms of the bold cross.

rZla is the name by which cZns, Znsc, nscZ, and scZN appear.
Zlar is the name by which ToTt, oTtT, TtTo, and tTot appear.
larZ is the name by which Sias, iasS, asSi, and sSia appear.
arZl is the name by which fmnd, mndf, ndfm, and dfmn appear.

These four are ruled by taking the letter from the black cross (e) and appending it to the name of the first order of these four permutations.

So erZla (Ehr-zla) is the name of God that rules rZla, Zlar, larZ, and arZl.
The two names of the cross are names of God. Idoigo to make them appear, and Ardza to make them do as commanded.

So a sample invocation of say, cZns (see-zohd-en-ess) woould look like this:

In the name of Oro Ibah Azozpi, the three great names upon the banners of the east born by the servants of god who come with streaming banners and issuing trumpets, and with the authority of Bataiva, Great King of the East, who doth lead the procession of all spirits holy and sanctified in the kingdom of the East, and of the Aires in the East: I do call thee, even as you hearken to the lord God called of you Erzla, I do call you urzla, I call upon you to call upon to cause cZns to appear in the name Idiogo, and to answer my petitions in the name Ardza. Call forth that which you have been given charge to, to administer the healing and medicine concealed in the mysteries of his creation.

You Urzla, I call in the name of your God Erzla to bring forth your charge cZns to appear in the name of Idoigo, and to answer my petitions in the name Ardza, and to be agent of healing and dispenser of the medicine and knowledge of medicine and herbs.

And should it be so severe a case as cause may need I even charge and petition you to bring forth xcZns* (cha-see-zohd-en-ess) should his attendance be necessary!

*this name is formed by adding the x or exarp to the cZns. the X is a harsh like "ch" in the scottish "loch".

The part bolded can be recited over and over ringing a bell (my own way to punctuate the statement and send the request). The italicized section is for if the preliminary incovation is insufficient or if the ailment is believed to be incurable.


As you can see, this is NOT Arzel from the Clavicula, or NAP. This is a spirit which holds sway over four specific angels with agency of healing, and knowledge of medicine and herbs.

And my reference is TFR pages 179 and 180.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#18 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:51 pm

Thank you raum for your posts on these spirits! I have always been enlighten by your posts especially with Arzel he is my favorite spirit. I have invoked him even when my mindset was not right and he always comes through for me. I can see why he is called first. Arzel is the most calming, relaxing spirit out of all! Ive never had any bad backlash from him. What ive felt with Arzel is he is a very protective spirit, Have you ever burned cedar incense when invoking him?

Cedar is used for protection. Interesting that these Angels are associated with Psalms as with Elubatel ask that I read Psalms to him, Some times twice. I dont use to Nap ritual at the beginning, When I invoke Arzel he puts me in the relax mode instantly, No matter if Im not in the best place of mind. I call on him like the calgone commercial he just " takes me away".
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#19 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:52 pm

raum215 wrote:Where is your source. I have not found this. I see it is supposed to be found in the Clavicula Salomonis, but I do not find it.

As for arzl in Enochian, this is not the being in clavicula salomonis.

You won’t find it on JHP’s website. It’s in Gollancz’s version of the Clavicula Salomonis which states:

O you glorious and benevolent angels, Urzla, Zlar, Larzod, Arzal, who are the four angels of the East.

Taking into consideration the “lost in translation” effect, it's obvious the Clavicula Salomonis is referring to Dee’s angels.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#20 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:57 pm

tai wrote:
raum215 wrote:Where is your source. I have not found this. I see it is supposed to be found in the Clavicula Salomonis, but I do not find it.

Its only it the Gollancz text as Tai mentioned. I've searched three other more popular versions this morning and its not to be found.

You know, this would be easier if we had slowly spinning ceiling fans in a black and white office, a detective hat and secretary who brings us in glasses of Scotch on the rocks as a cigarette smolders in the corner. Film noir detectives never have this much trouble

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