Pendulum is confusing me

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Pendulum is confusing me

Post#1 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:01 pm

So...I did a pendulum to find out which ritual would be best for me to work...and the ritual suggested actually goes against my current moral values. So I asked more questions, spoke to MM and I keep getting the same really vigorous answer. I consulted the Tarot and got very glowing cards. Asked all these qs like - Will this working have any harmful effects on any concerned etc. And I keep getting reassurances that this will work out great for everyone. But I read the ritual and cringe about how it violates the rights of others. I thought maybe this is my secret wish and the pendulum is only telling me what I want to hear. But it has often given me answers that I didnt want to hear and told me not to do certain workings that seemed absolutely OK to me (like working with Elubatel)... So,I'm in a bit of a tailspin. I did some banishings and still get the same results. I'm wondering that maybe my way of seeing right and wrong may be limited,so I have to push past that and wait for the bigger pic to unfold...or that it's possible to get bad advice from the pendulum. I'm questioning whether I should challenge myself and just DO IT or whether my conscience should reign supreme in all things. These tarot/pendulum things have always guided me when I needed them but there seems to be a slight malfunction here... Does anyone have a perspective that may add some insight here :?
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Posts: 56

Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#2 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:25 pm

bloodvenus wrote:So...I did a pendulum to find out which ritual would be best for me to work...and the ritual suggested actually goes against my current moral values. So I asked more questions, spoke to MM and I keep getting the same really vigorous answer. I consulted the Tarot and got very glowing cards. Asked all these qs like - Will this working have any harmful effects on any concerned etc. And I keep getting reassurances that this will work out great for everyone. But I read the ritual and cringe about how it violates the rights of others. I thought maybe this is my secret wish and the pendulum is only telling me what I want to hear. But it has often given me answers that I didnt want to hear and told me not to do certain workings that seemed absolutely OK to me (like working with Elubatel)... So,I'm in a bit of a tailspin. I did some banishings and still get the same results. I'm wondering that maybe my way of seeing right and wrong may be limited,so I have to push past that and wait for the bigger pic to unfold...or that it's possible to get bad advice from the pendulum. I'm questioning whether I should challenge myself and just DO IT or whether my conscience should reign supreme in all things. These tarot/pendulum things have always guided me when I needed them but there seems to be a slight malfunction here... Does anyone have a perspective that may add some insight here :?

What's wrong with working with Elubatel?

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#3 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:43 pm

MM kinda works in the same system as a spiritual guide (like your HGA)
so it's not that uncommon that it will advice you to do certain things
that is currently against your mindset but should help you grow down the line.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#4 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:35 pm

To the original poster, Here's a tip:

Don't do any thing via magic that you wouldn't do if you could in a mundane/every day world way. If what you're considering goes against your values and ethics; don't do it...and you won't have anything to worry about.

No one can make you do anything. Life is about choices; make it your choice seeing as you have to live with it.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 955

Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#5 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:46 pm


that is a great point.

but isnt the theory about doing divination here is that
it will tell you if doing the work will be fruitful?

so, if the divination says, yay, go ahead
and if no, it means, you will not get any results even if you do the work.

i dont know. i dont know if a no means you wont get any results
vs. you will get results but the consequences will be not good for you.

because leaving everything to divination in terms of whether to go ahead or not,
does seem sort of..fatalistic.

Nosce Te Ipsum
Posts: 443

Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#6 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:44 pm

Seems like an issue of fruitful v.s. "right".
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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#7 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:19 am

anonda wrote:slater,

that is a great point.

but isnt the theory about doing divination here is that
it will tell you if doing the work will be fruitful?

so, if the divination says, yay, go ahead
and if no, it means, you will not get any results even if you do the work.

i dont know. i dont know if a no means you wont get any results
vs. you will get results but the consequences will be not good for you.

because leaving everything to divination in terms of whether to go ahead or not,
does seem sort of..fatalistic.

Not as far as I can read. It seems they can see that it would be fruitful but something about the working is creating an ethical dilemma for the poster.

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Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#8 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:33 pm

@Black... Thanks for that one. Thought about it a bit but..hmm..doesn't seem like a good growth strategy.
@Slater...Thanks too. Great to have different points of view here! I'm kinda leaning towards that too. But that then throws into mind so many doubts... If MM, pendulum etc can give bad advice, then the whole system seems to collapse... like u cant trust any of these things...spirits included.
Don't know if that made any sense. New at the whole magic part of the Occult. Maybe I just haven't yet developed magical thinking skills ;)
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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#9 » Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:42 am

bloodvenus wrote: If MM, pendulum etc can give bad advice, then the whole system seems to collapse... like u cant trust any of these things...spirits included.

Hang on a sec though. You didn't get bad advice, you got the advice via divination and a spirit guide to go ahead with a certain ritual and you are not comfortable with that ritual and its evident impact on others.

That's not the same thing as getting bad advice or not being able to trust the spirits. It just means the ball is back in your court and you have to make a decision.

You're going to have to trust your judgement here and take responsibility for whatever you do (or don't do) next :-)

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Pendulum is confusing me

Post#10 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:45 am

Slater wrote:Hang on a sec though. You didn't get bad advice, you got the advice via divination and a spirit guide to go ahead with a certain ritual and you are not comfortable with that ritual and its evident impact on others.

Well said.

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