NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#11 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:46 pm

Slater wrote:There is another thing you could try, and although it's counter intuitive, it might work.

My idea is to send blessings their way...positive work...based on the notion that these little creeps are already in messed up situations and perhaps doing something that could lead to peace within themselves and feeling better about their own plight, may in fact result in cessation of their faux-war games? What do you think?

I've recently come to regret some negative work I have thrown someone's way and I think if had approached it from a positive perspective, things might be running closer to how I'd like it to be now. Just food for thought anyway

@Markosis I have 4 ADT security signs, it just invited them to egg my home harder :x :| :( they're still up but to no avail have not done a thing to deter them :x

@tasbiha4711 these idiots would abuse the dog and still manage to bring me and my home problems....not that I haven't thought about it but I can't afford taking care of much less babysitting a dog, plus I'm terrfied of dogs (been bitten by a pit bull and a german shepard). Plus I can't really anchor the dog or dogs in our yard, I'd end up getting sued for misuse and abuse of dogs.

@girasol I'm at the end of my rope of playing kumbaya peaceful games with these rancid demon seeds. This is one instance where I need to fight fire with fire no more lollygagging and praying they stay away from my property like some willing doormat they have taken me to be. I am just biding my time till I find something that works & sticks.They need to be put in their place and fast they make those spoiled brats who need constant attention on those TV talk shows look like angels :roll: . They are gonna physically hurt someone and they need to be STOP ASAP.

@Slater wishing them well like Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, tried that and for about 3 months I tried that "positive work" you speak of. It didn't stick. These cancers need to be taught a very punishing, painful lesson. Short of wishing them to be banished and crippled in a turkish prison, wishing them peace, love and blessings away from me only exacerbated the seriousness level of this even higher & at a high frequency level as well :( , gave them carte blanche to throw more eggs too :roll: :( .

As far as making me and my home "invisible" I'm having a heck of time of finding a decent spell that would work. Invisibility spells are more mental that physical type of spellwork which is tough for me to quiet my mind and focusing on cloaking my home. Need something like a mental electric fence or entity to scared the living cream cheese out of these criminal brats so they stay the hell away from my property and not even thinking of reaching into an egg carton and aiming it at my home for any reason.

I am very appreciative & grateful for all the wonderful ideas and replies back I have received. I am still continuing the NAP just as a like a band aid method for now till I can lasso my home with more of a protection and invisibility type spell around it, provided I can find something strong and discreet cause my family is not to keen on finding my tools regarding me practicing magick about the house.

:Thank You :Thank You :Thank You for reading my post and helping me out still. This is a gonna be tough dilemma to solve for me. :| but need to fight for & defend my home :twisted:

Posts: 337

Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#12 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:20 am

You know it just occurred to me there is an interesting twist in this, which may or may not lead to any good ideas. There are some cleansing rituals where you use an egg to absorb "spiritual dirt" off of yourself, and then you throw it away and break it. Although these kids probably don't know any magick, in a weird way the broken eggs may be dousing you with their obnoxiousness, internal rage, frustration, wildness and other energy they are carrying.

If you do decide to try to come up with an aggressive or defensive working to get revenge or protect your home, at this point I would get some advice via divination. Go to a good card reader or psychic (not someone local necessarily, and certainly not a 1-800-psychic idiot) - could be someone online who is highly recommended, for example - and find out what the best strategy is. If you are going to activate a specific kind of energy or call a certain entity, I always find it useful to first determine who the right guy for the job is, and divination is a good way to do that. Given your emotional involvement, I wouldn't read for yourself, as you are too close to the situation. I also would not tell the person the specifics. Just say something generic like "I have a conflict with a neighbor and want to figure out the best way to resolve it."


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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#13 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:24 pm

girasol wrote:You know it just occurred to me there is an interesting twist in this, which may or may not lead to any good ideas. There are some cleansing rituals where you use an egg to absorb "spiritual dirt" off of yourself, and then you throw it away and break it. Although these kids probably don't know any magick, in a weird way the broken eggs may be dousing you with their obnoxiousness, internal rage, frustration, wildness and other energy they are carrying.

If you do decide to try to come up with an aggressive or defensive working to get revenge or protect your home, at this point I would get some advice via divination. Go to a good card reader or psychic (not someone local necessarily, and certainly not a 1-800-psychic idiot) - could be someone online who is highly recommended, for example - and find out what the best strategy is. If you are going to activate a specific kind of energy or call a certain entity, I always find it useful to first determine who the right guy for the job is, and divination is a good way to do that. Given your emotional involvement, I wouldn't read for yourself, as you are too close to the situation. I also would not tell the person the specifics. Just say something generic like "I have a conflict with a neighbor and want to figure out the best way to resolve it."


Girasol I have heard of those egg cleansing rituals unfortunately I am NOT that seasoned on that section of the black arts. I mean I've studied hoodoo and have used hints of it in my work but not sure how to incorporate it. I've already take the shells from previous attacks and I'm freezing the shells out with other baneful ingredients that should keep them and their activities on ICE so to speak (since the eggs did touch the criminal's hand(s) ).

As far as a reading I'm already on it, trying to find a reputable clairvoyant/intuitive reader or remote viewer to help me out in locating these demon seeds. But around my parts or near my neighborhood haven't found any decent ones :roll: but I'm working on it. Not easy but trying here. I need a reading to decipher how to approach this sitaution and from what angle as well?

:Thank You so much girasol again for reading my post and helping me out like this. It is deeply appreciated.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#14 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:25 pm

What you said is what I was exploring with the eggs. It just was occurring to me that because they contain (even unintentionally) the "dirt" from the senders, you should be aware of that aspect of the egg throwing. Collecting the shells and doing work on them is a decent approach, and the right idea. I am just brainstorming here. If I, for example, accidentally touched the leftovers from someone else's cleaning ritual (which is in a way what happens when you go out to clean up the eggs), I would be sure to clean myself afterwards. I would not necessarily bring the eggs into my house to freeze, because even tho they get frozen you are tracking in dirt, so to speak. I would probably collect them, drop them into a cleansing solution (salt water blessed with prayer or holy water with some rue (or at a minimum mint, basil and flowers) added. Then dump that in a stream, or even down the toilet or a storm drain on the street. Then I would use a second cleansing solution (same type of ingredients) to wash my hands and "aura" after. It's a small thing, but these guys are not massive magicians, they are just stupid angry kids.

So that was where I was going with pondering the eggs.

If you are going to use the eggs to go "back at them" then I have to think about what I would do there. My gut would be again to take it out of your house. Use the eggs in some working, but then put it in the street or along the roadside where they arrive, and again wash yourself after finishing handling the material. No matter how hot the work you want to do, I think it's always really, really important to keep yourself cool and solid. A warrior may rush into battle weapon raised high and screaming war cries, but he puts on his lucky charms and armor and says his prayers first. :)

Anyway, these are just ideas based on the way I work, and might not be right for you.

The guy I turn to on the rare occasion I feel I need a really awesome outside perspective is Lon Milo DuQuette, who is a genius tarot reader and can be found via google. There may be people on this board who are good readers, too (ask if you can talk to one or two of their happy clients before deciding who you go with - even if someone is a good reader, they might not be the right style or fit for you). I don't read for others enough to consider it a skill I can offer.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#15 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:17 am

I had a most illuminating Tarot card reading over the phone with Lon, so I second Girasol's endorsement.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#16 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:34 am

girasol wrote:What you said is what I was exploring with the eggs. It just was occurring to me that because they contain (even unintentionally) the "dirt" from the senders, you should be aware of that aspect of the egg throwing. Collecting the shells and doing work on them is a decent approach, and the right idea. I am just brainstorming here. If I, for example, accidentally touched the leftovers from someone else's cleaning ritual (which is in a way what happens when you go out to clean up the eggs), I would be sure to clean myself afterwards. I would not necessarily bring the eggs into my house to freeze, because even tho they get frozen you are tracking in dirt, so to speak. I would probably collect them, drop them into a cleansing solution (salt water blessed with prayer or holy water with some rue (or at a minimum mint, basil and flowers) added. Then dump that in a stream, or even down the toilet or a storm drain on the street. Then I would use a second cleansing solution (same type of ingredients) to wash my hands and "aura" after. It's a small thing, but these guys are not massive magicians, they are just stupid angry kids. So that was where I was going with pondering the eggs.

If you are going to use the eggs to go "back at them" then I have to think about what I would do there. My gut would be again to take it out of your house. Use the eggs in some working, but then put it in the street or along the roadside where they arrive, and again wash yourself after finishing handling the material. No matter how hot the work you want to do, I think it's always really, really important to keep yourself cool and solid. A warrior may rush into battle weapon raised high and screaming war cries, but he puts on his lucky charms and armor and says his prayers first. :)

Anyway, these are just ideas based on the way I work, and might not be right for you.

The guy I turn to on the rare occasion I feel I need a really awesome outside perspective is Lon Milo DuQuette, who is a genius tarot reader and can be found via google. There may be people on this board who are good readers, too (ask if you can talk to one or two of their happy clients before deciding who you go with - even if someone is a good reader, they might not be the right style or fit for you). I don't read for others enough to consider it a skill I can offer.

@Girasol I see what your saying about handling & blessing the egg shells peacefully and believe I have tried with the ingredients you mentioned and added a few of my own in there as well BUT this issue has escalated to these monsters trying to tamper with my health and anger. There's only so much a person can handle when their home is being violated every other week at any given time cause these demon seeds are bored and have nothing to do so my home becomes their new toy to be attacked with. This requires a bit of a heavy handed touch to it now, only because all the nice peaceful spellwork I massaged on to these shells only made it more worse. I've been more than adequately patient in having my home become a plaything for these demon seeded criminals.

And yes I have already collected the latest attacks shells with gloves, always use gloves & I have used a version of the freezing spell to ward off their useless far its been a quiet 5 days so far...but waiting on bated breath for the other egg shells or shoe to drop so to speak :roll:

But this reader that you suggessted does he work from the states or is he an international reader? Does he have a very long waiting list? How expensive is he? On a very tight budget but will scrape up a few dollars for a reading when ncessary?

@Lefty he did a phone reading for you, how was he? was his information decent or somewhat spot on? or did you end up with general information from him?

:Thank You again to you all and to the both of you as well for your speedy replies back.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#17 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:44 am

He's a well known magician and author. I did my readings by phone, too. I don't know his current rates - it was around $50. In both my readings he was spot on scary accurate.

My point about the eggs was not so much that you need to do peace work, but to be sure you keep yourself clean and protected, even when doing hot or dark work.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#18 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:41 pm

Girasol, I see what your saying now and YES, I always keep myself protected with any kind of magickal workings especially with these eggs I am super careful of what I bring in or out of my home.

Oh my gosh 50 dollars is nothing for a reading, wonder if he is from the states need to google his bio a bit further.

Were you allowed to ask questions at the end of your reading girasol?


Posts: 337

Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#19 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:44 pm

Aponi896 wrote:Girasol, I see what your saying now and YES, I always keep myself protected with any kind of magickal workings especially with these eggs I am super careful of what I bring in or out of my home.

Oh my gosh 50 dollars is nothing for a reading, wonder if he is from the states need to google his bio a bit further.

Were you allowed to ask questions at the end of your reading girasol?


He lives in California. Yes, I first stated my very general concern without detail, he asked me to be involved in shuffling and described his layout as he did it (he uses a unique layout) and then described what he was seeing. I let him go on for a while, then began asking more specific questions, and he also asked me which parts of it I wanted to explore more or get more detail on, and then there was some discussion and such. That was about half an hour if I recall. He charges by the half hour, I think, so you can ask to continue for longer if you have more things you want to talk about (and not sure if his rate may have changed since I last had a reading, too). He's got a personality like Santa Claus - very jolly and pleasant. Of course the style that works for one person may not suit another, so best research a bit and make your own opinion. You can find a lot about him on google.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#20 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:58 pm


I also have had to deal with hostile neighbors -- a teen-aged 'demon-seed' blubber kid, his similar brother a few years older and their fat bubba barnyard inbred parents. I did the freeze spell which calmed things down, and did a few of the aggressive workings in the NAP book.

Interestingly the way it worked out is that due to a series of unlikely events, I was able to have the older boy arrested when he yet again stole more of my property. This served to push them back for a while, but my goal is to get them moved out and away from here with decent neighbors to replace them. You might consider approaching the spirits for protection if you haven't already.

Regarding Lon Milo Duquette's tarot readings -- I also had one from him given over the telephone and it was remarkably spot on. I had made 95 post it notes to remind myself to call him at the time of our appointment, but forgot about it -- I was late! I frantically telephoned him and found that I wasn't too late to fix the problem. The fact that I was so panicky from being late I found it almost impossible to advise him when to stop shuffling the cards! So, I picked up my own cards and shuffled them and had that 'aha' moment and advised him to stop shuffling. In a way, I think that the fact that I was late in calling him and the ensuing panic that followed had somehow caused my choice of the best moment to tell him to stop shuffling.

The reading he gave me was remarkable. He answered my question and actually followed it up by giving an alternate reading -- an interpretation that comes from an eastern viewpoint.

And the question I had was complex, it wasn't a garden variety 'tell me about money and love' -- it had to do with the dynamic between a group of persons and an associated life and death situation that was looming on the horizon.

He's going to be in Danbury, Connecticut in September and since that is within driving range for me, I plan to attend because I'd like to meet him and hear his presentation. The event is mentioned in the 'announcement' section.

In his book, "My Life with the Spirits", LMD wrote about an event that occurred when he and his wife were very young -- they had moved onto a commune or farm or something of that nature, and he accidentally killed a kitten by stepping on it. He went on to say how one of the other people who lived on the farm was able to restore life to the kitten again, and described what he saw. When I spoke with him I asked him about it (if it was true!) and he said that it was true and that he never saw that happen again!

I would definitely recommend his tarot readings.

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