First Report LAIDROM Series

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.

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First Report LAIDROM Series

Post#1 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:33 pm

I have been engaged in a series of operations involving the evocation of the Senior LAIDROM.
This has been a complex series in that they have taken on the nature of a tutelage in the
nature and role that the Enochians played in the creation of our universe and reality.

The first two operations resolved into the equivalent of an admissions test with the third
bearing fruit. The dialog has centered upon mapping the components of the big bang in this reality to the
actions and effects of the E's in there dominion.

The exploration as it has proven illuminating in that LAIDROM supplied a series of holographic
mathematical equations that demonstrated the validity of the theory of P-branes as Tesseracts in higher dimensional
spaces and that the E's have a structure and state within this framework, such that they should be considered as
multi-dimensional sentient entities more anologus to the "Q" of Star Trek then to the biblical "Angels".

It has been a revelation to have confirmed that 'As above, So below' applies to equivalent forms of mathematics and
physics and there is continuity of reason in the domain of creations.

Magus Tain

"Mens in motus"

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