Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 741

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#71 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:27 pm

IronOrchid wrote:Here's one I can share. 8th April, a week ago, I was chopping an onion and my hand slipped, and I cut down onto my thumb with the knife - it's REALLY sharp and i gouged a big sliver off the tip plus some attached nail. It wasn't totally severed but there was only like an eighth-inch of skin holding the flap on.

I washed it under running water until it stopped bleeding (it bled A Lot) and wacked on a plaster over the top, hoping it would kind of heal back together a bit. My general policy with cuts is fix them together and leave them well alone.

I did the Five Gates & Bornless One invocation two days later (I really felt like doing it) - I felt some energy down near my thumb, which i didn't think about, it was like a feeling of very bright white light.

Next day my thumb had totally healed - I kid you not, there's a reddish patch but what happened to the almost-severed sliver of nail, I do not know, and yeah i do heal fast but not that fast, one week on you'd never know that anything had happened, there's just a small patch of reddish/shiny skin that looks like the ones I get when i bite the skin off my fingers (horrible habit I know! :P ).

I appreciate there's no photos of the before but the cut was BAD, that knife went through skin, nail and nailbed like butter, 3 days later the edge of the nail was totally even again, you'd never know anything had happened. I'm personally convinced that the NAP work healed it, I didn't do anything else towards it.


Wow IO thats pretty stunning. Let me get this straight. Did you just do the middle pillar rite and the bornless one invocation as you didnt say anything about the fountain exercise and then concentrating light on your thumb?

Reminds me of a story of Lori Poe, spiritual healer extraodinaire. She gave healing to someone and this person was healed and the surgeon at the time had a jaw dropping experience when the incision he had cut into their body just closed up and vanished in front of their unbelieving eyes!
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray - S.S.S.B.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1183

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#72 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:43 pm

wizardscauldron wrote: Did you just do the middle pillar rite and the bornless one invocation as you didnt say anything about the fountain exercise and then concentrating light on your thumb?

Yes, I did the fountain, but I wasn't really thinking about my thumb - it was a big cut and annoying having it wrapped in plaster, but not bad enough for me to care enough to focus on it. 8-) I hadn't done that sequence for a few days and had a really strong compulsion to do it though.

"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
Captain James T Kirk

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 741

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#73 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:47 pm

This just goes to show how powerful this process is hey. The nail reforming overnight shows the construction of physical matter from energy overnight - truly magickal. Ive been trying to get my father to use it for his old age ailments but he is too close minded. I copied the testimonials from NAP as they are good examples but he still thinks its hogwash :(
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray - S.S.S.B.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1183

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#74 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:44 pm

I was pleasantly surprised, it seemed like accelerated healing rather than a complete reversal of the cut, either way it meant I could ditch the dressing within 3 days of doing it, pretty nifty!

"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
Captain James T Kirk


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#75 » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:58 pm

I want to thank all of the spirits for all of the help they have given me over the years. I truly appreciate everything. They have always come through for me!

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#76 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:19 am

I have another success story for this week.

Helped a relative find the house they wanted and have their first offer accepted. I used the general purpose ritual and within 6 days exactly what I asked for her came about. No other houses were looked at in the meantime and she said she couldn't have asked for a more perfect match to ideal they had in mind for a house.

To thank the spirits involved I performed the NAP and the chant and when it came to the point in the ritual to give the orders so to speak...I made it clear the frankincense I was about to toss on the coals was for them as thanks.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2721

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#77 » Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:40 am

Usually when I begin a new system of Magick, I conjure for things that are not very hard to manifest. In the case of NAP, I used the incantation to rekindle a Mate's interest (which; my wife and I have a very healthy sex life ... but you know how men are; curious). Well, this worked incredibly well and I spent a week doing the chant everyday and having amazing explosive sex every night. After the first morning of doing the chant, my wife was walking around the temple, and commenting on how charged the energy in the temple felt ... I shit you not we got down and dirty on the floor of the temple right then and there.

After about a week of this I was becoming exhausted (energetically from the constant ejaculation [2 - 3 every encounter] as well as the calorie burn of all the hard fucking), and I needed some support passing a test in college. I really wasn't enjoying the class so I had been kind of blowing it off. I realized that I was in trouble of getting a D in the class if I didn't do really well on my assessment. The class was in accounting, which is bone dry and boring. I have had straight A's up until this point, so I was rather worried about marring my performance record. I did the chant to bring success on the morning of the test. Not only did I pass the test (which, honestly, I shouldn't have); the professor wrote me an e-mail explaining that the grading system was being altered to accommodate the curve and some of my previous scores on discussions were being increased! I ended up with a B in the class. Not bad at all!

Finally, I got curious about how powerful I could make the system work. I made a Solar talisman on paper, and created a Sigil of intent which I also put on the talisman. I used the Invocation for Money AS WELL AS the planetary meditation and God Name vibration (surrounding and encasing the aura in yellow). Within a week of daily conjuring, my accountant called and delivered the best news I had heard in awhile. My tax return was going to be over $6,000.00 this year. Not only that, my friend informed me of a way to call Sprint (my cell phone provider) and change my bill without changing my plan, AS WELL as getting an extra $20 a week off my bill for an entire year. We did this for my wife as well and we literally cut our monthly cell phone bill in half. And that's not all! My band also decided to switch studio's at this time, which further reduced my monthly bill requirement. Finally, my internet provider was offering a special on high speed internet for $33 per month for an entire year, and I was able to get THAT monthly bill reduced as well.

Finally, I put away the NAP, confident that whenever I need to magickally get anything done, I have an unbeatable way to get what I need accomplished. Truly awesome and easy stuff!!!

"The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in." ~ Rumi

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 689

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#78 » Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:46 am

*loves such stories*
".. nothing but infinite chaos, stochastically dragged into existence by each and every observer according to their predispositions, and by manipulating these .."
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Posts: 70

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#79 » Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:49 pm

I just wanted to post about the latest success I've had with NAP. I guess before I do that I should comment on my other post about myself getting a job. I did not get that particular job, some odd things happened with respect to the job. The requisition was canceled and reposted several times, and from what I hear from friends who work there, it was completely canceled. I don't know why this happened, but I was never given a real interview, only a phone interview. In the meantime, I have not gotten a new job, BUT have been provided with a continuous onslaught of self-employment opportunities. So much so, that it feels like I have 2 full-time jobs at this point.

My latest success was a working that I did for my husband, requesting that he receive a promotion at work. He was deserving of a promotion, and he was passed over 2 times. Since Elubatel grants success and titles to the deserving, I figured this would be something in his realm. He just got notice today that he is in for a promotion (and title of Project Manager). This working shook out in a really odd/hectic way, with a lot of the players (including my husband) doing things that were just out-of-character. I'm proud of him, as he certainly deserved the job without magic, but I know the magic delivered. He will be the youngest Project Manager at his company site.

Posts: 14

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#80 » Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:42 pm

Hello all,

I am a newbie to this - and it was by chance that I stumbled across this forum. Reading all the posts on NAP - encouraged me to order the book and begin some chants.

I have been struggling with my career. Having let go twice has taken its toll on my confidence. So as a desperate measure- I began experimenting with NAP- and the following is what the book of secrets look like

6th june - ordered NAP book
9th June- Got NAP book- did the relaxation ritual, chant for success and kabalistic cross
10th june- Got a call from a recruiter for a position that I REALLY REALLY want
11th June - Got another followup call from a senior recruiter and have a telephonic interview setup for the 15th.

It is my intent to get this job and I request the mighty Elubatel- in a humble manner to give me this.

( I found the text in the NAP book a bit condescending- how can we command a mighty entity? was my prime concern- so I took the liberty to change the language...rather than I conjure and command- I use- I conjure and request the mighty elubatel to assist me in my ventures- I hope this is all right...Could some of the senior members help a newbie with this?)

I have read some posts by the senior members of this forum (vovin etc) - and their words and success stories are very encouraging to newbies like me.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement- will keep you all posted on how this interview goes.

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