Spirit Keeping

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Spirit Keeping

Post#1 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:45 am

Let's discuss the topic of spirit keeping.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the topic, here is a definition in quotes provided by Creepy Hollows. Full definition and more can be found on their encyclopedia here:

Spirit Keeping is the act of keeping spirits of once, living entities as friends & companions, typically bound to a vessel, or yourself. People who do this are known as Spirit Keepers. In its most basic form of conjuring a spirit & conversing with it, or giving it a task, it is a centuries-old practice. However, the term "Spirit Keeping" to signify keeping spirits bound to vessels as friends & companions, is a term coined by Creepy Hollows. Prior to this term, the act of conversing with spirits, or conjuring spirits was known as "Spirit Conjuring", "Spirit Invoking", "Spirit Medium", etc. However, as stated before, in those cases it meant to converse with spirits (the dead), for a purpose; asking a question, asking them for help, asking for guidance, usually for a temporary amount of time, not for an ongoing, life choice.

Additionally, there is a classification system known as Arts. Although it's not mentioned on their site, another common classification by various conjurors is the Gray Arts (a mix between White and Dark classifications; technically falls under Dark Arts though).

Spirit Keeping is divided into three Arts; White Arts (can do no harm), Dark Arts (have free will of choice, like humans), and Black Arts (malicious & evil by nature).

There is a strong emphasis on bindings spirits through a vessel. In most cases, these bindings do not trap the said spirit but instead offer a direct link called a "binding" for the Keeper to communicate with the spirit. Think of it as a communication system of sorts such as a telephone.

General explanations aside, what are your thoughts and/or experiences in spirit keeping?

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