crazy ride with Elubatel

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#231 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:04 pm

Im riding this out it will weather...Ive been thru hell... But the hell is of my own making... Who do i blame? ... Myself? ...Yes i do!
I live with a gf that doesnt work doesnt want too. Doesnt contribute in any kind of way...So yes this is my fault! Can i change it? Yes i can if i dont get my head blown off. If nothing else El has opened my eyes to this....

Edit : Just a rant... She lets this mutt piss all over the house and run a muck...Hate that dog...It would be so nice to come home without being pissed off...
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#232 » Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:52 pm

My summons to Anael has paid off... Gf got a job and willing to work with me. What does this have to do with El? Just wondering if he sheds light on things like Dynamis does. Im going thru a chaotic transition right now at a extremely fast pace. Things i asked for are happening but with not without consequences. Stamping out fires like smokey the bear without a shovel.

Something just came to me.... Ive always heard dont fight the current but ride the storm. Just a thought.... But when you summon him would you just let the current flow thru you or you flow thru him? Im a little stone right now so i dont know if this makes sense to you. My point is when in a meditative state still some thoughts will come apparent because he is a mirror image of your thoughts whether consciously or subconsciously. Emotions can get in the way. As the saying goes... "You get what you ask for".... How do you just draw a blank mind when summoning him and flow thru his current without getting burnt?

Im willing to try to just let go of everything and flow with this current. Because i believe i could experience everything i ever wanted. Do i just ask him how do i just let go? without my world doing flip flops? I know change is imminent, I see it happening and know i must ride thru this to get rewarded.

Edit: I know Haniel and Anael are the same spirit. I get far better results pronouncing Anaels name.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#233 » Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:17 pm

For many years I've dealt with this spirit. Many years things went every way but lose. Every now and then the current comes to me but not turning everything upside down.

Things have calm down and one of the main reasons is I let go of people ( leaches) that brought me down. I'm finally in a place where I can summon him again (but with caution) .

The chaos that was in my life was my own making Elubatel just pushed it in my face and made me realize in order to be successful you have to be around successful people and environment.

I'm not where I want to be but I'm getting there. I have surrounded myself with professional and positive people and it reflects the change...

I'm debating in summoning Elubatel again. For purposes of this POA has gotten conservator over my aunt he put many years in a nursing home after he took her home car and everything she owns. He is no blood what so ever... Now he after the 1.4 million in stocks she owns. She has dementia and in her final stages. After what he has done to her and my family I can't let him walk away with the rest....I want him gone......

First I will do some rituals acquiring wealth. Then I will do the Astral bomb on him. Then summon Elubatel.

Is their any thoughts on this on how I should go about it or do differently?

This man is pure evil and has destroyed my family for many years....
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Magister Templi
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Re: RE: Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#234 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:08 pm

I will reply qoting Provenant but please read Talerman, Wanderer and others comments too.

So many years!

Provenant wrote:
For several years now, you have blamed every set back on Elubatel. And when I suggest that maybe you cut things off for a bit, your reply is basically that you can't.

You're given the pass key of Anaphexaton, why don't you use it?

Yes Elubatel can upend one's life. But if you say go away, E does.

Don't worship this angel. Practice magic. Will there be follow on effects? Sure. But they will diminish. An angel of impotence is not likely to stay mucking about with one's life if they have been asked to leave.

So on some level, it seems that you are continuing to ask for Elubatel's interference.

As sugested by Talerman too, work with other angels.

Raphael to help the health, even Michael to bring another point of view and even ask him to command Elubatel to get away.

My 2 cents.

Posts: 152

Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#235 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:14 pm

I just would like to add that I've been working lightly with Elubatel for a good chunk of time and have not had any of the catastrophic effects that many here seem to have suffered. As to why this should be, I don't really know. To be fair, I don't engage in spirit worship, and my general approach is to conjure to visible appearance following a modified Drawing Spirits into Crystals type format when calling up spirits. My recommendation to OP would be to either cut the spirit completely off, or else to do a clearer form of conjuration and establish boundaries with E so his great constructive force can be utilized in a normal, balanced, way rather than haphazardly and destructively.
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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#236 » Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:30 pm

I remember doing a working a few months back with Elubatel, and I distinctly remember the approach. I'd always considered Elubatel a woman, but this spirit was definitely male. What I experienced could only be described as many different layers put around someone inquiring, like a receptionist. For each layer, there was a question and my inner nature would respond to each layer. Picture a mildly irritated phone agent asking basic questions like "Have you tried turning it off an on again?"

For each layer I moved past, there was a different question. Question perhaps isn't the right way to frame it. More like a fly trap. Did I think this layer was attractive? No, okay then you're not coming to me in ignorance. What about this layer? Is it sweet? No, then you're not coming out of anger. I'm seriously generalizing it. Anyway, after a few moments of "questioning", a very happy receptionist decided that I would actually get the chance to work with Elubatel in the way that I did.

From what I saw, it wasn't that each "fly trap" was supposed to deter me, I would have just been classified in a certain way. I got the feeling(edit: got the feeling from who I was communicating with) that MANY people approached this angel with ignorance of themselves, and in unawareness of what they actually wanted. I am guessing that on some level, they stuck to a fly-trap once questioned about their intentions, and was promptly sent elsewhere once their intentions were known. "Okay, you're gonna just sit in the corner for a while until you figure it out". I should note these are my words, and I'm watering down the experience. I can't really explain it properly, and it was some time ago.

I have had similar experiences where a being is "checking" me to see how I'm approaching. Are my glasses dirty, or are they clear? If they're dirty, and I don't know they are, I'm in for a ride. It has happened, especially with Thoth. He doesn't pity the fool, in my experience. My guess is, and it's not for everything, but if you're getting the run around, you probably got sent somewhere else by someone who didn't want to waste their time.

<digress> I recently did a curse with Set-Typhon. Nearly complete, and Set informs me that I'm trying to set off a nuke when it's really just a little cherry bomb that I needed. The most important part was "Will you listen to me, or will you continue in the way you are?" I had to adjust, because how I felt about it definitely wasn't going to trump wisdom(and an ultimatum from a god known for disasters). It might be shit either way, but disagreeing with a universal force won't make it any prettier. I took it as a learning experience. Felt the same with Elubatel and that experience. </disgress>

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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#237 » Sun Jun 04, 2023 7:49 pm

summerland wrote:For many years I've dealt with this spirit. Many years things went every way but lose. Every now and then the current comes to me but not turning everything upside down.

Things have calm down and one of the main reasons is I let go of people ( leaches) that brought me down. I'm finally in a place where I can summon him again (but with caution) .

The chaos that was in my life was my own making Elubatel just pushed it in my face and made me realize in order to be successful you have to be around successful people and environment.

I'm not where I want to be but I'm getting there. I have surrounded myself with professional and positive people and it reflects the change...

I'm debating in summoning Elubatel again. For purposes of this POA has gotten conservator over my aunt he put many years in a nursing home after he took her home car and everything she owns. He is no blood what so ever... Now he after the 1.4 million in stocks she owns. She has dementia and in her final stages. After what he has done to her and my family I can't let him walk away with the rest....I want him gone......

First I will do some rituals acquiring wealth. Then I will do the Astral bomb on him. Then summon Elubatel.

Is their any thoughts on this on how I should go about it or do differently?

This man is pure evil and has destroyed my family for many years....

Not sure if you're still around, but the Shem will work overtime against people who try to take advantage of vulnerable populations. I asked them to intercede on the behalf of an elderly family member as another family member was trying to do something similar to your situation. I can honestly say if the Shem come to help, they are bringing an ass kicking with them. And that ass kicking is going to be life changing for them.
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#238 » Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:08 pm

Aetheryn wrote:[...]From what I saw, it wasn't that each "fly trap" was supposed to deter me, I would have just been classified in a certain way. I got the feeling(edit: got the feeling from who I was communicating with) that MANY people approached this angel with ignorance of themselves, and in unawareness of what they actually wanted. I am guessing that on some level, they stuck to a fly-trap once questioned about their intentions, and was promptly sent elsewhere once their intentions were known. "Okay, you're gonna just sit in the corner for a while until you figure it out". I should note these are my words, and I'm watering down the experience. I can't really explain it properly, and it was some time ago. [...]

On the nose! This perfectly relates so much of what I've experienced with Elubatel over the years, and its always been my experience that "she" (and yes, I experience "her" as a feminine presence) that the challenges I would face were my responses to the circumstances and a reflection of what I was surrounding myself with.

People looooove to talk about how this spirit or that spirit ruined their life, but in reality, its usually using spirit inappropriately towards aims that'll wreck us and then getting mad that we had the help we demanded getting to the state of ruination we've conjured. When challenged, we very often need to look within and contemplate questions like "is this going to absolutely wreck my world?" - if you get a positive answer to that question, contemplate if that's still what you want and how you want it.

Much of we experience is our own inner conflict being made manifest in the outside world. Sometimes our voice is the loudest, and others its the voice of your neighbor. Spirits take from that energy we carry within and use it to structure the latticeworks of what we're wishing to see made flesh.

Sometimes we have to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. :jkj

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Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Post#239 » Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:26 pm

WolfAmongSheep wrote:Not sure if you're still around, but the Shem will work overtime against people who try to take advantage of vulnerable populations. I asked them to intercede on the behalf of an elderly family member as another family member was trying to do something similar to your situation. I can honestly say if the Shem come to help, they are bringing an ass kicking with them. And that ass kicking is going to be life changing for them.

Can confirm. They do not fuck around.

I was working a client case where she had been attacked by a cop's former girlfriend while the client was leaving his house. She got arrested, dirtbag sided with his ex and it came out that he was a dirty cop. I called on the Shem and the ex-girlfriend was arrested about 20 hours later. It came out that the cop was dirty too, so the Shem didn't spare much in the way of mercy against someone betraying the function of his role within society.

Turns out Angels of Objective Truth don't like when you lie. :angelic :lol:

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