An Unexpected Gnostic Grimoire

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An Unexpected Gnostic Grimoire

Post#1 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:38 am

The Bedlam in Goliath, a studio album by progressive rock group The Mars Volta, is a true gnostic grimoire enshrined in experimental music. This is confirmed by the fact that the band stated in numerous interviews that much of the lyrics are taken verbatim from spirit board communications with various strange and currently-"new" entities. I always sensed this album had an ominous and otherworldly energy surrounding it. I put it in the same league as Donald Tyson's Liber Lilith.

I have begun working with it in my personal practice, and am putting the idea out there so others take up the breadcrumbs I'm leaving here. I know this forum is very orthodox grimoire focused, but I simply do not understand why we must constantly wrestle with outdated methods when there are plenty of spirits we don't even know about I'm sure and we could benefit greatly from establishing contact with these strange beings foreign to our Earthly sphere. If magick doesn't move forward and evolve its methodology, stagnation risks occuring and magick will become a dead husk of its former self. Remember, the grimoire methods were contemporary to the specific time when they emerged, now we are in the 21st century and we should be employing methods contemporary and relevant to OUR time. I see way too much "snobby elitism" from orthodox grimoire scholars on the Internet these days, whereas I see nothing wrong with Chaos Magick or Kenneth Grant or Spare. Onward!

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