Why perform daily?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Why perform daily?

Post#1 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:37 am

I've used NAP before and it works, but I don't quite understand why must the beings be invoked everyday with the same words repeated to them?

I would assume any being will be annoyed at hearing the exact same words and command words everyday from the same person.

The beings being invoked of high spiritual development and intellect far beyond any mortal,is assigning them tasks once not enough? I am confused.

Tim the Enchanter
Posts: 23

Re: Why perform daily?

Post#2 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:25 pm


Seems to me that you are making assumptions, themselves based just on expectations, about what the NAP beings are, how they think, how they perceive us / our communications, how they effect change in the world, etc. I mean your concerns would be entirely valid if we were talking about other human beings, or even human-like beings - but that isn't necessarily the case here.

It could be more interesting and useful to generate theories about the NAP entities based on the evidence you have from using NAP - rather than starting with a theory then getting confused that the evidence doesn't fit right.

NAP entities are not human, so the rules for human-human communication don't necessarily apply.

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Re: Why perform daily?

Post#3 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:36 pm

TeddyBear, I absolutely came into this with the same fear, that I was a nagging little brat if I was performing the same incantation over and over day after day, whining to Arzel and anyone else. But that, and I'm probably paraphrazing Tim here, is assuming the inner planes work the way our society works. You don't have to think that, so be more open. Time is a big difference, and the nagging aspect is partially about time-- how long and how often we "nag".

Just read the book and practice. Really the most important thing is to practice. Then as you learn more and none of it makes sense you just keep basic practice going and keep learning. Eventually you'll find what makes sense and what works for you. Then you might discard all that and find some other level of what makes sense and what works for you. These are "arts", and as you grow as an artist you'll grown into this. The chapters on using the Pendulum and the predictive tests are all about measuring growth.

The book is a system, one of a few he wrote. It is highly flexible, and I base that on what others have said about it and my own more limited experience. You can read his other books for more about how he thought and what might be behind the words. You can read other people's books and listen to the amazing people here. Basically I think it is analogous to trying on different articles of clothing or accessories to find they either match and fit with the bit of NAP you're wearing, or you'll try and try and find that that bit just doesn't fit with the bit of NAP you're wearing. Eventually it will all come together for you and you can go out and play in the snow.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Why perform daily?

Post#4 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:45 pm

I dont know NAP but my short answer to "why daily ?" is : because magic requires constancy and discipline to be effective.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Why perform daily?

Post#5 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:43 pm

You must build a relationship with these spirits. To get acquainted with them so to speak....The more you work with them the more they know your goals. After awhile i dont need formal invocations or rituals. Still i do them when needed.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Why perform daily?

Post#6 » Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:56 am

Thanks for the explanation guys! It really clears it up! Daily invocation it is :D !

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Why perform daily?

Post#7 » Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:51 pm

Teddybear123 wrote:I've used NAP before and it works, but I don't quite understand why must the beings be invoked everyday with the same words repeated to them?

I would assume any being will be annoyed at hearing the exact same words and command words everyday from the same person.

The beings being invoked of high spiritual development and intellect far beyond any mortal,is assigning them tasks once not enough? I am confused.

my theory on this (in regards to entity communication anyways) is that unless one
conjured the entity into our plane, or super l33t magus, our lines of communication
is muddy - like playing broken telephone, and that repetition helps getting the over there.

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Re: Why perform daily?

Post#8 » Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:48 am

mrblack wrote:my theory on this (in regards to entity communication anyways) is that unless one
conjured the entity into our plane, or super l33t magus, our lines of communication
is muddy - like playing broken telephone, and that repetition helps getting the over there.

Thats a very nice way of explaining it! Thanks :D

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 595

Re: Why perform daily?

Post#9 » Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:29 pm

Teddybear123 wrote:I've used NAP before and it works, but I don't quite understand why must the beings be invoked everyday with the same words repeated to them?

I would assume any being will be annoyed at hearing the exact same words and command words everyday from the same person.

The beings being invoked of high spiritual development and intellect far beyond any mortal,is assigning them tasks once not enough? I am confused.

Repetition is a way of both learning and instilling a desire into the universe to put it bluntly. Ever notice that when you were a kid, especially when your parents were busy you had to remind them more than once about something important you wanted to do for them to remember? (I'm talking average parents here not the super-parents blessed with eidetic memories)

Spirits often have to be told something more than once for them to move on it for you. It's a weird dynamic and a lot of would be spirit gurus want to theorize all sorts of reasons why this is so which in the end don't really matter nor help all tht much because spirits are like Popeye - they are who they are. Just go with it.

Gray-Cobb doesn't specifically state to repeat your working that I recall. He just states to do it and that's the end of it. I began to do the NAP working daily then wrote about it and suggested to practitioners in my group to do so. I think the idea spread at the time. I dunno. I did so out of desperation merely because time was short, money was about to run out and I was staying with a friend who was married with children and I was occupying one of the children's bedrooms. I also elongated the names like Kraig taught in his Modern MagicK and I also recited each of the spirit's name thrice. I also recited each incantation thrice as well. Thus my method was:

1. Main Incantation - recite it 3 x's. Recite every holy name &/or word of power thrice as well. Use Kraig's elongating the vowels. At the end of each recitation, speak my desire plainly. (At the time it was "to become gainfully employed with a progressive company in a sales position making a good base salary plus commission, bonuses and other perks wth benefits" - the job came in about 45 days from the time I began.)

2. Success Incantation - recite it 3 x's as well and explain to Elubatel why I needed to win this job, how far away I was willing to travel, and other errata.

3. General Incantation - recited it 3 x's as well and this was to the catch-all to anything that wasn't covered by the first two. Here I included my idea of perks, privileges, working environment, dress code, and so on. Plus I wanted an easy entry into the company.

Needless to say, it took the NAP spirits I called upon daily, sometimes several times a day (since I wasn't work, why not?) 45 days or thereabouts to get me the job I wanted from start to finish. I mean I think it only took Them a total of 22 days to help me FIND this job through a job fair. THEN I had to go through FOUR separate interviews to get hired. Once hired however, that wasn't it. There was a hazing period where I (and 16 others who were also hired) had to memorize a 12 page script to permanently get the inside sales job and we only had 7 days to do that in. They were flying us out of our hometown here to the east coast in North Carolina to the home office for 8 weeks of paid training.

On our flight to NC, we got delayed in Washington-Dulles airport due to an ice storm that paralyzed the east coast of the US and stranded us for an extra 3 days in a hotel room thus giving me and everyone else traveling with me, all 17 of us, an extra 3 days of prep time. ;) Then when it came time to take the test, I had a sales manager who was so liberal with me missing words and she even read whole paragraphs for me and passed me. By all rights she should have axed me from the group and sent me on the next flight home. There was one guy who didn't make the cut so they shipped him home. Thus the power of NAP spirits. (I dare anyone to tell me this material does not work! I'll smack 'em over the head with my copy!)

You do NOT have to read the incantations more than once of course. Doing so will not hurt your ritual one iota. I just found it useful to ensure the material WORKS by pushing it to the limit and treating it more like real magical material like you find in a grimoire or book of shadows rather than some off the rack new age shop. Now there are folks creating seals for the spirits which is fleshing out the system even more so. I have made my own seals as well. The NAP spirits will give you a seal if you ask for one but it's nice to see some professionally done seals as well.
The Original Sorcerer
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Magister Templi
Posts: 4560

Re: Why perform daily?

Post#10 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:01 am

:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost :goodpost :goodpost everyone

I think that NAP's target audience consists of those who lack practical experience. Lacking practical experience means that one must work hard to build up contacts and also to get the actual magic to work because the intensity and self-absorption may not be as great as an experienced magician.
The vulgar is at everyone's command. Eirenaeus Philalethes - The marrow of Alchemy

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