For people asking me to teach them goetic evocation.

The Heptameron, the Key of Solomon, the Lemegeton, the Arbatel of Magic, the Book of Abramelin, etc.
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For people asking me to teach them goetic evocation.

Post#1 » Sat May 24, 2014 4:20 am

I m puting this here because I m having a bit of trouble answering the same same same thing in pm s.

If you want me to teach you the basis of Goetia , please read this.

1. I do not work with Goetia. I am very familiar with it, i use the ritual for the entities in Theurgia-Goetia, but please do not ask me about the demons, there are other people out there that write frequently about them, they would be more fit to be in your attention.

2. Read the Goetia.

3. There are no unnecessary secret rituals like the LBPR or the Headless Rite. I mean, the Lemegeton is pretty straightforeward.

4. Read at least one version of the original Lemegeton, do not base your praxis straight on modern interpretations.

5. Read the Goetia carefully. Do not get caught in the descriptions of the demons and powers, but underline and jot down everything in the text relating to the practice, from the hazel stick and wine bowl in the description of Byleth to the ritual steps outlined at the end of it.

6. If not content with these, read at least two books of people that dealt with it, like Steve Savedow

7. If not content with these. at least read some blogs of people that actively used it, Imperial Arts, Rufus Opus, and so on.

8. If not content with these, read the Solomonic magic primer.

9. Use the search function and type in Goetia. This forum has a truckload of info that you will find most helpful.

10. Don t be lazy. Do steps 1-9.
Do not PM me asking for spells or rituals. Do not PM me asking to be your tutor in magic: after 20-30 people do that and bail on you because they realise it s hard, it gets frustrating. I ll help any other way.

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