Livre des Esperitz - An English Translation

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Livre des Esperitz - An English Translation

Post#1 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:17 pm

It begins the Book of Spirits, which was revealed to the wise Solomon to constrain them on earth and to make them obey human will, for before the science was found, shown, and revealed to the said Solomon, the spirits caused much harm and pestilence on earth and destroyed many goods of this world, and to human lineage they caused many persecutions; and because the mercy of God gave to the said Solomon the benefit of this holy science to constrain the said spirits and make them obey human creatures, so that their malice would no longer reign over the Christian earth.

At the beginning of the Book shall be placed the names of the spirits who are governors and masters of all the other spirits; of the region and office of Lucifer; of the office of Beelzebub; of Satan; of the four spirits who are governors of the four regions and parts of the world, namely the spirit who is called Orient, Poymon, Equi; Beal, the great king; Agarat, duke; Barbas, prince; Bulfas, prince; Amon, marquis; Batal, count; Gemen, king; Gazon, duke; Artis, prince; Machin, duke; Dicision, king; Abugor, duke; Vipos, count; Cerbere, marquis; Carmola, prince; Estor, duke; Coap, prince; Deas, duke; Asmoday, king; Bitur, marquis; Beal, duke; Forcas, prince; Furfur, count; Margotias, marquis; Oze, prince; Lucay, marquis; Pucel, duke; Jayn, count; Suralet, duke; Zagon, king; Dragon, prince; Parcas, prince; Gorsin, duke; Andralfas, marquis; Flanos, duke; Brial, king; Fenix, marquis; Distolas.

[1] Lucifer was very beautiful and of such stature, as were the other good angels, and he did not remain in heaven for the space of an hour, for he became proud by looking at and contemplating his great beauty in which he was formed; and all those who were thinking evil with him were cast into Hell in confusion. And the said Lucifer, as the doctors of necromancy say, presides in Hell, and all the said spirits of Hell obey him as the sovereign of Hell.

[2] Gay, a great and evil spirit, is called Beelzebub, and was called before the time of Solomon, Anthaon, and is the greatest in Hell after Lucifer. It should be known that he reigns in the eastern parts, and the one who calls him should turn his face to the east, and he will appear to him in a beautiful form and appearance. He teaches all sciences and gives gold and silver to those who compel him to come, and gives true answers to what is asked of him, and reveals the secrets of Hell if asked, and truly teaches hidden things on land and at sea, and manifests all treasures that lie in the earth, and guards against other spirits, and should be called in fair weather.

[3]The third spirit is called Satan, who was formed after Lucifer, and dwells in the air near us. This Satan appears in a gracious form and inhabits the north. The one who calls him should have his face towards the north. He appears and has the power to disfigure all men and women if commanded, and he is prepared to do all evils if commanded.

Of the four principal spirits, the offices will be said in this part, of which the first follows:

Following the first:

The first is called Orient and dwells in the east. He holds the name of that part of the world.

For the second:

The second is called Poymon and dwells in the west.

For the third:

The third is called Amoymon and dwells in the southern parts.

For the fourth:

The fourth is called Equi and dwells in the northern parts.

[4] The office of the first, who is called Orient, is to answer truthfully to whatever is asked of him. He also has the power to consort with all spirits and teach them, and he teaches all medicine to the master who compels him, and under him are a hundred legions of angels or evil spirits.

[5] Poymon appears in the likeness of a crowned woman, very resplendent, and rides a dramagdon ere [sic]. The one who compels him should have his face towards the west, and he speaks the truth of whatever is asked of him and teaches all sciences to the master, and reveals all hidden things, and gives dignities and great lordships, and brings to mercy all adversaries of the master completely; and he is lord of twenty-five legions.

[6] Aymoymon is a king and appears in the likeness of a half-man with a long beard, and he wears on his head a very clear crown, and he likes to be sacrificed to. He gives true answers to whatever is asked of him or grants, and gives memory of all sciences and gives great dignities on earth and confirms them, and gives good manner of good sense; and he has ten legions.

[7] Beal is a great king who is subordinate to and subject to Orient, who is great and makes man marvelously invisible, and grants his grace to all things; and under him are six legions.

[8] Agarat is a duke and appears benignly, in the likeness of an old man, and teaches all languages and grants lordships and great dignities on earth; and under him are thirty-six legions.

[9] Barthas is a great prince who appears in a beautiful figure. His office is to give answers to what is asked of him, and he teaches hidden things, and also teaches and does to people what is asked of him, and makes man in whatever figure the master desires, and teaches astronomy perfectly; and he has thirty-six legions under him.

[10] Bulfas is a great prince. His office is to create discord and battles, and when he is well compelled, he gives good answers to what is asked of him; and he has thirty-six legions under him.

[11] Amon is a great marquis who appears in the likeness of a maiden. His office is to tell the truth of past and future things on earth, and anyone whom one wishes to have love from, he makes them have it; and he has forty legions under him.

[12] Barbas is a prince who shows how to understand the sound of birds and the voice of dogs, and reveals all hidden things on earth, and brings them if commanded; and he has thirty-six legions.

[13] Gemer is a great king. His office is to teach the virtue of herbs and all sciences, and to heal those who are sick when commanded, and also to make people sick; and he has forty legions under him.

[14] Gazon is a great duke who gives true answers about past and future things and present things, and grants grace and love towards all people on earth, and raises to great honors and dignities; and he has forty legions.

[15] Artis is a great duke and has two crowns and a sword in hand. His office is to answer all things that one wishes to ask of him and to teach hidden things, and he gives good love and grace towards all persons; and he has thirty-six legions.

[16] Machin is a great duke who is in the likeness and semblance of a strong man, and teaches the virtue of herbs and precious stones, and carries the master from region to region wherever the master wishes; and he has thirty-seven legions.

[17] Diusion is a great king who appears in the likeness of a handsome man, and gives true answers to what is asked of him, and goes to seek the treasures hidden in the earth when commanded; and he has twenty-four legions.

[18] Abugor is a great duke who appears in the likeness of a handsome knight, and gives true answers to what is asked of him and about hidden things in the earth, and gives good grace towards kings and other lords; and he has twenty-seven legions.

[19] Vipos is a great count who appears in the likeness of an angel, and makes man wise and brave, and speaks the truth of what is asked of him; and he has twenty-five legions.

[20] Cerbere is a great marquis who gives perfect understanding in all sciences, and makes man very great in honors and riches; and he has nineteen legions.

[21] Carmola is a great prince who gives understanding of birds and catches thieves and murderers when commanded. He makes people invisible and speaks the truth of what is asked of him; and he has twenty-six legions.

[22] Salmatis is a great marquis who appears in the likeness of an armed knight, and makes man in whatever semblance he wishes, and also builds fortresses, buildings, castles, and cities when commanded; and he causes great wounds to appear on anyone; and he has fifty legions.

[23] Coap is a great prince who makes women come and makes them go wherever one wishes and makes them obedient if commanded; and he has twenty-seven legions.

[24] Drap is a great duke who speaks softly and dims the sight and hearing when commanded; and he has eighty legions.

[25] Asmoday is a great king who gives a ring which has such great virtue that it makes the one who wears it happy in all things of the world, and gives true answers to what is asked of him; and he has under him twelve legions.

[26] Caap is a great prince who appears in the form of a knight and gives true answers to what is asked of him, and brings gold and silver from wherever one commands; and he has under him twenty legions.

[27] Bune is a great duke who makes bodies come and go from one place to another, makes a man rich and to speak wisely before all people, and gives true answers to what is asked of him; and he has thirty-five legions.

[28] Bitur is a great marquis who appears in the form of a handsome youth and gives the love of women from wherever they may be, and destroys cities and castles if the master commands it, and makes one be deposed of his great honors and dignities of this world if the master commands it; and he has thirty-six legions.

[29] Lucubar is a great duke who makes man subtle and full of great ingenuity, and changes lead into gold and tin into silver, in whatever manner one wishes.

[30] Bugan is a great king who makes man wise and makes all kinds of metals change in whatever manner one wishes, changes water into wine or oil; and he has thirty-four legions.

[31] Parcas is a great prince who makes man subtle. He appears in a beautiful figure. He knows the virtue of herbs and precious stones and brings them when commanded, and makes man invisible and wise in all sciences, and makes man become young or old, whichever one wishes, and restores sight when it is lost. And he brings the gold and silver that is hidden in the earth and all other things, and carries the master all over the world if commanded, and all other persons if the master commands it; and he has thirty legions under him.

[32] Flavos is a great duke who gives true answers to what is asked of him, and destroys all adversaries of the master who compels him; and he has twenty legions.

[33] Vaal is a great king who gives all answers that are asked of him in this world, and gives lordships, dignities, good grace towards all people, and also disperses ignorantly what is commanded of him; and he has thirty-nine legions.

[34] Fenix is a great marquis who appears in a beautiful figure, and has a very sweet voice, and is courteous and very obedient to all things that one wishes to ask or command of him, and does them ignorantly and without delay; and he has twenty-five legions.

[35] Distolas is a great marquis who appears in a beautiful figure and willingly gives answer to what is asked and commanded of him, and brings stones if commanded, and gives to the master a horse that carries him in one hour a hundred or two or three hundred leagues or more; and he has twenty legions.

[36] Berteth is a great duke who appears in a beautiful figure and has a crown. He gives true answers to what is asked of him, and also teaches to convert all kinds of metals into gold or silver, and grants lordships and confirms them if asked; and he has twenty-six legions.

[37] Dam is a great count who appears in a beautiful figure, who brings gold and silver and all other things if commanded, and makes die or languish all persons who are commanded to him. And he tells all the secrets of women, and makes them strip and dance naked; and he has twenty-five legions.

[38] Furfur is a great count who appears in the guise of an angel and makes people have the love of all, and makes man wise in astronomy and philosophy.

[39] Forcas is a great prince who teaches the virtue of herbs and precious stones, and makes one invisible and be wise and well-spoken to all people, and brings hidden treasures in the earth when commanded; and he has thirty legions.

[40] Malpharas is a great lord who builds towers and castles, bridges over waters when commanded, and destroys and overcomes enemies, castles, or other fortresses, and carries from one place to another if commanded, and obeys and is courteous to the master who compels him to do these things; and he has thirty legions.

[41] Gorsay is a great duke who makes a good worker in his tasks and sayings. He takes thieves and murderers and brings them where commanded, and inflicts pain and torment on whomever one wishes; and he has fifteen legions.

[42] Samon is a great king who appears in the likeness of a beautiful maiden. He gives answers to what is asked of him. He teaches the goods and treasures that are hidden and makes one have the love of all queens and women perfectly, whether maidens or not; and he has twenty-five legions.

[43] Tudiras Hoho is a great marquis who appears in the likeness of a beautiful maiden and makes man wise in all sciences, and changes him into the form of a bird; and he has thirty-one legions.

[44] Oze is a great marquis who gives good answers to what is asked of him, and makes man change from one figure to another, and makes one thing appear differently than it is, and makes a handful of straw into a great horse and a straw into a belt of gold or silver, and makes people insane when commanded; and he has twenty-five legions.

[45] Ducay is a great marquis who appears very benevolently and gives the love of women and makes all languages understood, and carries from one place to another; and he has twenty-five legions.

[46] Bucal is a great duke who appears in the guise of an angel and gives true answers to what is asked of him, and makes great waters and abysses appear in the air, even though they are not there; and he has twenty-eight legions.

End. Praise the work.

May holy Mary be present at the beginning.


Livre des Esperitz (or Book of Spirits) Ms. Cambridge, Trinity College O.8.29
Les who's who démonologiques de la Renaissance et leurs ancêtres médiévaux
Ex Mea Sententia.

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