Ethics of evocations with love as intent/outcome.

The Heptameron, the Key of Solomon, the Lemegeton, the Arbatel of Magic, the Book of Abramelin, etc.
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Ethics of evocations with love as intent/outcome.

Post#1 » Sat May 15, 2021 12:28 am

Hi guys,

I wanted to dredge up a literally ancient topic of debate to hopefully garner some new perspectives. Magic used for love/seduction is nothing new. When reviewing the PGM one has to sift through literally dozens of bizarre recipes from horny sorcerer-rapists. The question of the love spell has existed for likely much longer than that, too. Yet the ethics of it is something that must be much younger in the literature / grimoires. Nowadays, especially on the Internet, among contemporary practitioners, et c., love spells (by this, I mean, using a full ceremonial evocation of a spirit for the express purpose of attracting the love of a specific person) are taboo, regarded as a kind of metaphysical rape, illicit/wrong, and possibly dangerous. However, I am hesitant to accept the total proscription of this intent for magic. The underlying ethic of why it is wrong, and when it is not, has not yet been articulated, as far as I am aware.

So, I wanted to start this thread and share my experience to precipitate some unique points of view.

A couple weeks ago, I utilized the full ritual (with preparation period) of the Key of Solomon, using Peterson's translation. The experience was incredible, visionary, and brought significant illumination from the four spirits evoked, not only on the matter of the relationship with said interest but also my life, history, patterns of thinking/behavior/experiencing, unconscious motivations, and Divine Providence and my constantly unfolding relationship with God.

The person the intent was directed at is someone I have held a deeply intimate, non-erotic relationship with for the past year, yet I know for a fact that they are "in love" with me (I just don't have a better way to say it, as personally, I don't believe unrequited love exists as "real love" -- I believe love is something that can only exist reciprocally and over a very long amount of time -- years or decades). I was genuinely unaware of their feelings towards me until then, and did not see within myself any romantic inclination toward them until that moment. Then, I began to feel attracted to them as well, which is probably natural given the level of intimacy in our dynamic already.

They frankly have good reason not to enact this romantic/sexual interest, as do I. (They are the same gender as me and I am a Catholic seminarian about to abandon or postpone my vocation because of this. They have their own real reasons and no, it is not because they're already married or in a relationship lol. Yes, I know how retarded all this sounds but what can I say dickheartbrain wants what dickheartbrain wants.) I am trying not to spell out the details of the situation for my own privacy, but this scenario between us is not quite a "forbidden love" scenario, but there are very real barriers to a coming-in-union despite the mutual feelings that we discuss.

So, my position with regards to this ritual was: What's wrong with a little nudge, right? A clearing of obstacles? A fighting chance?

Well, yeah, it turned out absolutely fucking great in the weeks following the ritual.

I'll leave it at that, but what are the ethics of such an intention? And do you have any unique position to take on the problematic of erotic magic? Thank you.

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