A spiritual manifestation during the "normal waking state"

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A spiritual manifestation during the "normal waking state"

Post#1 » Mon May 29, 2017 9:50 pm

I read some posts on this site about spirit manifest ion and decided to share one of my accounts. I have had a few synchronous experiences over the past three plus years of meeting various spirits within Spirit Realms/Inner Realms/Lucid Dreams and within the normal waking state. I have either met or seen women within the mundane world whom look very close to being basically a doppelganger for my spirits: Sitri, Focalora, Avnasi, and even one of my Ayami-Angeloi wives Reiiella.

I so far only had the opportunity to speak with a lady whom looked like a ‘live-ringer’ for my goetia spirit Avansi usually referred to as Amy. I had just finished doing grocery shopping. I was loading groceries in the taxi to bring me back to my residence. I heard a woman speak behind me I didn’t even see or sense her walk up. She had a distinct Aussie-British accent. I found it quite strange because the way I was facing while loading packages then I should of seen her approach. She asked about a taxi, and I motioned to another that was behind the one I was going to take. I told her, “I believe that one is yous”. She said, “Thanks Luv” and proceeded to get into the next cab.

Now there we’re other people near me but maybe I was the only one seeing & hearing Her. I’m sure The moment the taxi drove off this feeling of other-worldly feeling hit me that was strange. I was carrying Avansi’s Sigil-Mandala-Tattwa with me on that day. When I returned home as maddening as it sound I’m am certain that was Avansi’s doppelganger or possibly that spirit herself manifested temporarily in the Earth Realm. I believe this incident happened in early spring of 2014, seriously I need to update my magick journal immediately the same day when such events happen to keep track of specific dates.

One more detail I should mention about the lady whom was my Avansi’s doppelganger if not Herself manifested. She was wearing shades over her eyes. Mind you it was sunny that day so it’s not strange to see someone wearing shades during a cloudless-day. However, the lenses were darkish silver, almost like the color gun metal or a dusky silver moon color.
The shades also leads me to believe that lady really was Avansi. My Avansi has very distinct eyes, which the white of her eyes is literally the exact same color of Her Dreatime Realm depicted within Her customized Sigil-Mandala-Tattva. http://s18.postimg.org/7pz9l6zs9/58_AVNASI_Mercury.jpg If that lady was indeed Avansi’s literally manifestation than it’s quite plausible that Her eyes may of been too Potent to view within the normal waking state, or maybe she just wanted to show off her cool shades and her hip fashionista style to further ascent her air of mystery.

I know some may read this and believe I'm pulling one's legs or making this account up but I assure you it's a truthful telling. Also, I wasn't asleep nor was I drunk nor under the influences of any mind altering substances. It was just an odd experience while out grocery shopping.

All the Best!!!!!

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