Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Syncretic Egyptian / Graeco-Roman magic from the collection of texts known as the Papyri Graecae Magicae.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#71 » Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:48 am

Wanderer wrote:
Now, this thread can go back to its regularly scheduled discussion of the Headless Rite. Has anyone else been practicing this in an ongoing way?

I went back to it after my hiatus due to sudden life changes.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#72 » Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:26 pm

Jadziya wrote:I went back to it after my hiatus due to sudden life changes.

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Excellent. Has doing so helped you?
I've been meaning to reintegrate this into my practice of late, though I'll have to integrate another ritual alongside it once I get the specifics nailed down.

Thomas Tomorrow
Posts: 22

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#73 » Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:03 am

Wanderer wrote:Now, this thread can go back to its regularly scheduled discussion of the Headless Rite. Has anyone else been practicing this in an ongoing way?

G’day from Melbourne.

I wanted to share how I incorporate the Headless Rite into my routine these days.

Over the years I have worked with translations of the PGM text, Gordon White’s version and the NAP version. Overall I prefer the NAP version but updated with the opening ”AOTH ABRAOTH..” etc, “Subject all daemons unto me..” etc, and “Deliver me from all restraining daemons and misfortune” in the middle.

When working out at the gym I start on the treadmill, put on Harrison BDP’s “Decompression” (the tempo works for me) and start reciting the NAP Bornless Rite. BrotherM mentioned in his working with Belial that he was working out at the gym when a spontaneous spiritual break-through was achieved. Make of that what you will but for me movement is key to the Bornless Rite. Lastly I list all personal daemons standing in my way under “deliver me from all restraining daemons and misfortune”.

Without fail I will receive an information dump into whatever obstacle I face in the days following a workout. Journaling insights asap is critical.

All best,


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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#74 » Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:06 pm

Thomas Tomorrow wrote:I wanted to share how I incorporate the Headless Rite into my routine these days.[...]

Without fail I will receive an information dump into whatever obstacle I face in the days following a workout. Journaling insights asap is critical.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. How is working at this landing for you in the two weeks since your last post? Are you finding the solutions to your troubles?

Thomas Tomorrow
Posts: 22

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#75 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:12 am

Wanderer wrote:
Thomas Tomorrow wrote:I wanted to share how I incorporate the Headless Rite into my routine these days.[...]

Without fail I will receive an information dump into whatever obstacle I face in the days following a workout. Journaling insights asap is critical.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. How is working at this landing for you in the two weeks since your last post? Are you finding the solutions to your troubles?

I had to deal with an urgent matter that kept me away from the gym until yesterday but I started up my regime again and, yes, it still works. Today I did a cycle of the Headless Rite, an adapted Middle Pillar and Elubatel Invocation to Success on the treadmill and a few hours later I received a detailed answer to a problem listed under “Deliver me from all restraining daemons and misfortune.” The answer allows me to now face the future with a feeling of peace and relief.

I should clarify that I have been doing the Headless Rite on the treadmill for nearly a year and this life hack has not let me down so far. The aim of the Headless Rite is to break down mental restrictions and unite with the nondual self/genius (pick your metaphor) on an ongoing basis as restrictions keep us from recognizing possibilities, opportunities and solutions.

Again, YMMV.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#76 » Mon Mar 20, 2023 4:40 pm

Thomas Tomorrow wrote:I had to deal with an urgent matter that kept me away from the gym until yesterday but I started up my regime again and, yes, it still works. Today I did a cycle of the Headless Rite, an adapted Middle Pillar and Elubatel Invocation to Success on the treadmill and a few hours later I received a detailed answer to a problem listed under “Deliver me from all restraining daemons and misfortune.” The answer allows me to now face the future with a feeling of peace and relief.

I should clarify that I have been doing the Headless Rite on the treadmill for nearly a year and this life hack has not let me down so far. The aim of the Headless Rite is to break down mental restrictions and unite with the nondual self/genius (pick your metaphor) on an ongoing basis as restrictions keep us from recognizing possibilities, opportunities and solutions.

Again, YMMV.

Thank you for sharing your thought. I'd be interested to hear how this has been sitting with you since your last post here.
I've been doing something similar using Buddhist practices since before the start of COVID, and that's been serving me incredibly well alongside my PGM practices and other accompaniments.

Thomas Tomorrow
Posts: 22

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#77 » Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:55 am

Wanderer wrote:
Thomas Tomorrow wrote:I had to deal with an urgent matter that kept me away from the gym until yesterday but I started up my regime again and, yes, it still works. Today I did a cycle of the Headless Rite, an adapted Middle Pillar and Elubatel Invocation to Success on the treadmill and a few hours later I received a detailed answer to a problem listed under “Deliver me from all restraining daemons and misfortune.” The answer allows me to now face the future with a feeling of peace and relief.

I should clarify that I have been doing the Headless Rite on the treadmill for nearly a year and this life hack has not let me down so far. The aim of the Headless Rite is to break down mental restrictions and unite with the nondual self/genius (pick your metaphor) on an ongoing basis as restrictions keep us from recognizing possibilities, opportunities and solutions.

Again, YMMV.

Thank you for sharing your thought. I'd be interested to hear how this has been sitting with you since your last post here.
I've been doing something similar using Buddhist practices since before the start of COVID, and that's been serving me incredibly well alongside my PGM practices and other accompaniments.

It’s interesting that you asked me for an update on this gym/Headless Rite practice. Since my last post in September, I have stopped using the gym due to stress on the body and instead taken up swimming.

Physical exercise while reciting spells/rituals from memory is a powerful combination. That noted, performing the Headless Rite on a treadmill may lead to imbalance that manifests as unexpected health problems. As with anything finding balance and middle way is the key to long term success. My approach has a Saturnian focus and part of that includes re-discovering that – in addition to hard work - restriction and limitations have important roles to play.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#78 » Fri May 12, 2023 4:18 pm

Thomas Tomorrow wrote:It’s interesting that you asked me for an update on this gym/Headless Rite practice. Since my last post in September, I have stopped using the gym due to stress on the body and instead taken up swimming.

Physical exercise while reciting spells/rituals from memory is a powerful combination. That noted, performing the Headless Rite on a treadmill may lead to imbalance that manifests as unexpected health problems. As with anything finding balance and middle way is the key to long term success. My approach has a Saturnian focus and part of that includes re-discovering that – in addition to hard work - restriction and limitations have important roles to play.

Thank you for providing your thoughts and experiences on this.
Its interesting that you should mention disturbances to the patterns of life that have occurred while finding balance, however. I've noticed a similar effect in my personal life. Using these prayers while engaging in relationships or other things affected by the prayers themselves can drastically affect the process and how that evolves.

Just recently, in relation to using the Headless Rite and other ritual practices which do similar things, I found that I needed to make changes to my friendships around me in response to my success. Its been pretty interesting to see friends say things like "wow, you've become a new person" in response to my efforts, as the effect is clearly palpable. That destabilizes things a bit while being a means of finding self and creating changes to that structure.

That's where Saturn energy is coming up most for me, right now. I'm realigning my relationships with others around my relationship with self. Its productive while sustaining my ability to keep bringing my A game to my meaningful personal relationships.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#79 » Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:32 pm

monsnoleedra wrote:Not that great of a drawing to be honest but it works for me. Has all the elements of her presence. The "Y" crossroads, The serpent, the Dice, The Keys, the twin torches (long torches), 2 daggers, the spheres of Earth, Ocean, Heavens (Birds).

Really? "Y" or three way crossroads? Because in what I know in the African trads, a Y crossroads is a MALE crossroads and a "+" or four way crossroads is FEMALE. Interesting.
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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#80 » Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:16 pm

Brother_Moloch_969 wrote:
monsnoleedra wrote:Not that great of a drawing to be honest but it works for me. Has all the elements of her presence. The "Y" crossroads, The serpent, the Dice, The Keys, the twin torches (long torches), 2 daggers, the spheres of Earth, Ocean, Heavens (Birds).

Really? "Y" or three way crossroads? Because in what I know in the African trads, a Y crossroads is a MALE crossroads and a "+" or four way crossroads is FEMALE. Interesting.

The X shaped cross roads were for the most part unfamiliar to ancient Greece. Most were of a Y shape where the pole / totem would be centered at the juncture of the Y. I think part of the the issue with the Y is they were often located in a liminal region where they were also seen as an aspect of "Uncivilized" or boundary regions. In that capacity they would be seen as feminine IMHO as young women and such were also seen as outside of civilization to a degree. The same can apply to young males though they didn't have as drastic a evolution in the social order.

Where I think people might get confused is in the T shaped crossroad. In most instance I am aware of such a crossroad occurred between the civilized "Home" and the pathway that crossed the front of it to create the entry or portal opening.
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