You won't find a lot of Kemetic material here. I'm not Kemetic but I've had a lot of interaction with members of that faith. So maybe these suggestions will be helpful. I would try to avoid the Schuelers' new age methods as well as the "Moorish Science" or Nubian occult-themed material at first—not because those aren't good perspectives but because a lot of what the latter teach is heavily influenced by contemporary political ideologies. If you're looking for a good way to start communing with the Neteru, such groups should be thought of as "specialty areas" (though I know some would strenuously disagree with this). Also, there is a lot of crackpot Egyptoid material and individuals out there that will just waste your time. Develop a good BS detector.
More to the point, I take a very self-oriented approach in this kind of work. If you want to get in touch with a particular deity, start with a deity easy to contact and ask for a guide. This is a good light reference: Use magical and meditative techniques to develop a level of useful communication / communion. It's highly possible. This text by Moustafa Gadalla was very helpful to me along these lines when I was just starting out:
The more you regularly practice active and passive forms of contact, the more contact there will be. Again, the myths themselves are more useful than any Kemetic / Neopagan / Reconstructionist text. There are scholarly drawbacks to Budge's works, but many start with this (and his writing style is good, which makes up for a lot, imo):
This is the best Kemetic approach to developing a regular devotional practice I've seen so far: There may be better ones out there, but I'm not a Kemetic practitioner. So just consider these recommendations as jumping-off points until you find someone more authoritative in the subject.
More magical and less devotional: if you want to start developing a strong PGM angle on this, consider the following texts.
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic, Skinner, Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Betz, for a more idiosyncratic approach, influenced by ideas from the Temple of Set, check out
Hermetic Magic: The Postmodern Magical Papyrus of Abaris, Flowers, This one should also be considered as a specialization once the other foundational texts are mastered.
I have also heard that Tony Mierzwicki has a good book on the subject, but I haven't read it.
Good luck.