PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Syncretic Egyptian / Graeco-Roman magic from the collection of texts known as the Papyri Graecae Magicae.
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Omnis Validus
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#11 » Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:50 pm

Nashimiron wrote:[Pedantry="Nashimiron"]A brief thought, the "black of Isis" appears to be a typo in the manuscript in PGM VII in the evocation of Bes Akephalos. In the more complete version of the rite in PGM VIII it is a "black cloth of Isis". [/Pedantry]


But "The Black of Isis" sounds so much cooler as a name for a ritual artifact. 8-) :geek:

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#12 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:04 am

I know! I'm so conflicted about this!


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Adeptus Minor
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#13 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:30 am

I have just started reading "Tartaros" by J August Alm. It discusses Empedocles initiation which is described as his death by throwing himself into the mouth of mount Etna. He also states that on Sicily Mount Etna was where according to myth Typhon's head was chained (his tail end was chained at mount Vesuvius). He says "When Empedocles sought divinity, it was into the mouth of Typhon (Etna) that he plunged himself".

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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#14 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:55 am

Sorry I let this thread be neglected for so long guys! There just hasn't been much to report as of late. I did just order some black linen though, which I intend to use for the Black Band of Isis (although I agree that "Black of Isis" sounds cool). Hopefully it gets here before the 17th, because I would like to start working with it throughout the 17th-21st for the next couple months until the winter solstice hits.

I still haven't made it to my old home to retrieve the ivy, but that's the plan right now.

Also, I may use a black ceramic bowl that I made myself as my divination bowl. I know the ritual calls for a bronze one, but I figured the one I made would be more personal.
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#15 » Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:00 am

Time for a small update! My black linen I ordered came today, just in time for me to begin working with it tonight! I planned to consecrate a piece of black linen for this purpose by going to the river on the Norther Inland Trail on the 17th-21st of October, November, and December, with the finale culminating on the Winter Solstice.

I rode my bike around 9pm out to the river. I'm terrified of the dark and the woods at night, and recently there have been people dressed like clowns roaming around (I feel silly even saying that, but it's true), so I was pretty anxious. This served me well I think though, and when I got to the river I genuinely felt like I was heard by Isis, or the night, and quickly too. I think perhaps the forces at be were flattered by my willingness to come out in the dark regardless of how on edge I was. I did a simple prayer, asking for the cloth to be consecrated to become the Black Band of Isis, and also asked for her protection when I make my way out into the woods on future occasions. I was feeling pretty good about things as I made my way back home on my bike, although I definitely was in a hurry to get out of the woods.

When I got back into town, I was going down a back street when I rode past an extremely relaxed cat laying on the sidewalk who didn't seem alarmed at all that I had ridden by so close on my bike. I love cats, so of course I stopped to see if it would let me pet it. This cat was very friendly and rolled around in front of me while I pet it for 10-15 minutes. I thought this interaction was a little surreal, and I found myself really soothed by the cat. It hit me that this could be a favorable sign, considering Isis's connection to cats.

Tomorrow I go out again, and hopefully I will feel a little less nervous, but I don't like the darkness. If I ever hope to connect with the chthonic energies of my surrounding landscape and obtain this ritual object, I'm going to have to suck it up.
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Adeptus Minor
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#16 » Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:59 am

Wow! Thanks for the update. I think what you did was important. You won't get much response from a god like Typhon if you haven't overcome your basic fears.

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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#17 » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:51 am

Nashimiron wrote:Wow! Thanks for the update. I think what you did was important. You won't get much response from a god like Typhon if you haven't overcome your basic fears.

Agreed! I did also venture out into the woods for the next three days too, and here is my journal entry about that:

"I did go out the woods for the next three days following the 17th, although I headed out a bit earlier than I did the first time (probably around 7pm). I didn't find myself as anxious about being in the woods at night as I did the first night, although I was on guard. The third night I found myself getting emotional once I got to the river and was praying to Isis, and I started to cry. It occurred to me that this played into the mourning aspect of Isis. On the last night it was raining quite a bit, but that didn't stop me from making my way out to the woods. Another strange thought as I made it to the river is that the gods were now mimicking my tears from the previous night. It was sort of a silly thought, but it was the first on that came to mind. On my way out to the woods on the fourth night I saw that cat from the first night again, but I didn't see it on the way back.

At the close of my prayers on the last night I was informed by a voice that if I wanted to use the band for divination and "seeing into other worlds" I could, and that it would work. I dismissed this though, and said I would continue to come out to the woods from the 17th-20th for the next two months. The voice accepted this, but reminded me that if the need arose the offer was open. I accepted this offer and went home."
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#18 » Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:24 pm

I realized it's been awhile since I updated this thread. Mostly this is because something is wrong with my car and has been for awhile, which has put going to my old home for some ivy impossible. I did finish the Black Cloth of Isis back around the winter solstice though.

Through dreams, I feel as though I've already had some interaction with Typhon, or at least with some sort of chaotic power. Still, I would like to do an official initiation, so the plan to finish this is still underway.
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Adeptus Minor
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#19 » Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:40 am

Ahh the gods always put obstacles in our way! Only the most persistent get results.

As soon as I started working on pitch to get the right tones for planetary work, I got a bad ear infection and couldn't hear the pitch pipe I was using! Even Crowley says somewhere that as soon as you start doing real magic work it suddenly becomes almost impossible to obtain basic items which the day before were abundant. Maybe these are delaying tactics by nefarious spirits who know that most people will lose interest, if put off for long enough. The only solution is to maintain one-pointed focus on the intention until it is achieved. And if your car's broken down, maybe get the bus. ;)

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Magister Templi
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Re: PGM IV 154-285: Initiation with Typhon for Bowl Divination

Post#20 » Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:20 am

Loagaeth wrote:I realized it's been awhile since I updated this thread. Mostly this is because something is wrong with my car and has been for awhile, which has put going to my old home for some ivy impossible. I did finish the Black Cloth of Isis back around the winter solstice though.

Through dreams, I feel as though I've already had some interaction with Typhon, or at least with some sort of chaotic power. Still, I would like to do an official initiation, so the plan to finish this is still underway.

Anything unusual involving horses?
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