Has anyone performed the very first spell in the Greek Magical Papyri as per the book edited by Hans Dieter Betz, 1986? The one with the daimon, the falcon, the milk and honey and embalming the falcon, and making the shrine...
Is it simply an evocation? A ritual for creating a shrine?
What is its purpose?
Did you do it 'by the book'?
What happened? What were the effects?
I was inspired to look into Elubatel and Angels of Omnipotence as I am going through some magical changes, and ended up sifting through the Greek Magical Papyri and realised that this spell is even before the one for Acquiring a Supernatural Assistant, 'this most powerful assistant', 'who is also the only lord of the air', 'for without him/ nothing happens.'
Now I have performed neither of those, but I wouldn't say I am an armchair magician, as I have been initiated in the Arts (without realising it for some years) at 9 years old, and have been constantly returning to them ever since.
So, what's your take on them? I don't really understand why I find it difficult to wrap my head around it.