Enchantress wrote:With this Temple of Aphrodite was there any joining with Hekate as was said earlier of Hekate-Artemis? Something else I saw not really of this topic but her husband was Khalkeús and this name means"coppersmith"with him being a God of metalworkers.So this is the same thing they say of Yahweh that he was a God of copper smelting.I dont know which was older the Greek or Hebrew on this.
The only joining I can think of with Aphrodite is actually via Artemis-Hekate. In that capacity it's more of an anti-association in that she would have no power over her in the influence as a goddess of love. So it's sort of an implied association but one I've never seen directly stated as applied to Hekate. Yet that association is more directed at her "Virgin" aspect than anything.
If one looks at the later period that suggests Hecate in Latin lore being the mother of Scylla and perhaps Charybdis then it would seem the influence of Venus (Aphrodite) would be present in some capacity.
Copper is not a metal usually associated with Hekate. The only exception I really know of is not a direct connection 100 percent of the time. It varies depending upon how the lore is written about a particular entity, that particular entity known as the Empusa or Empousa. Lore stares it is one legged, and has a leg being of copper or brass, a shape shifting female creature of the underworld. Some lore says it is under the command of Hekate, other say's it is a daughter of Hekate, while other lore says it is singular, laterr lore says it was a group of entities of that type. Either way it was a shape shifter that seduced and feed on young men.
The only other metal really associated with Hekate would be Brass. You see that when it talks about her wearing her Brazen sandal(s) in the underworld. Yet in that capacity not sure you could say Brass is specifically associated to Hekate or associated to her stay in the underworld only.