Odd Insights into Hekate

Syncretic Egyptian / Graeco-Roman magic from the collection of texts known as the Papyri Graecae Magicae.
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Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#1 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:13 pm

I generally don’t like to work with the celestial aspects of Hekate whether they be her possible solar origins, or her later lunar correspondence. In my practice she is primarily a liminal goddess of mostly chthonic nature. However, recently I've been having visions and thoughts of a possible association to the planets Mercury & Venus.

While these are not popular correspondences there are; however, definitely some interesting elements to consider. Both Mercury & Venus take on the role of morning and evening stars. In effect, they are liminal planets heralding and bridging the transitions between day and night.

Secondly, among her various epithets are ‘follower’ and ‘preceder.’ These are generally understood to reference Hekate's mythological role in leading Persephone to Hades and later following her out. However, this too can also apply to the planets Mercury & Venus who either precede the Sun, as morning stars, or follow the Sun as evening stars. This following and preceding can also be interpreted in regards to positions of the morning and evening stars to the new Moon.

Lastly, another one of her epithets is Phospherus (‘light bearer’) a clear reference to the goddess’ iconic symbol of the torches. And here again there is a link to the aforementioned planets since phosphorus is also the name given to the morning and even star (whether Venus or Mercury).

Hekate is often depicted and worshipped alongside Hermes (Mercury). In fact, in PGM III. 45 she is fully syncretized with Hermes as Hermekate. Following this vein, it would be logical to assume that a celestial manifestation of Hermes and Hekate would be the planets Mercury & Venus.

I would be most interested in anyone’s thoughts who works with or has worked with Hekate.
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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#2 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:51 pm

Interesting ponderings, Leonardo - I find your observations are significant and illuminating.
In no way do I claim to be an expert on Hekate, but 've been working off and on with her for several years now - and lately, much more than ususal. Interesting to note is that the Dark Moon was last night, and today begins Mercury Rx - of course, this is not a common occurance, but kind of a fun thing to notice after considering your post.

Anyway, there exist many practitioners who view Hekate as the primary, triple-fold Goddess (you know, like 'The Goddess'). Under that light of honor, she would most definitely serve to embody strong Venusian characteristics as both the Maiden and Mother. Granted, this particular view of Hekate is not necessarily commonplace, but it is well to consider that she was popularly venerated as a beneficient Goddess long before her darker, cthonic aspects came into focus as her primary attributes, thus many of us are cognizant of her lighter aspects, in which she does hold power just as magnificent.

On a personal level (and I guess that is often what really matters in magic), generally, she is an great protector and gives good familiars. She has definitely aided me in matters of the heart, specifically helping me deal with a broken heart (worst ever), and helping me to find resolve and move forward, although I've not yet worked with her in specifically Venusian matters - but is something I've been wanting to investigate further.

As for her Mercurial aspects, I've never considered this, but for what it's worth, I've found that results manifest much more quickly than usual under her patronage (I once had an enemy brought down within a few hours after working with Hekate), and her general swiftness in answering the calls of her patrons often leaves me with that awe that I love in magic - so I find it really cool your discovery in the PGM III.

She is my 'go-to' during challenging times of transition, and as you know, she has been held as the Goddess of the Crossroads, and Guardian of the Threshold - thus, your observation regarding her as being the Goddess of transitional periods signified both by Mercury and Venus at various placements with regard to the Sun seems spot-on; another of those hidden mysteries.

I don't know if I was of any help, but I couldn't notice your excellent observations these synchronicities and not make some comment, as again, my devotion to Hekate has been growing recently and I was actually browsing around for reports on Mercurial magic during Mercury Rx.
I think you are on the right track, and definitely be aware that your inspiration and discoveries in these matters are a gift. Again, while Hekate is popularly viewed as a Goddess of Dark Magic and character, these associations are somewhat superficial, but not to say altogether misleading or incorrect, but do seem to overshadow her lighter, nurturing and healing nature, for which she was originally venerated.
Last edited by phillip on Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#3 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:11 pm

Im on mobile,so I'm just going to be short, but:
Yesterday there was at night venus, mercury and mars all overlapping each other - maybe that could be a reason or something - i mean, the reason the association with venus and mercury - they were pretty much right on top of one another :p
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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#4 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:47 pm

Phillip, thank you for your wonderful post.

Indeed the goddess has many faces, she is both the gatekeeper of universal mystery and universal mystery itself.

I’m in the midst of a fascinating discussion on FB right now regarding the triple aspect of Hekate and somebody made a great point that I would like to share here:

Goddess may be associated with the moon as the Evening Star when she displays her lunar powers, just as solar when it is shown as a morning star.

I find this particularly relevant in context of her torches as symbols of the evening/morning star; thus one torch heralds the energies of the sun and light and the other the moon and dark. This is also a great way to reconcile the fact that she has both lunar and solar aspects- as well as chthonic and celestial. Moreover, it speaks to her role as the Cosmic Soul in the Chaldean Oracles, who mediates between the Noetic and Hylic realms.

Feywer & Phillip it is ironic that you both reference the astrological aspects of last night( Mercury in Rx and the Venus-Mercury conjunction). I normally am so on top of these things but because I was primarily working with the chthonic aspect of Hekate last night, I was only concerned with the new moon. Perhaps there is indeed something more than coincidence here.

Regarding Venus & Mercury, these two planets in my opinion are the “keys” by which to comprehend the universe. Both in their planetary geometry (Mercury - Hexagram/Triangle, and Venus - Pentagram) and the mathematical principles hidden in their conjunction cycles (Mercury - Pi, and Venus - Phi).




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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#5 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:17 pm

Ha - I too was working with Hekate last night due to the Dark Moon. The twin torches representing the two morning/evening planets - the concept is fascinating! Thank you for the links, as well - I will enjoy settling down with a cup of coffee and going through the material as soon as I take off my shoes. I am unsure if it against the T&C here to post the Facebook link you mentioned, but would you point me in that direction if possible?

Greetings, Feywar - I remember you from Wizardforums, tho I wasn't very active there. Anyway, nice to be on top of those peculiar planetary conjunctions! I must go through my book on aspects and see what I can find - what a weird cluster at such a very odd time of various transitions: Dark Moon, Sun moves into Aquarius, Mercury goes retrograde - I would bet something else too, ha.

It is strange these coincidences - somewhat of an ominous feeling, but not necessarily evil. :thinking

Edit to add: Woah - very cool website, and excellent articles - that may take some time to digest, and has been duly bookmarked! You seem to be the real occult scholar - I tip my hat and look forward to exploring your work!

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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#6 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:05 pm

Actually given that Hermes Cthonios was associated with Cerberos and and Nyx's assosciation with Venus in the Orphic Hymns. I would definately say Hekate as crossroad keeper has associations with Venus and Mercury even if it is in their more infernal/cthonic/rustic faces.
"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" - Lewis Carrol

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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#7 » Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:38 am

phillip wrote:Ha - I too was working with Hekate last night due to the Dark Moon. The twin torches representing the two morning/evening planets - the concept is fascinating! Thank you for the links, as well - I will enjoy settling down with a cup of coffee and going through the material as soon as I take off my shoes. I am unsure if it against the T&C here to post the Facebook link you mentioned, but would you point me in that direction if possible?

I'm not quite sure what the rules are here regarding Facebook, so I sent you a PM with the info.

Edit to add: Woah - very cool website, and excellent articles - that may take some time to digest, and has been duly bookmarked! You seem to be the real occult scholar - I tip my hat and look forward to exploring your work!

Thank you for the kind words, they are merely some ramblings on topics that I have found interesting over the years :)

LaVoison wrote:Actually given that Hermes Cthonios was associated with Cerberos and and Nyx's assosciation with Venus in the Orphic Hymns. I would definately say Hekate as crossroad keeper has associations with Venus and Mercury even if it is in their more infernal/cthonic/rustic faces.

Yeah, since yesterday the more I have been digging into this, the more it seems that Hekate and Venus were naturally connected very early on and the lunar aspects were actually later additions as a result of her associations with Selene and Artemis. The whole triple goddess = triple moon thing never made much sense to me as the ancients always identified the moon with four phases, not three. This seems to be a rather modern interpretation that has been popularized in wicca and other neopagan traditions.

However, Venus does naturally have a triadic astronomical cycle: morning star - disappearance - evening star...food for thought, I guess. As I mentioned in the OP, I do not normally work with Hekate's celestial nature so viewing her in this context is somewhat new to me.
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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#8 » Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:40 pm

Leonardo_Drakon wrote:
LaVoison wrote:Actually given that Hermes Cthonios was associated with Cerberos and and Nyx's assosciation with Venus in the Orphic Hymns. I would definately say Hekate as crossroad keeper has associations with Venus and Mercury even if it is in their more infernal/cthonic/rustic faces.

Yeah, since yesterday the more I have been digging into this, the more it seems that Hekate and Venus were naturally connected very early on and the lunar aspects were actually later additions as a result of her associations with Selene and Artemis. The whole triple goddess = triple moon thing never made much sense to me as the ancients always identified the moon with four phases, not three. This seems to be a rather modern interpretation that has been popularized in wicca and other neopagan traditions.

However, Venus does naturally have a triadic astronomical cycle: morning star - disappearance - evening star...food for thought, I guess. As I mentioned in the OP, I do not normally work with Hekate's celestial nature so viewing her in this context is somewhat new to me.

I would agree with that whole-heartedly. I've found that Hekate, in my personal work, has more to do with crossroads than the moon or night. Because of that she seems to also like working as a Hearth, Familial, and Nature Goddess as well.
"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" - Lewis Carrol

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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#9 » Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:15 pm


I have worked with Hekate after she contacted me. I have come to the conclusion That she has various caminos/avatars/ aspects just like yemaya and Shango.... For thsi reason I believe that your correspondences reflect this. The most important thing is that she speaks toyou and informs you as to how best to work with here.

The fact that there is a precedence as per the PGM for your correspondence give further credence to your ideas..


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Re: Odd Insights into Hekate

Post#10 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:00 am

Hecate has been connected to the Moon, or more precisely to the Waning Moon since the ancient time.

Even though your insights might be great for you and can further contribute to our understanding of Hecate,
let her be where she is and where she is supposed to be - the Moon.

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