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Before Starting IIH...

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 3:43 pm
by kala32
Before doing IIH its a very good idea to do the Abremaline Operation in one form or another.

I really like 21st Century Mage by Jason Newcomb.

Anywase this is the basics of what you do.

Wake up and go to a peaceful place to watch the sunrise.

As you watch notice how beautiful it truly is and how remarkable it is you can see and how lucky you are to be in such a place.

"This sunrise is the most amazing gift I will never be able to pay back. If there is anything you need from me please ask my sole desire is to serve you and your beautiful world."

Enflaming yourself in prayer (most important part).

From this point you can state the ways you have failed to meet this, ask to be in touch with your gardian angel (if you havent already) or whatever you feel like doing but I feel this is the most important part of it all and the angel is nice too but secondary imo.

Anywase there are alot of different ways to do this the original 15 Century book by Abremaline the Mage or more recent additions of Crowley ie Bornless or Jason Newcome as listed above (easiest to follow).

Bardons work should be stared after this and its recommended you do this every day from Vhernal to Fall Equinox if you are trying to get in touch with you Angel or other reasons...
But you will be missing something if you start Bardon without doing this "Samadhi" , Great Work, Chymical Wedding or Uniting of Higher and Lower selfs in one form or another...

Excuse my megalomania...