First enochian experience: Aethyr TEX

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.

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First enochian experience: Aethyr TEX

Post#1 » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:34 pm


Wanted to share my first enochian experience today, after a long time of studying and preparation.

Temple Setup:

Red silk cloth on the floor as carpet. Table of practice standing on 4 small Sigillum Dei Ameth's on the silk cloth. Ensigns of creation painted on the table of practice. Big Sigillum Dei Ameth on top of the table of practice. A red/green cloth with golden tassels to cover the table of practice and Sigillum Aameth. Rock crystal ball placed on top of the red/green silk cloth. I use my wedding ring as holder for the crystal ball. Golden dawn-style elemental tables in enochian script placed in east, south, west and north.


Started with shower, then played some hymns on the piano and humbled myself before God.

Banished the temple with LBRP, then used Duquette's ritual opening (see 'In the middle of the night') .
After that, I read out loud the 19th Call (with TEX inserted) once.
Then I chanted 3 times the names of the 4princes of TEX, Taoagla, Gemnimb, Advorpt and Doxmael. I looked into the crystal for a while, and then chanted the names of the 4 princes 3 more times.

Suddenly, two persons appeared in the crystal, dressed in suits and tie. My vision was black/white, no color. One of them was light haired, the other one was brown haired. Looked like regular people and very friendly. I could see their lips were moving, one at the time, but I didn't hear anything. It was clearly not my own reflection. When I moved my head a little, they disappeared, but came back after a while.

After that, I closed my eyes and saw a brilliant blue light through my closed eyelids. It was sparkling. I realized that I was on my way to have a vision, not in the crystal but through my closed eyelids, but I was afraid to let go of my control and opened my eyes. After looking in the crystal some more, I gave thanks and prayer and closed the temple by banishing with LBRP.


I suck at scrying, I've been practicing with both black mirror and rock crystal ball, but with little success. Sometimes, I think I have seen something, but I usually dismiss it as just my imagination. During the ritual, I got vision fast and clear.

Sometimes, before I go to sleep, I'm able to see images through my closed eyelids at will. I use these moments to practice visualisation, e.g I try to see a lemon or an apple. During the ritual, I got that same feeling when I saw the blue light.

Ok, that's it. Comments/advice are welcome. Should I continue working with TEX, or proceed to the next?

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