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Enochian Entities -Alpha Omega -By SaToGa

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:09 pm
by Enochian.Mage
Scrying the Alphabet

Trying to compare the Enochian Alphabet to something, the closest I
could possibly fathom, is the ‘scientific’ Element Periodic
Table/Chart… if it suddenly incorporated a gazillion more elements.
…Or, some type of Chemical Compounds which formulate words.
Or if I assigned various Letters to Tree of Life.
Each Enochian Letter sequence creates Meridian Harmonics, Etheric
Activations, Celestial Dynamics, Coordinates of Light.
They are DNA on Paper…literally…
The Letters dance under a Microscope and bewilder Telescopes.
They are Quantum Computers uploading bytes of information into
your Brain…every time you reference Them.
Recall the EE explicitly commanding Dee & Kelley to write some of
the letter sequences Backwards.
It is…that Powerful.

Enochian Entities -Alpha Omega -By SaToGa.pdf
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