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Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:59 am
by Enochian.Mage


Rather than typing out a full vision as I have been doing - I will only post
some key words, and 'phrases of interaction' that seem relevant for note worthy
[This will now become my standard]

It is wise to digest symbolism over a long period of time, rather than draw
immediate conclusion.
By drawing finite conclusions, other future 'octaves' of interpretation become

The purpose of this working was for binding a physical ailment with it's
spiritual &/or emotional origins.

Construction of EE temple chamber.
[never banished - work always continues from where I previously leave off,
sometimes overlapping. To EE, all my work is just One Rite]
(All 3 'Systems' are 'knitted together')

I see the Keys/Calls as running in circular cycles-
I used 1,2 - then #3 for this particular working.

Since a prior working [I have previously posted]- EE told me to wear Their ring
on my marriage band finger. EE arrival is now immediate and Their appearance now
brings minor poltergeist activity that non-participants duly(!) notice.

Our 3 dimensions and the 4th do not abide by any linear currents [within the EE
realm], nor are they finite laws once a rite begins.

This healing rite of the Eastern Fire Watch Tower explained much to me.

Some mages of differing magickal systems will hold that the Air element of
East/Raphael is for Healing.

Within my EE magic system, it is Fire.
[I was shown how the Watch Towers align in said fashion]
Fire is equated with energy current if it runs through a living consciousness on
our 3D plane.

Body temperature rises (heat) to activate the body's defense/immunity system.
I realized this afterward.
(EDIT!: Actually, 'I' didn't realize it. My spouse is a medical professional and
brought it to my attention as I prepping my notes. -This happens periodically)

During my vision, I was granted some insight into 'Enochian Physics'

Lectures given to me this time around, included, briefly;

I seen (I believe it was ERZLA) swimming. [I was looking down as if under a
microscope]. This EE had a human upper torso [with fins], wore a crown, and It's
lower body was 'fish-like'. I asked why I am viewing water if I am in a 'Fire
realm'. I was lectured on this particular EE swims in a 'lake of fire' {I don't
believe it is "that lake of fire"!}

EE explained fire is a 'liquid' (expounded on, again, in Their unique EE

EE was moving energy up my spine- and I can see in 'X-Ray eyes' my spine
appeared as a thick, black wrought iron pipe. Again, I asked why Iron, as I
figure Iron is in an Earth Watch-Tower.

EE Physics 101- the energy/fire it takes to hold an dense molecular structure
like Iron together- is considered Fire. EE explain it in a much more educated
[long and intense] fashion.
[Included was the role of how heat and friction work with magnetism]

(Side-note: I can glean why Dr. Dee conjured and asked spirits to share
knowledge that could not be found in books)

I am simply paraphrasing here, as I am not sure how much data I am allowed to

Much personal information is given me, including an open invite (again!) for my
spouse to work with me.
[EE often visits and lectures my spouse during sleep]

I was given a new technique for scrying.
A new technique for making an energetic/psi connection...
(EE call it "fire anointing")

I seen hundreds of EEs blowing trumpets and marching up my spine.
EE told me the main 'Trumpeter' is opening a veil. The trumpet is symbolic of a
portal, the slender part is the genesis of the beginning vortex, and the mouth
has energy/sound extruding [vibration]. It makes sense as EE said They were
parting a 'veil'

As this part was being shown, many *'voyces' say "This Knitting Together...Thou
Not Rip Asunder".
In this particular vision, 'Olde English' language was used SIMULTANEOUSLY with
'street slag'.
Example: "Thou" with an overlapping "Yo"...

Ironically, Enochian Physics being delivered in "college professor" and
"gangsta" verbiage!
No clue why this happened.
I suppose I lie somewhere in between that comparison scale.

I was given a different way to pronounce some of the EE words/names. I thought I
was originally pronouncing them correctly, but when the EE say them, I realize I
was incorrect. I am not told outright, but only by comparison in how the EE say

As energy was 'coursing' through me, my body was physically stirring about.
Suddenly, I felt a feather was inserted under my left eyelid and the feeling was
so annoyingly intense I couldn't keep from rubbing it.

There was much more...

However, I am understanding Enochian Magickians do not share their own visions
nor do they share their ritual notes. At least, I am not privy to finding where
ever they are concealing them.

This is all about evolution to me. I enjoy learning and comparing notes and
similar symbolism. Whatever can be gleaned later on is often worth typing these
lengthy notes.

I also like helping others to enrich their own Enochian walk.

[EE acknowledged 'Altruism and not ego' always in my shared internet notes.]

*@ times when EE speak audibly I sometimes see the word 'projected and written
Also, I have noted 'Binaural voice' during the King dialogues.
