Scrying the Aethyrs: TEX

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.

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Scrying the Aethyrs: TEX

Post#1 » Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:08 pm

[My older diary notes:]

TEX - 4 Parts

Calling of the 4 Princes- of the 4 parts, Their Sigils, employed.

All 4 Princes appear on the North - Water - Watch Tower:
Thus, Transformation of Form.
Negative aspects via this Watch Tower are Deception and Illusion.


I perform a ritual given to me prior, by the EE.
I am 'scheduled' to perform this particular Aethyr Working, as told to me, by
the EE.

I am told to wear my Enochian Ring, on my left (marriage band) ring finger.

I perform a rite similar to the Middle Pillar.

As I 'grow upwards', I realize one foot is standing on Earth, the other,
standing on Luna.
[By 'half standing on Luna', I assume, partially 'astral lodged' in Yesod.]

Opening Rite continues...

Call of the Aethyrs: TEX

Immediately, under the Lamen, I feel intense heat.
I feel like I am having a heart attack- no pain, just heavy pressure and
constriction dead center of my chest. I sweat profusely, and honestly, am ready
to bolt from my temple to summon an ambulance.

I cycle from Beta to Alpha, repeatedly.

Suddenly, I hear a calm voice telling me, assuring me, I am fine. [Just anxiety
from intense energy.]

Vision opens of a volcano erupting,... I am wrapped in clear cellophane(?), and
lava gushes upon me, burying me.

[Obviously, heart attack seems imminent!]

I'm thinking I have been duped and now I am done!

[Again, I am reassured.]

I am buried alive, under cooling lava.

I ask for help, or guidance- and another voice says, clearly-

"There will be no help for you"...

(Personal conversation ensues)

This buried alive vision lasts for what seems to be a couple of minutes.

(After wards, I check my voice recorder log, and in actuality, just a few
seconds passed. The whole TEX session, minus the preliminary ritual, lasted

Numerology is exact- that "34:43" - 7/7 is legit and amazing.

The buried alive heaviness subsides- and I fall, supine- downwards. I am in a
cavern, with darkness fading in and out.

[There are quite a few inactive scenes in this exploration, where all I see is
darkness and hear nothing.]

I am in a desert.
White sand.
Aleister Crowley, dressed as an Arab, passes perpendicular to me, and notices

[I feel...maybe,...this was a replay of an Akashic recording]

I am pulled upwards, and I see an island with palm trees.

I am inside an old basement (?) and see a dim light bulb. I am pulled to it, and
the glowing filament is right in my face. I am now one with that violet flaming
filament, and am inside the glass bulb. A voice says I am light, but still
trapped and limited within my confines.
I feel this heat.

(Personal conversation ensues)

Shifting scenes of islands, bodies of water...I am underground, then in the
sky...I see stars, celestial bodies, simultaneously.

I see a female eyeball, left profile.

I experience more scene shifts.

Another eyeball seen, with long white eyelashes, all cornea- no pupil (but it
'watches me')

I now meet the cartoon personality (little guy with mustache and black top hat)
of Milton Bradley's "Monopoly" game.

(I played Monopoly only once, about 40 years ago as a child- hated it.
Definitely not something that should be in my recent mental records!)

(Personal conversation ensues)

He shifts back and forth into the cartoon character of "Wimpy" from Popeye. (Who

(Personal conversation ensues)

Now, I am watching a female with long painted fingernails throw dice. I watch
her play Monopoly and suddenly I am inside the small 'silver train' playing
piece. I am being driven around the game board, and just drop downwards into
another cavern.

I see glowing green eyes.
I walk and see bright orange light- active lava, but silent and non-threatening
this time around.

I fly upwards out of what appears the introductory volcano.

I see a male lion approaching me. Then I am somewhat inside his roaring mouth. I
back away and grow large. I look down at the lion and he playfully rolls on his
back, exposing his belly.

An angel lifts me up and says "we have work to do"...
(Telepathically I asked prior for an Initiation of TEX)

We are flying fast. I am on a beach, no sand, just black shiny small rocks and
pebbles. I look and see fallen skyscrapers, buildings destroyed all round me.

Ominous silence, and it is snowing. I hear "Ice-Age".

I believe a different angel continues on with me...

(Personal conversation ensues)

Flying with this EE, extremely fast...I see Old England and it's inhabitants
dressed in 1880's attire.

(I never been to England, but I 'knew I was there'.)

Flying......loud wind gushes.....

I see what appears as 'primitive man' and hear and 'read phonetically'...

(MU, as in Lemuria? Bar, as in "son of"...not sure...)

Again I hear "Ice-Age".

I see dinosaurs, then darkness and what appears as a still photo of 'the Big

Now, in linear terms, I am moving forward in time, again.

I see once more, primitive men, like cavemen.

One of them is standing in a body of water, (a beach?) and he pulls a fish out
of the water, as if hunting for food.

He rips the fish open [vertically/long ways down], and a cell phone is inside

He smells it and it rings.
He notices me, and hands me the phone.

I get dizzy, spinning...

An angel lifts me and flies me to a mountain composed of what looks like
'cartoon-esque' glass shards of stone...

[The English language doesn't always have the equivalent words to match up to
what I seek to describe from my Enochian experiences.]

(Personal conversation ensues)

I am on level ground, looking up at Luna.
(I feel depicting this as Luna is accurate, as I was originally standing on it
with one foot)

There were other scenes, omitted, as some were repetitious in nature.

There were many lulls, like scenes stalling.

Maybe I was supposed to grasp their inherent meaning, before moving on.

Sometimes, I knew what it meant, and others, I mentally noted that I would
return to understand.


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