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Saiinou- West

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:04 am
by Enochian.Mage
West- Air- White

[I do a specific ritual the EE have given me, asking me not to reveal it as of yet. Again, EE tells me to record it and tell others, but not to mention certain details, that being one of them.]

I see a tiny sun turn inside out. [Snaps right into my face, like a rubber band, but painless]

I hear loud wind then see a tornado with gold specks. It opened up and I seen a small infant angel [have some short communication] which escorts me to see Saiinou. I fly upwards twirling [dizzy]

He appeared as an old, somewhat annoyed man, with a gold head band and gold small wings protruding from His head and a 'toga that looked like shear gauze'. When I spoke to Him, and explained what I wanted, He parted a pure white wall behind him and what appeared was an all white universe, like the negative of a NASA photo. He called it 'white matter'.
He opens up His Body and removes it like a shroud, to
reveal a female with 'yellow hair', looking like a Hollywood actress in her 40's.
Later on, She almost looked like Hillary Clinton if she was artificially glamorized for theater.

I am told Libra, I "see" Venus. I left a large celestial body, and found out when returning it was our moon, which Saiinou said 'was a landing spot to which they are able to meet us accordingly, like Yetzirah', [Saiinou did not say Yesod],.. 'but different in many aspects' (?)

[I hear that as an echo of many voices.]

Much dialogue is exchanged, mostly personal.

I ask if EE have an agenda...

A floating eye appears, looking like a sad Cocker spaniel's eye- She asked if I 'expected a magnificent all seeing eye like that of a hawk'?
She said most are not worthy of seeing that as EE are disappointed with the lack of evolution the human species have shown.
I asked if I might see that power, and I see an 'eye of power' in blinking mode, the lid being closed prior to it being opened again.
I understood this.

I asked what could be done for improvement and she said
'only a minute part of humanity are aware but the few awakened ones act as conduits for the rest'.
I asked how it was possible and she showed me a huge boat with many people being driven by one man, and then he dropping an anchor and cause all the occupants to no longer move in motion because of his single action.

More personal dialogue.

Getting dizzy, always chariots moving, I can 'see' winds blowing like in cartoons.

I heard her at one time physically speak 3 words loudly into my left ear, and I jumped.
This was definitely outside my head!

I was initiated by eating a small scroll made of white parchment wrapped in a gold band. 'I heard someone else ate this bitter scroll too'.I asked why this and she said I will digest this knowledge and it will be readily available when I need it.

She gave me instructions for my next ritual and said I was now through with my initiation.

She spoke a lot about time, & synchronicity, as it moves like a cloud, and we move with it, the reason we do not recognize it as a tangible anymore than wind can not be seen but can knock you down 'with grace and by force'.
[but I 'seen' cartoon wind prior to that]

Very intellectual conversation(s), much told to me by many voices- all in a 'matter of factly' tone.

I asked, [conversation in reverse], if I get my gold wings, and She makes me feel them.

She appears now as a super-imposed figure of herself with the first old man with the gold headband.

I 'hear' in my subconscious 'androgynous'

I start in a mid conversation, like this experience is now being rewound...
'I thought emotions were water'? Saiinou says 'what stirs the emotions and keeps them moving'? 'The stirring of this intellect is movement of our kingdom, that gives [mental clarity] thoughts to conceive the feelings, thus we work in unison with the water kingdoms'.(plural)

Suddenly, Her eyes get wide and She appears as a huge dragon, and Her eye zooms up real close to mine and said 'We are all dragons'. [At that moment I understood, but later on, the understanding slipped away.]

I ask if I am writing this down to tell others and also for what reason. She says 'What did HTMORDA and LAIDROM tell you'?
[They spoke about me writing a EE book someday to reveal the information they are to give me]

I physically opened my eyes for a quick second and I do not see myself (at all!) in my scrying mirror for a few seconds.

That brought me out of alpha state too quick, as I could still feel energy flying up my solar plexus.
Very disoriented afterwards.

There is much more, so much more.
Like recalling fragments of a dream after being awake for awhile.
