Dangers in contacting your head spirit?

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Dangers in contacting your head spirit?

Post#1 » Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:18 pm

I've been looking for someone who can do something for me and this guy seems the best option. http://www.molochsorcery.com I'm wary of online casters because I know that so many of them are fake but this one has been given great reviews on spsforum. He's extremely expensive but I'll do whatever it takes, and I have saved up the money for the $300 reading which he recommends everyone to do.
Part of what he does is consult with one's 'head spirit' (I don't really know much about this) but apparently other people have been told by other casters that this can be very dangerous? Could someone tell me exactly what it is, why it's dangerous and what can happen?
Because my first thought would be that a person's 'head spirit' would be the main spirit guiding them who only has their best interest at heart. So why would it be dangerous for someone to consort with this spirit on your behalf? I'm very confused.

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