The healing heart of the ATRs

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Magister Templi
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The healing heart of the ATRs

Post#1 » Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:44 pm

Someone recently asked me about whether the ATRs have any healing rituals? This question shocked me but then I thought I would try and clear up this question. As I started writing someone else posed the same question so there must have been something in the air. Can it be that some people on here still view the ATRs as zombies and coercive sex??
In short the answer to the question is “Yes”. The ATRs have a wealth of healing rituals that are simply not seen in Western Magic. Having seen rituals done by Paleros, the Congolese Ba’Kinda and Orishas worshipers here and in Nigeria I can claim that without a doubt. In the minds of the uninitiated chatterers there is a lot of black magic but for those inside the magical systems and those who have benefited from the healing practices. Then it is very clear.
What is unique is the way that divination is central to all of the ATRs and the personal gnosis it brings to the individual. Some of the members of this forum may have noted that I suggest divination very often n my contributions to various threads here. This divination base is something unique to the ATRs as I have never seen such emphasis placed on divination within the lodges and covens I have come across since my initiation 30 -odd years ago.
What of the famed destructive magic as used in the ATRs? Well magic is magic is magic. I was taught that magic can be used for both constructive purposes or destructive purposes. I would call it racist to mention the ATRs as destructive and ignore Western magic. What of the demons in Western Magic or even the rite of St Secaire as seen in the Golden Bough? In my naiveté I would have thought magicians would be more discerning than believing what is read in the Tabloids and supermarket rags like the National Enquirer.
Part of the divination will always have a “health check” where illness or misfortune can be discussed will be raised. For example, when I was being initiated to Orunmila as a Babalawo I was warned about having rich blood. How many Western Witches and Magicians can claim that a health check was part of their initiation? I certainly did not receive one when I did my Adept grade initiation. The Ifa divinatory system has 256 divination signs each of which a specific health warning be it illness, accident or other life threatening condition.
Seeing that my highest initiation is in the Yoruba system of the ATR I suppose it is inevitable that my references would be Yoruba - based. There is a huge body of herbal lore that has developed that further inform the use of herbs for magic and physical healing. The associated with herbs in their magical use is Osain and one whole has Osain is called an Osainista. A true Osainista woud know almost 1000 herbs and would know the uses of their barks, flowers, roots (Herbs are upside down entities) and branches. Even the “Palo” of Palo Mayombe relates to a bundle of 21 different twigs that used for constructive and destructive magic.
Some warning are about taboo foodstuffs such as eating small fish (risk of choking), and various meats and vegetables all of my fellow priests have at least one taboo food. Many Oshun followers have an egg taboo that means they do not eat eggs. The saying is that what you respect could one day save your life. This is indirectly true of eggs which are used in bacterial product cultures.
The divination could also warn of spirit oppression by larvae, the hungry dead or worse. This sort of oppression is seldom written of in western magic. There are specific rituals that are taught to rid people of such issues. There are a host of cleansing rituals and people are encouraged to practice psychic hygiene. Some people are more susceptible to this kind of trouble than others. Those that are clairvoyant are at greater risk.
One of the most well - known cleansing rituals involves cleaning with chickens and herbs as does the Jewish KAPPAROT ritual.
Then there is a herbalism
There are rituals of physical, mental and Psychic wellbeing that have to do with the invocation of the HGA and the Orisha that is closest to the individual which may or may not be their tutelary Orisha.
One cannot wonder if Crowley was ever in touch with his HGA given the level of misfortune he suffered after attaining Knowledge and Conversation of his HGA. Perhaps he chose not to listen to his HGA - which is always a bad thing. He who knows never dies like he who does not know.
The vulgar is at everyone's command. Eirenaeus Philalethes - The marrow of Alchemy

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