Passing the hat to support Studio Arcanis.

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Passing the hat to support Studio Arcanis.

Post#1 » Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:03 pm

Greetings all ...

Since the relaunch of this forum, our illustrious Philodox has not only handled all the tech chores, he's also paid all of the bills, all by himself.

And, while had always intended to run Studio Arcanis the same way that Vovin supported Evocation Magic, which was by voluntary donations of the members, of whatever amount they felt reasonable ... Over the last 6 years, we never got around to implementing the donation program, and Pdox just quietly paid the bills all by himself.

Finally, he's listened, and agreed that it's time for us to help him out with the financial load.

We're meeting up tonight to work out the donation program details. And I'll be back to discuss it all with everyone.

The next important date for the forum, is the hosting renewal at the end of July. Which is why I'm getting the ball rolling even though we don't have all the details worked out yet.

Any questions, thoughts, comments, feel free...


Ars non Fortuna

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