Moderation of topics

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Moderation of topics

Post#1 » Mon May 15, 2017 5:41 pm

We seem to be on a bit of an upswing in traffic. Both of new folks, and returning experienced voices. Which is great to see. Probably a good time to remind everyone of a loose set of ground rules:

1) We're all practitioners of something. Most folks here have been doing what they do for a long time.

2) There is no sacrosanct dogma. We have Solomonics, Bardonists, Witches, Shamanics, Sorcerers ... the only defining thing is that we mostly all warp our own realities utilizing methods not generally accepted by materialist science.

3) Debates are absolutely fine. Heated debates are fine. After all "rubbin's racing" ... but

4) No direct attacks on someone's person. No drama. Keep it focused on the argument not the poster.

5) No spell begging. If you are looking for assistance, then let us know what you've been doing first. We're not a counseling center, we're not here to spoon-feed. Most of us are glad to give troubleshooting advice. But you have to be doing the work before any help makes sense.

6) Posts may be deleted at the sole discretion of the admins and mods.

7) While the line between UPG and pure fantasy might be thin, posts that have no substantive content, posted in one of the topical sub-forums are subject to deletion

8) Arguing the decisions of a moderator in the forum will result in the post's immediate deletion and a 24 hour ban. Address any and all concerns to a moderator or admin in Private Message.


Ars non Fortuna

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