Or they post something "I used the search but found nothing about goetia".
Or "there is too much information..."
First of all, we do not intend to be rude. But this does not mean an infinite amount of patience too.
We expect all to have read the forum rules and guidelines. And one important is:
Use the search function
Please try the search function before you post a question there is a good chance somebody else discussed the same topic.
We expect anyone to have done his/her homework.
The members are not your personal "search button". So, don't expect others to do your search if becomes clear you have to try it before.
Search available sources is a pre-requisite to studying and practicing evocation magick as many other areas related.
And doing your work also is very important to reach positive results with time.
We are in the 21st century! Computer systems help a lot in searching for information. So use it!
But is always good to remember, how harder is to search for information just using paper books.
Just try to open a dozen books looking for some information and compare this effort with how easy becomes to learn the basics of a forum search function. This includes search engines like Google.
With the Search button, there’s a “advanced search” function.
Enter there when you have something with too many results or just to find faster what you need. That allows for filtering data in many ways.
For example, instead of searching all words, look first for titles, then for related words (correspondences), or by subforum.
Have a dictionary around if you don't know some words and find them synonymous.
Another useful resource when you are searching inside some big topics is the "Search this topic" button (left side of the computer screen.
The following text (Quaerere) suggests some basic tips with a bit of humor. Use it.
(The Search)
Extending the search button problems discussion, maybe we can do some work and even create a short grimoire as a workaround and also, a learning tool on ritual magic to develop contact with such forces and how to control it.
A named suggestion is:
"De Monstrum Horrendum Malum Daemonis Puga Pyga Quaero"
Where the authors discuss the occult aspects of the Art and the ways to contact your Holy Guardian Button.
So, this work may include:
Usura de illa tabulis in scrutans circa magica. - The table of correspondences is the best magician tool for the wise choice of words to search;
Hierarcharum argumenta scrutans. - About the natural attraction of topics with others on the same areas;
Tertia non est terminus. - About the magic realms frontiers. That goes beyond the first three results;
Arcana in altera paginae. - Working with the extended magic circle to safely look at the hidden nature of the next result pages.
Protection ex segnities amuletum. - The secret grimoire hyper-power talisman for protection against sleep and laziness.
The grimorioum must also cover, some comments about specific rituals for the learning process, such as Mercury Spirits and Goetic daemons who teach advanced sciences, like reading and understanding of the written words, dictionary use, and pressing keyboard buttons.
Some authors may be special guests to comment on advanced topics like "using Google", "how to search for already existing symbols and seals", etc.
An extra appendix will cover how to use Translator programs for a basic understanding of Latin, German, French, Italian, Japanese, and Hindi.

Also see this important topics list:
Some suggested topics anyone must read